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Denied Cultality | Lore Team Application


Level 135
Welcome to my Lore Team Application. Please sit back, grab your favorite snack and drink. Listen to some tunes and enjoy reading this. Have a good day/night.


List your discord name and tag (name#0000):

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?

I currently do not have a microphone, and don’t know when I’ll be getting one. I’m not very comfortable speaking in VCs or being in them it’s just a habit of mine and don’t know when I’ll be comfortable to speak and be in them.

Your time zone and current country of residence:

I’m on Central Timezone and currently in the United States.

Link any previous community team applications if applicable:


Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?

Of course, not everyone is on the team forever.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.

Since school is still in progress I won’t be very active on the weekdays. I also have a job so I usually work on the weekdays and even sometimes the weekend. Though if I’m not working weekends I’ll be on about 2-5 hours a day. Once school ends I’ll be very more active during weekdays.

What makes you passionate about writing?:

When the term “writing” comes to my mind the first thing I think of is a whole different universe. What makes me passionate about it though? When you enter the writing world everything is in your hands, you get to create a story. With your writing you can show others what you created. Whether it was a mafia plot or a normal family biography. No one’s stopping you of what you choose to write. What even motivates me more about writing is the compliments I get from my friends. Due to all the compliments I’ve been given I decided to take this motivation here. Entering the writing world will change you, indeed.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:

Yes I do, I’ve taken classes in school. In fact my English Honors class we do weekly writing assignments. I also write backstory’s for my OCs which can be lore. I also detailrp most of the times on the server which helps my knowledge increase and become more creative for myself. I know with these experiences I can bring it to the Lore Team and help the best I can do.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:

When I think of the term “lore” the first thing that comes to my mind is a backstory of some sort. Though lore always doesn’t include a backstory of some sort, it can also include a timeline of events that have happened. On the server Lore is used for creating stories, laying out time lines, explaining any events or sharing news that might need to be told to the public. Without lore I believe the server would be very mediocre. Lore plays a huge part in the sever it helps bring more excitement to others, it brings attention. Most of all it helps the server create more of a professional outlook development.

  1. You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
  2. There is a 200-800 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

(534 words)

“Will you marry me…” Myung ‘Delaney’ Yuu would kneel down pulling out a ring. “With this ring pop!?” The female looked up at the male in front of her with a gleeful expression. She couldn’t resist what his response would be. It was the evening as the moon shined down upon the both of them. The ocean waves would be heard in the distance as it clapped against the shore. People were around the volleyball courts either playing against people or just practicing. Finally the male looked down looking a bit confused of why Myung was proposing to him with a ring pop. After pure silence, the male that was in front of Myung was Yumane Hamilton. Opening his mouth a soft voice was heard. “Uh- yeah sure..” A squeal was then heard from the female as she stood up handing Yumane the ring pop. Sighing the male took it from her. “You really have a problem with ring pops. But I can help you with that.” After the male took the ring pop he examined it before throwing it into the ocean. As Yumane turned back to face Myung the expression on her face was turned upside down. “What the hell Yumane!?” The male shrug before speaking in a calm voice. “I was helping you gosh!” Myung huffed as she crossed her arms before sitting on the sandy ground. “I don’t need help! I like proposing to random people with ring pops!” While all this was happening, Jina Hyeong would be in the distance watching the volleyball matches but also being in her own world. Would a scene be caused from all of this racket? Most people in Karakura were usually minding their business, but at this scene most people were playing volleyball. While civilians play volley they focus on the game rather than what's going on around them. As Myung was huffing and puffing, Yumane walked over to Jina giving her a small wave. "Hey." He'd give her a small smile as he gripped the sketchbook that was lodged between his right arm and chest. Jina gave a small smile with a soft response. "Hey." Yumane would glance back over at Myung, now laying on the sandy floor. The male would let out a soft sigh before turning back to Jina. "Anyways, just wanted to say hey. I'll cya around. Bye." Jina would give him a wave as the male walked over to Myung. "I'll see you around Myung, you'll be okay." Yumane made his way to the plaza where most people were. The night was peaceful and quiet, nothing was going to intrude him during his walk. After sometime the male made it back to the plaza, filled up with crowds and overhearing conversations. Karakura was really something, it always keeps civilians busy even if they get a slight chance of being bored. As time passed, Yumane heard a loud voice. "Will you marry me hottie!?" A sigh was escaped from his voice as he saw Myung with a ring pop. "Gosh! How many ring pops do you have!?" Myung would get rejected from the ring pop proposal. Grunting she walked away and went to find another person to propose too.

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; Tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

(331 words)
The room was cold, water droplets could be heard every now and then. Those who wish to investigate the dark, horrid areas may regret what they see. Subject: 34254322 who was this person? Perhaps this would lead somewhere different. Those who adventure must stay be ready for danger. Dried blood would be plastered across the floor as rusted chains hung from the wall. A wanted poster was hung on the wall with the name “Metagarou” perhaps this was subject 34254322. Perhaps this Metagarou was a mad scientist? Old white lab coats would be seen in the room along with strange equipment. Seems like the equipment was like a ghost busters invention. Did this Metagarou, capture its victims and label them as subjects only because it wants to catch supernatural objects? Who knows what this Metagarou is. Did it work alone? As the room was investigated more graffiti would be seen with it representing the name “Hatsune Miku” was this Hatsune the mad scientist’s assistant? Were they the secret ghost busters that caught its victims by torturing it? Even though none of this is clarified, from what the investigation it’s linked to some sort of hunting event and torture. Whatever subject 34254322 was must be dead. Metagarou is wanted and Hatsune Miku, they know nothing about except from the graffiti. Perhaps these Metagarou kidnapped its victims if it crossed its territory. Was Hatsune Miku a victim of being kidnapped? The only advice that can be told here is do not wander where civilians may get lost. Metagarou the mad scientist might kidnap you thinking that you’re a ghost. It lurks in the shadows waiting patiently. Maybe this mad scientist is also a cannibal? A saw was seen in the room with the chair and rusted chains. Perhaps it was a butcher room? This ghost hunting mad scientist might just be a creep who tracks it’s victims and waits for the perfect time to strike. Sleep tight Karakura don’t be Metagarou’s next victim.
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Level 35
We thank you for applying, however, the team has chosen to deny your application today.
The reasons for your denial include:
- Your first prompt was a relatively underwhelming recount of an IC event
- The formatting of both your prompts along with grammar and tone could use a great deal of improvement
- Try looking at other acclaimed works before reapplying

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