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Cyrus Tsuchiyo Biography


Level 25
(None of this is to be taken ICly unless told ICly)

Full Name: ████ ███ Cyrus Tsuchiyo
Aliases: (Previous) ‘Koi’ ‘Lynx’ ‘Akiro’ (Current) ‘Khonsu’
Age: 20
Gender: (Trans) Man
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Taken!!
Occupation: College student, Motako Employee, Akihito Clan Member
Religion: Nothing is followed to a T, but he believes in Shintoism for the most part
Race: Asian
Nationality: Japanese
Birthday: October 3rd, 2022
Death Date: ██ ██ ████
Birthplace: ██████, ███
Zodiac: Libra

A 5’11, smaller-built Japanese male. 8 mm gauges in his ears with a helix ring on the left side. A lip ring on his bottom right lip shows off the slight stubble on his face. With Oceanic eyes accompanying his almost silver-colored hair with a small ponytail.

- There is a scar that runs down the middle of his face, more off to the right side, which also highlights the difference in the skin from getting a skin graft. Though, with how long it has been, the actual scar isn’t as prominent.
- Two sizeable top surgery scars run across his chest.
- His stomach is also littered with different scars. One horizontal across his abdomen, another small near where his hip is, and various cigarette bud burn scars.
- Both legs have long, light scars down them from getting rods placed into his tibia, fibula, femurs, and knees replaced with titanium joints.

Character Voice:
While it tends to be in the average vocal range of a man, emotion lacks in his actual tone. Generally speaking, monotone, though, depending again on who he’s around and how comfortable he is, it can get very fluctuant.

➫ Strength ★★★☆☆
➫ Intelligence ★★★★☆
➫ Dexterity ★★★★☆
➫ Constitution ★★★☆
➫ Charisma ★☆☆☆☆
➫ Wisdom ★★☆☆☆

Positive Traits: Loyal, High-minded, Resourceful, Observant
Negative Traits: Abrasive, Blunt, Impulsive, Tense

Cyrus Tsuchiyo’s personality depends on those he’s around. While he doesn’t necessarily have different personalities, he does cater to the requirements and needs of the spaces he is in. When in strict and demanding situations, such as being around other Akihito members, he is extremely professional. Follows the rules and guidelines that he must in order to remain as respectful as possible.

While being with friends and family may be a completely different story. Letting himself relax and be calmer than if he’s in tight social situations. Additionally, Cyrus has autism, so large crowds and being overstimulated come with that as well. On any given day, he may act one way or another, depending on who he is with.

He always carries a pair of glasses, his smartphone, a burner flip phone, his bo staff, a snow shovel, a specialty laptop that he made, and binoculars. Generally, he always has the Akihito Clan pin as well as a sketchbook and an █████ ██

Has a large passion for anything that included music, and could play lots of different instruments, He loves to read both scientific books and philosophical journals. An all-around nerd

Father - ███ ████
Mother - ████ ████
Brother (Non-blood) - Ryan Kraz
Adopted Father - Rex Kraz
Adopted Father - Levi Kraz


➫ Kyokucho A. Rin (Alive) - Significant Other
“You’ve been my person to turn to through everything and I’d like to say that I’ve been the same for you. You are my entire world and I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter what that means. Thank you for loving me.”

➫ Emiko Tokugawa (Alive) - Sister (Adoptive)
“We got off on an. . interesting foot but since then you’ve been one of the only people I’ve always been able to rely on. Thank you for everything.”

➫ Rae Tokugawa (Alive) - Sister (Adoptive)
“Sometimes I want to actually murder you. But I will always love you. And I will always be here for you for anything.”

➫ Seiren Tsuchiyo (Alive) - Mother (Adoptive)
“Well. . You being my mom started out as a joke but I genuinely think it was the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you. Thank you for being my mom.”

➫ Mieko Tashiro (Alive) - Friend
“God you are a fucking handful. Mel and I have babysat you more times than I can count and had to save you the same amount of time. But I love you and would do it all over again.

➫ Shoji Kosuki (Alive) - Friend
“We have an interesting friendship, but we’ve also been together through a lot of things. I’m glad we’re in the Clan together. You always seem to have my back and I will always do the same for you.”

➫ Asher M. Hiyashi (Unkown) - Ex-Husband - Acquaintance
“I thought we’d ended things on a neutral note but I was obviously wrong. I don’t wish anything bad for you but I know you do of me. It makes me wonder how things turned out the way they did, but I don’t think I’ll ever get that answer. I know you’re not dead. And I know who you are now.”

➫ Ryuu Tashiro (Alive) - Yakuza Captain
“I’ll always do what I can to gain back your trust again. Whatever I have to do, I will do it.”

➫ Sydney L. Varga (Alive) - Friend
“Somehow you just. . showed up out of nowhere. But we do so much together and things always seem to work out. You’re a good guy, Varga. I hope things between us stay good forever.”

➫ R. Hallward (Alive) - Professor
“One day I will find out everything I want to about you. But until that day, I enjoy our talks, debates, whatever you want to call them. You challenge me and I will always keep going back to that challenge.”

➫ Michael Ambroise III (Alive) - Friend
“You’re like a younger brother. . I won’t ever forget when you played with a toy plane as I carried you to the office. That was adorable. YOU’RE adorable. But you’re smart too. A perfect fake out.”

➫ Zheng Tsu (Alive) - Yakuza Leuitenant
“You know things about me and what I’ve done that most other people don’t. Even before I joined the Clan. I’m so sorry I let you down. I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you again.”

➫ Skylar T. Tsu (Alive) - Colleague
“We’ve been through hell and back together. I miss how close we were. But since your promotion, things have been off and we’re not like we used to be. I hope one day we can be as close as we were.”

➫ Kain Riese (Alive) - Friend
“I could talk to you for HOURS. You’re one of the most interesting guys to talk to. You’ve also had my back more times than I can count, thank you for that.”

➫ Nawa Suke (Alive) - Friend
“I really don’t understand why you hate me so much. I have your back and will continue to. Hopefully, we can be friends one day, I guess.”

➫ Jhene Marciano Hinara (Alive) - Friend
“You’re my mom’s best friend and NOW A SHOPKEEPER!!! I’m so happy for you and Noku, especially after everything. You deserve to be happy, both of you do.”

➫ Nokunishi Hinara (Alive) - Friend
“I’m so happy for you and Jhene. The wedding was gorgeous, the new place you guys have is gorgeous. I’m just glad you’re okay and I got to actually meet you. You never fail to make my laugh, even when I’m having the shittiest of days.”

➫ Takida D. Kataguri (Alive) - Acquaintance
“I really don’t know what to say to you. You have a pattern. I should have never tried to help you. You didn’t deserve my help.”

➫ Hilo Sharma (Alive) - Friend
“You’re basically my uncle and well- you’ve saved me more times than I can count. Thank you for keeping my mom company when she worked and for being there for me when she couldn’t.”

➫ Johnathan Tokugawa Kirk (MIA) - Old Gang Lead
“You walked me down the aisle. You were my first real father figure. But you fucked it up. You left and didn’t say anything. I’ll forever hate you for that.”

➫ Isla Kojima (Alive) - Friend
“We’ve had our. . differences over the years but after K.K. disbanded we really were able to reconnect. Thank you for everything you did for me and the crew back then. I’ll always just be a call away if you need me.”

➫ Essiona Tokugawa (Alive) - Niece
“You’re just as much of a handful as your mom, but I care about you endlessly. I promise to never let them hurt you and I’ll always be here when you need me.”

➫ Zakary M. Monet (Alive) - Friend(?)
“I’m sorry for everything. If I could change how it all happened, I would. But I still love you. I’ll always love and care for you, Zak. You’ll always feel like a son to be even if that’s not our relationship anymore.”

➫ Esme M. Monet (Alive) - Acquaintance
“I don’t really know what to say to you. I don’t think I have anything to say.”

➫ Altar Caprio (Alive?) - Acquaintance
“I was there for you and you were there for me. But you made me keep quiet when you hurt me and that- you didn’t deserve my care or my love. I know we both hurt each other but- I’m not sorry for you going to prison. Especially after how you treated Melody.”

➫ Sefu Tanaka (Alive) - Acquaintance
"I had a lot of respect for you, but you lost it all when you started going after innocent people for no reason. You're no better than other of the other stupid gang members in this town."

➫ Mazaki Harishima-hiden (Alive) - Friend
"I miss you a lot. I still have the picture you put up in my apartment in my new place. It was really good to see you in Seoul, I hope I can see you again soon."

➫ Sora Yatsugatake (Alive) - Acquaintance? Friend?
"You're an interesting one for sure. I know you stabbed someone because of the Amanojaku but I don't blame you for it. I do enjoy your presence a lot and just general talking with you. Also thanks for knocking out Blackwell with your sketchbook."


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Level 25
Thread starter
I definitely missed people in the connections part, there's no doubt there. If you want to be added just let me know. . there's so many people :sob:


Level 69
Shrine Lead
Never met Cyrus on Rini but I’ve had so many fun times with Cyrus on Quill. The friendships amazing between those two I hope one day to get more involved and roleplay will him you did amazing! Well done on the biography! (Adopt the duck)


Level 34
➫ Jhene Marciano Hinara (Alive) - Friend
“You’re my mom’s best friend and NOW A SHOPKEEPER!!! I’m so happy for you and Noku, especially after everything. You deserve to be happy, both of you do.”
AWWH!!H!H!! I love Cyrus even though he's so punchable sometimes :3

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