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Denied CrySan's Shop Application | Karafuru Na Yume


Level 4
Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): cryybaby._#3255

What is your time zone?: EST

Describe your activity on the server: I am active almost every day for multiple hours a day, I am an active player and I do not plan on changing that any time soon.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): I have been banned once during 2021. The reasoning behind my ban was due to being on two accounts while GANGrping. It was an honest mistake that I truly regret doing and plan on not ever getting banned again since I now know the rules and will not break any regardless of the situation.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I acknowledge this information, and accept that if I am inactive I will be demoted.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:

The shop I am currently applying for will be in the gift and accessories genre. I plan on naming it Karafuru Na Yume!

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:

When I think of Shopkeepers and what they do, I see a responsible person who enjoys business and management. Someone who wants to have something in their name and be seen for what they’ve created. Someone who is strong, independent, and confident. This is everything I want to be, everything I hope to be. I want to manage and own, and I think I have what it takes to do so.

Responsibility means having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role. I see myself as a responsible person and I see myself as someone who feels the need to control things and take care of things. Whenever I see a problem, I want to fix it in the best way possible. I want to be fair and kind, but not afraid to put my foot down when needed and even though I know I’m not the best at being firm I will always try my hardest to step out of my comfort zone when I have to. I know that owning this shop will put me one step closer to being the person I want to be and I want to make that progress with this shop.

One of my favorite things is being in charge. Call me power hungry, but I like when I have the ability to change what I want and do what I want. I don’t like being under someone else, so my goal is to always be on top. I want to be on top with this shop, I want to be the boss and make this shop become what I’m dreaming of. The ability to make my vision come true makes me so excited for all the possibilities and I hope my application is truly considered over the rest.

Ever since I joined SRP, which was some time in 2021 in late spring/early summer, I’ve wanted to be a shopkeeper but I never thought I’d be able to do it. Now that I’ve been the captain of a team and I’ve seen how much I can do when I’m in charge, I believe in myself. I’ve always looked at the shopkeepers and wanted to do what they do. I took this shop opening as my chance to do this, and I can only hope that I’ve worked hard enough to get what I want.

I have worked at a few shops and I love the experience of giving people what they are looking for. I love greeting the customers, calculating the price, and giving the lovely person what they want. I love the small thrill of trying to guess which line the customer is going to go in, whether it’s yours or your coworkers. Either way, it’s a fun experience and I want to give other people the chance to feel that and have fun doing it.

Shopkeeping comes with many fun new experiences that I want to experience. Whether it’s the building of the shop and having the ability to create my vision or the ability to give players a joyful experience in Karafuru Na Yume. I know a lot comes with being a shopkeeper that isn’t so fun, like balancing money for restocking, taxes, and being able to balance how much the employees get to keep from their earnings. I feel confident that I am able to do this job well, and no matter what mistakes I make or problems I run into, I will always pull through and learn from the experience.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:


Karafuru Na Yume means Colorful Dreams. It goes well with the childish look the shop will have. Karafuru Na Yume is meant to be something that embraces those child-like feelings and emotions people have, but because the word child is often mixed with immature people hide these feelings. This shop is for those people, it’s for everyone who’s seen as foolish, and naive because they enjoy simpler things and enjoy seeing the best in everything. Karafuru Na Yume is a shop meant for dreamers who have been overshadowed by realists. For all those people who have amazing energy and kind souls, the colorful floors and clouds on the ceiling are for you.


My vision for this shop and its appearance is a Child’s Dream. The bright colors splattered across the floors as if someone knocked over cans of paint. There will be hanging clouds from the blue ceiling, giving off the impression of a beautiful day. The shop will make anyone who steps in smile from the bright colors and happy energy. I want the room to be a burst of energy to anyone who steps foot inside.

In more detail, the entrance would have colorful banners hanging up high. The entrance will be built with birch or a stone, having two open doorways for people to come inside. The doorways will be separated by a pillar. When you enter there will be shelves on the left as well as the right, and the center but it’s smaller than the others because of it being in the middle. The shelves were neatly stocked with stuffed animals in neat and clean rows on the shelves.

There was a clear path to the registers, there will be 3 registers and ‘NO REFUNDS” signs above them. There will be . A door would be to the side of the cash registers that would be for employee access only. It would lead to the cash registers as well as for the stock. There will be separated chests with signs on the sides, numbering every chest.

Example of exterior inspo:

Uniforms are a way to show unity and togetherness as well as organization. Especially because not everyone's clothes would suit the look of the shop. I would have brightly colored overalls and overall dresses for the employees to wear. There will also be a unisex uniform in case any of my employees are uncomfortable with wearing a specific sex’s uniform. Examples will be provided below though they may not be exactly the same as the uniforms I will get tailored. They will be the inspiration for the uniforms.

Uniforms are a way to represent the shop. They are what everyone who works there will be required to wear to show that they are an employee. Uniforms contribute to making the theme and color scheme of the interior of the shop look as if it truly belongs. The uniforms will be shirts that have different color sleeves and a different color base with long denim overalls for the males, denim overall dress for the females, and denim overall shorts for a unisex uniform.

Claw Machine
I plan for there to be two small claw machines to be in the shop that will have a claw machine exclusive item that you can only get by winning at the claw machine. Claw machines are seen as scams that take your money with a low probability of success. This causes people to be drawn to this low probability with determination to win, especially if this item is only available by claw machine. A customer will have to roll out of 200. If they land on 200 then they win the prize. The prize will be one of the custom items that will be sold at the shop. It will cost 15k to play.


Throwback Week
The 1980s was a great time in the aspect of style. It is very different from the modern style we all know of today. The look of it is very retro, and I would love to bring that back for a week and have the shop revolve around this era for a bit of time. This includes discounts on all items, as back in the day; the prices were a lot lower. Employees will have dated uniforms that are based around the 1980s fashion, but will still be true to the original style of the shop. Their speech will also accommodate this era, for example, the employees will use words like “Radical” and “Gnarly” in their usual dialogue. The appearance of the shop will be shifted to neon and flashy colors as well as an older look in general. I will be able to get this done quickly and efficiently because of my connections with good builders.
Possible Uniform References:

Winter Spirit
One of my favorite seasons is winter, not only for the gorgeous snow left after a storm but because of the feeling that’s in the air. Knowing that the holidays are around the corner can put anyone in a great mood and I think it’s a great opportunity for the shop to get festive! The shop will be decorated with all the festive colors, red, green, gold, and silver. The employees will be wearing festive uniforms and saying holiday slogans. The employees will be handing out free hot chocolate with every order.
Possible Uniform References:

What will you sell in your shop?:

Custom Items:

If I get the shop, I plan on getting custom stuffed animals! This shop is meant to be for things that any child would love, and that included a soft friend. One of the many customs I’d get would be a detective Pikachu plush. Another stuffed animal I'd request would be Winnie the Pooh as well as Stitch!

Pikachu is one of the most commonly known Pokémon and I’m sure he would do the trick without the hat…but I feel it is an adorable addition.
Winnie the Pooh is a childhood favorite, many adore this loveable yellow bear.
The third custom item would be Stitch! Stitch is a lovable friend and part of the family, and everyone deserves to have their own alien dog…

Non custom items:
In Karafuru Na Yume, I plan to sell a majority of toys. This includes plushies like teddy bears and panda bears as well as shrimp plushes and many others. Toy weapons will also be sold, like toy katanas and toy hammers as well as axes, etc. Some accessories like hats will also be items sold at Karafuru Na Yume. The theme for the gifts and accessories store is very childish and bright, so having things like this is a must and adds onto the vibe I am trying to give off.

How many employees do you plan to have?:

Employees are a big part of any shop. Their attitudes and work ethic affects a lot. Every employee that works here will have to have energy, a cheerful energy. They must know that everyone deserves kindness, no matter what they’ve done. The best way to handle things is calmly and kindly. I want to make sure the employees understand that. The employees must not hesitate to smile and give the customer the warmest welcome. To make sure that they are what I am looking for, all the best 12 candidates will be asked to show up to an in person interview after they fill out the online form to prove that they have the energy and positivity to work at this cheerful place.

The way the employees will be paid based on the amount they made at their register. 60% will go to the owner while the rest the employee gets to keep. This percentage of their earnings would be given to the owner while they keep the rest. As an example, if an employee made 500k then, 300k would go to the owner and the employee would keep the other 200k.

Cashiers [?/10]
The cashiers are responsible for the customer's order and getting it for the customer. They are responsible for getting the money from the customer and handing the right % to the owner at the end of the shift. The cashiers are the face of the store, they are the people that the customers will see before they leave and when they are purchasing items. A good impression needs to be given and positive energy must always be emitted.

During each shift, a total of three employees will be asked to show up to a shift because of the total of three registers available, however, if less than three show up the owner will step in as a cashier.

Manager [?/2]
The manager is a trusted employee who has proven that they deserve the higher position. They will usually have the same job as the cashiers but will also have the ability to monitor a shift when the owner is not available, and manage the wheel when the owner cannot. Only the Owner and Managers can be in charge of the wheel.

Managers will be chosen specifically by the owner, for the employees that they see fit and are the most trusted as well as those who have good attendance to shifts. Activity will also be taken into consideration, not only on SRP but in the discord.

Rules your employees must follow during their time in your shop:
  1. Be welcoming and kind - When a customer comes up to your counter, always welcome them and be kind. Any negative attitude or rude tones will not be tolerated.​
  2. Uniforms - Always show up to a shift with your uniform on.​
  3. Stealing - Always report stealing to the owner or manager (be sure to get a screenshot of the person!). Do not steal items from the stock for yourself and do not keep more of your earnings than you are supposed to.​
  4. Time - Be on time to shifts, don’t make everyone else wait on you! You’ll be holding up the opening.​
  5. Non-Employees - Don’t bring any non-employees into the back of the shop without the permission from the owner or a manager.​
  6. Casualties - If you are ever struggling with a customer, never take that as an excuse to be rude. Do not stoop to their level and always be kind no matter the situation. If the customer gets to an intolerable level, please let the owner or manager know (if they have not stepped in yet) and allow for them to handle it.​
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Another application has been chosen to run this shop. Nevertheless, thank you for applying.

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