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Court system Suggestion

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Level 12
IGN: Ironics_Playz21
Date: 11/12/2020

Mention/Suggestion: For a while now, I think a court system would be a very cool and exclusive new way of GangRP situations or just general public problems. Instead of just being arrested and teleported, I feel like there should be due process for one's actions, before getting instantly in jail. It would be a cool to strategize for a chance to get off the hook.

-Another compliment to this would welcome: Black Market Lawyers

Black market lawyers would be paid a certain amount depending on the situation of the accused, and would have an increasingly high chance to win the court case. Not sure about it being guaranteed , but regular lawyers would be inferior compared to black market lawyers.

Judge pay: Every 10-15 court cases, would receive 200k-450k

Lawyer pay: Depending on the extremities, lawyers would be payed between 45k-100k, if they win the case, and less if the do not succeed. And lawyers MUST always defend his/her client. No matter how much they disagree with the persons actions.

Black Market Lawyer pay: Since these guys are gonna be articulate and
persuasive, they would be paid much more; like 150k-500k. This would be fair instead of paying 2 million and waiting a while OOCLY to get your character back or for other illegal cases.

Judge Rules: - Judges must always assume innocence until proven guilty.

- Must not be involved personally to the accused.

- Once they confirm guilt, it's settled.

- One they confirm innocence, it's settled.

- Judges have fearRP over the whole court.



Level 77
Once again, it’s SchoolRP- not CityRP. If this was to be introduced, it would completely change the server to revolve around CityRP. It just wouldn’t work and, to me- seems extremely boring and repetitive.

In regards to @Carol ’s reply, yes- it was denied. The reason for it being denied were because of the reasons above.


Level 137
It's not going to become a thing again. A single court case takes a lot of time for planning and etc, it also can take up to 3 hours per court case and not everyone has that much time. There are many many many many many arrests taken every day and having a court case (or trial) for them will take too much time from everyone's busy schedules

It'd be a waste of time as every arrest is made with clear and obvious proof, having a person hold out a katana in front of a cop and plead innocent will and can happen
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