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Crimson Bloodlin Biography


Level 10

《†Crimson Bloodlin†》


【†⛤Basic Information⛤†】
«⛤―First Name―⛤»
«⛤―preferred Name―⛤»
126 lbs

Crimson's form would be a slim yet curvy pear like figure. Having slender shoulders and arms, full hips and plump thighs despite having a slightly toned figure and an average bust size.
«⛤―Skin Color―⛤»
Her skin is a pale almost gray like color, with a pinkish red undertone on her cheeks.
«⛤―Eye Color―⛤»
A dark ruby red with a darker blood colored middle.
«⛤―Hair Style―⛤»
Her hair would be a medium length,
fluffy yet slightly messy style that lay over her shoulders and upper back while also covering up some of her face.
Covering over her left eye specifically.
«⛤―Hair Color―⛤»
Her hair would naturally be an ebony black, half of it bleached and dyed a silky sheet white color
in remembrance of her mother who had long white hair.
Clothing wise, she'd be seen wearing an array of casual gothic/grudge style outfits that are, feminine and masculine.
Silver jewelry from cross necklaces and chains to ruby rings and pentagram earrings, going with the
clothing she wears of dark blood reds and midnight blacks alongside chunky black boots and fishnets.
Her style similar to the common Goth of today.
download.jpg• @BabyGirl •.jpg25 Cool Outfit Ideas For Alternative Girls In 2022.png
She has a small almost heart shaped mark under her left eye above her cheek,
some saying its fake, but it happens to be real.
«⛤―Date of Birth―⛤»

October 6th 20XX

«⛤―Place of Birth―⛤»
Crimson was born in Romania, in the city of Craiova
«⛤―Sexual Orientation―⛤»
having an interest in men and women yet is in the closet.
«⛤―Religious Beliefs―⛤»
Crimson doesn't believe in religions, though she is open minded to the fact there
is a higher power above them all and will worship that dark entity.
«⛤―Political Beliefs―⛤»
She ignores all political information, not believing much in so, while herself
doesn't like authority she doesn't care.
【†⛤General Appearance⛤†】

5,3 young women
with medium length hair. Her hair is split dyed, one side a sheet white, the other ebony black, the white side covering her eye. Her skin is an almost sickly grey and her lips are painted black in a perfect shape. Red eyeshadow covers her eyelids that matches her long-sleeved, off the shoulder crop top. Her pants are dark, large and ripped at the knees and bundle up at her boots, which add a few inches to her height. Around her neck is a black choker and a chain which ends with a silver cross. Large pentacle earrings dangle aside her neck. She also has a septum piercing and piercings below her bottom lip. She has hooded eyes, her irises being a deep red color a kindle to blood.

Crimson is unfriendly and can be stubborn and aggressive to people she doesn't know or like talking to her.
Despite be disrespectful to others and authority, she shows genuine empathy to

those who she does know
and has a close relationship with. Even when she's 18, she acts like a rebellious teenager getting into
trouble more often than not even when she didn't start it.

Crimson has a skin condition called "Solar Urticaria"
a sun allergy that causes hives to break out on the skin when it's exposed to the sunlight.
She always carries an umbrella when out in the daytime.
«⛤―Character Voice―⛤»
Crimson's voice is on the lower side, her voice more monotone yet on the more feminine side.
Her voice going higher in pitch when she raises her voice, yet it still remains to be darker.
2:00 - 2:18
«⛤Equipment/What they carry⛤»
She is usually seen carrying multiple items, an umbrella to shade her skin from the Sunlight,
A cigarette or two if not a box of them, And a pocketknife for protection. As well as the essentials like her cellar device, wallet, apartment key and ID.
Her outfit is simple. A dark red long-sleeved, off the shoulder crop top.
Dark denim jeans, large and ripped at the knees that bundle up at her chunky dark boots. Seen around her neck is a black choker and a chain which ends with a silver cross.
Large pentacle earrings dangle from her ears.
She also has a septum piercing and a snake bite piercing below her bottom lip.
In Crimson's pass time she often goes out at night and explores abandoned property, usually just walking around in the shadows smoking. She's usually seen reading a book or two of more unsettling topics and others.
Crimson also loves binge watching horror movies and documentaries, having an unsettling fascination of death.
«⛤Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities⛤»
Crimson has some things wrong with her. Having an addiction to tobacco, one reason she

carries cigarettes with her everywhere. She has Depression, having been seen as the runt of her family and dealing with the death of her mother more than her siblings. Shes recovered from having Anorexia Nervosa and is still in the process of caring for herself and making sure she stays in line, mentally and physically. Though no one knows she had an eating disorder, not even her parents did. She also suffers of Insomnia, usually unable to sleep.

Crimson has a few skills, the main one being basic combat to protect herself, knowing how to fight with her fists.
She picked up on how to blow smoke rings from an old friend, she even knows how to parkour a decent amount as she
usually ends up in strange situations.
Another skill she has is writing, even if she isn't interested in being an author, she writes on her free time about anything and everything that comes to her mind.
She isn't as close to her family anymore sense moving to karakura alone.
Older Sister- Velvet Bloodlin {Has small amount of contact to}
Older Brother- Jett Bloodlin {no contact to}
Father- Bramington Bloodlin {no contact to}
Mother- Samara Bloodlin {deceased}
Crimson Bloodlin was born and raised in Romania as the youngest child of the Bloodlin family.
From birth, Crimson was a mama's girl. Her father was strict, sometimes downright abusive, especially to Crimson, the runt of the family. When she was young, a mere 13 years of age, her mother, her closest friend, was assassinated, leaving her to the wolves of her family. The assassin belonged to no other than the rival mafia leader. That's right, her father is none other than the leader of The Blood Thirsty Devilry. Quite a lengthy name, isn't it? Before her 18th birthday, her father told her she was to marry the son of the other mafia leader. Crimson was taken aback and screamed at him, angry at him and the other gang. And what was worse, the dude was the son of the assassin who killed her mom! She decided she needed a new life, somewhere far from her home. She snuck out in the middle of the night and hopped a freight train. She stayed on until it came to a sudden halt. She's arrived in Karakura, a place she had never heard of. She quickly settled in, and, for reasons unknown to her, people flock to her. They often compliment her hair or her more unusual features such as her eyes or grey skin.
{credits to my super cool writer friend for helping me}​
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Level 266
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
hey she's the one who tried to fight my cop character! nice bio & art


Level 194
Okok i don't know the character but this looks fucking EPIC! I love the bio and how you formated it, goes well together. The art is just mmm lmk who made it - 20/10

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