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Crovantist | Reporter application.


Level 14
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OOC (Out-Of-Character)
What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?
Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes I do have discord and yes I have a working Microphone. My username is "crovantist"​
List your timezone and country:
EST | United States | Florida​
Describe your activity:

No work!!!​
Work at home​
Work at home​
Work at home​
Work at home​
No work!!!​
No work!!​

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Most of my motivation comes from recently when I saw a few people I knew become reporters in the previous wave. I noticed they enjoyed it quite a bit and got to participate in numerous interviews for their upcoming reports that they were going to make, it was pretty fun. Though it wasn't much at the time it was still a good time and got to make memories with those people and wish to help other people in the community participate in stuff like that. Another MAIN motivation is the bond my character has made with the reporters, especially with Kazuo DeLuca how the two have become close and like brothers in a way, from being thrown out of windows, to making jokes with each other. I feel it would just be a really nice reason to get the two closer. Now a side reason for wanting to join the reporter faction is the aspect of being able to RP as, essentially the eye-openers of the town which I already do with the gang I'm in. I've spread info to reporters in character so that they could make reports on them. But if I get accepted, I could do that myself and add my own twist.​
Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Well, I've been writing for a long time, English isn't my first language so it isn't always going to be perfect, but I think it's pretty good as it is. I've been in an Intel gang for a long while now where you have to write detailed files on people that you interview which is something I've grown very good at. I've looked at a few people in the reporter faction look over their reports to see if it looks good, and I've read up on a few of the reports that have been put out. I've also been working on my Canva skills by learning from a friend so that will soon be (hopefully) improved. I'm very excited to improve and only continue to expand my skills if I get accepted, and still grow if I don't.​
Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I've read the rules a few times now due to GangRP reasonings and going around and finding out. I still promise to uphold the rules to the best of my ability.​
Why should we accept you over others?:
Despite not having that much of a record in factions, I think it'd be a good choice to pick me over others, just to see what I am capable of doing. Another reason is that I share a few passions that correlate with reporting like writing, gossiping, and simply learning things about people and their opinions. I feel the reporter faction is a good place to start if I ever wanted to join another faction as a resume type of thing. Joining a reporter would be like a nice dip in the water for what factions can consist of and things you can do that you can't do as just a grade 12 or a college student. I enjoy trying my best to learn new things with factions, I always ask what things are like in other factions like Faculty KPD and EMS, but none of them really grasped my attention like reporter because, I don't know man I just like writing.​
Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I am, in fact, aware that I must show no bias when it comes to reports, even if I want to be, I will bite my tongue and stay in the middle. I will remain completely liable.​
Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I am fully confident that I will be able to stay active because I will mostly be focusing on my quota, then RP. Work first, fun later.​
Summaries what you imagine work as a reporter is:
Strictly from what I've seen, it looks like they get to go around the town and learn about what's going on in the server, whether it be a gang meeting, a street race, or even a riot that happens at the Town Hall. They get to participate in public events and later then get to have a chance to give the people a voice about the situation. One of the things I oddly look forward to are the daily reports such as weather sports events and just simple updates about day-to-day life.​

IC (In-Character)
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
"I can't believe the full name is needed. It's Ezio Calderon, Togomi-Sterling, one and only."​
Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
"Just call me Ezio, or Sterling. Or Ez, honestly doesn't matter all that much to me, I'm a chill dude."​
Current Age (25+):
"I miss the days when you didn't question people's age for things, and got away with a lot of purchases. But I just turned 25."​
Past job/work experience:
"Uhh, well I previously worked at as a professional annoyance for the Town Hall, that was a while ago. Other than that, no jobs."​
"Ain't got nothin' but a journalism bach to my name. Just tryna get some money."​
Nationality and born location:
"Well, I was born in Italy, my mom was Mexican so I guess I'm Mexican-Italian. I can make a mean plate of spaghetti."​
Phone Number:
"Gee at least ask me out to dinner first. It's (030)-141-5713. I'll see you at 8."​
How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
"Explosive, definitely explosive. Most of my friends have described me as a live wire. I've been known to make sudden decisions without listening. I can also be a colorful person I guess, I'm open to all things, parties, calm nights, movie nights. Honestly, I'm one hell of a guy if you ask me, arrogant, flashy, funny, good at fighting, and defending my friends. There used to be a guy I was friends with, we made jokes about people all the time. But yeah, TL;DR I'm a cool guy."
What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
"I'm mostly interested in informing people about the gang activity in this town, or maybe events going on in Town Hall. All around the town seems nice if you ask me, there's a bunch of stuff people don't really know about or look into. Like EMS mental health, that stuff's gotta be rough with all the things they see and hear every day. But honestly, all of this will be easy to achieve with my skill, I'm good at talkin' with people, have a decent reputation with the town, spoke to the Mayor plenty of times, sent out the head reporters window, twice. I think it's a pretty good reputation. My comfort zone doesn't exist, I'll get into gang wars to learn about both sides and trespass into estates to see if there's anything good they are hiding. Some pretty fun stuff that goes on behind closed doors."​
What are your expectations for the job?:
"Honestly I just wanna have a nice job that will supply me with a roof over my head. I don't have high expectations or low expectations. Go out, get some reports, get some new articles for people to read, keep them entertained for a bit, and then write some more. This town never has new news, always something going on. I'm excited to drive the news van though, maybe take it for a spin around Tiger's Eye."​
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
"Man, is this really needed? I got arrested once as a kid, had some illegal weaponry on me, tried to get away, and failed. Got arrested for Possession of Illegal Weaponry and Evasion, total bail was 200,000 yen. If you're wondering, I had a battle axe on me. Not, a fun time."​
Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
"Uhhh, well, I know Spanish, I know Japanese, I know Italian and I know Japanese Sign Language. Fluent in all four."​

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.​

The Symphony of Karakura
By: Ezio C. Togomi-Sterling

Karakura is well known for it's numerous talents, some are good at acting, some are good at cooking, some are even good at sports! But one that is the most underrated, Music! People all around this town are extremely talented in playing music, today I go over the very talented lady who is seen walking around town with her, very large family! I welcome you to take some time to yourself, sit back and relax, and read a nice article about an old lady who plays music.

Abeni-Zari K. Togomi - The Flowing Pianist
Abeni is a lovely lady old lady who is in her late 30's, who not only plays numerous instruments, but also has a gigantic family! She was born in South Africa, where she is a self taught Pianist, who travelled around the world, learning about different cultures instruments, and sometimes even performed! She has settled down in Karakura to grow a family, with a two sons, and a daughter, teaching to college students about Music Education

Karakura may be known for it's crime, corruption, and malpractice but sometimes it's nice to take a look at the beautiful things in life! Like old ladies playing piano! Old ladies playing drums! Even better! Old ladies rocking hard and jamming out on drum sets! Karakura is one of the most bizarre towns there are, many opportunities await, just as many jail cells too. Choose wisely! So be like Abeni! Old, and talented.

Do you have something you wish to let us know about? Give us a ring!
(030)-980-4487 (P.S. No, I will not be picking up calls about your life problems, I'm looking at you Blaire Togomi.)

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.​

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[!] An MP3 file began to run as it followed a transcript! The sound of two men having a conversation played [!]

[!] The sound of a coat shuffling into a position as a man spoke. [!]
"Thank you for allowing me to have this talk with you, Eli Zennix."

[!] The sound of a gentle hum before a voice thickened [!]
"Please is all mine. Now, what is this interview needed for?"
[!] The sound of a coat rustling once more [!]
"Your time in the Yakuza, and how it's changed your life, being a father and all."

[!] The sound of a finger tapping against a table. [!]
"Ah, that, I see, then shall we get on with the questioning?"


"Gladly, now before I start the questioning, this is being recorded for the interview, is that alright?"

[!] A chuckle briefly filled an room of silence. [!]
"Of course, not my first time in a room being recorded."

[!] A man cleared his throat [!]
"Right, well, first things first. Are you proud to be an Ex-Yakuza member?" [1]

[!] Silence filled the recording, before being broken by the man. [!]
"While in my time in The Clan, I never laid my hands on anyone, or harmed anyone. So, in this instance, yes I am proud of what I have done."

[!] The sound of a pen writing on a notepad broke silence. [!]
"I see, it's rare to see somebody proud of their past in this town."
"Do you think your family see's you different knowing your past?"

No, all of my children and family members are aware of what I was apart of. As for the proudness I show, it's hard to hide your missing pinkies. Most people know what that symbolizes, no?"


[!] The sound of a pen writing on a notepad broke silence once again. [!]
"It is commonly associated with the Yakuza yes, but something that's mainly caught my interest, is do you struggle with people fearing you? [3]
"Do people hear about your past and think of you as a scary person?" [4]


[!] The sound of a dad chuckle, more of a barking flooded the room [!]
"People fearing me? Have you seen many people fear me? I slap stickers on people's foreheads and they squeal from excitement. So, to answer, no I don't struggle with people fearing me."

[!] The sound of a pen writing on a notepad broke silence once again. [!]
"That's lovely to hear sir, it sounds like you have a wonderful life here in Karakura. But something that I think others would ask, a common question. Why did you join?" [5]

"Hm. . .me joining The Yakuza? Well, that is more of a 'complicated' story. But, in short, they helped me and so I helped them out."

"Mmm, a mutual type of thing, now the opposite of the previous, why did you leave?" [6]

"That is even a more complicated story, that I do not wish to disclose. Not even in short. I am sorry about that."

[!] The sound of a gentle gesture being made. [!]

"That's understandable sir. Something, I think is important, did you agree with The Yakuza's morals?" [7]

"Yes, I do. Yakuza's, unless you mess with their families or friends, they don't mess with everyday normal man. The only time they do, is if they are being attacked for one reason or another, in which members would step in and stop the fight."

"Good to know, now do you think that The Yakuza of today is anything like it was back in the day?" [8]

"No. In today's light, if we are just talking about JUST Karakua, this town has lost all sense of pride. Their values. This just goes to anyone and not just Yakuza's alone."

[!] The sound of a click! [!]
"It is a shame of what this town has become, but there is always some form of light in every situation. Do you think there is a possibility to revive, The Yakuza in Karakura?" [9]

"As of right now and the direction this town has turned. No, I don't think a Yakuza would survive in this town. At least, not up to their own standards and codes."

A shame to hear really, the Countries view on The Yakuza use to have such a high appreciation to The Yakuza. Something that is also important, do you teach your kids the Yakuza morals?" [10]


"Within my families, they are based around The Yakuza Code and Ethics. Minus all of the fighting and removal of fingers. For example, all final decisions within the family must come through me, or all decisions regarding the family must go through the hierarchy of the family."


"It's good to hear somebody is upholding some things from their era. But most importantly, do you love your family sir?" [11]

"My family is MY WORLD. Without them, I would be lost. Drowned in this town, they keep me afloat. And I love them dearly."

[!] The sound of fabrics moving closer to the microphone [!]
"I see, thank you for your time Mister Zennix. Have a lovely day."
[!] The sound of the recording stopping [!]

Do you have something you wish to let us know about? Give us a ring!
(030)-980-4487 (P.S. No, I will not be picking up calls about your life problems, I'm looking at you Blaire Togomi.)

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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @Aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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