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Accepted Debate Club | Tvxiclover


Level 88


IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):


RPName of Club Leader:

Kyong Lee

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):


Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?

I feel as if I should become a club leader due to me knowing how to lead people in very many ways. I’m a very bright person when it comes to bringing out ideas, I can always have something to give out to people if we need to have something planned out. I am very good at talking to people so I could easily be able to announce things to others and make people come out of their shells. I also have ideas to make the club be known and be able to have a lot of people join in with debates even if they're not in the club.


What is the official title of the Club:

Debate Club

Your current members RPName & IGN:
(minimum of 5)

Luna Vissarionvich | Lonatic
Emiyo S. O’Sullivan | L3ylsh
Kali K. Morningstar | SmallFork2
Aiya Nakahara | Yemi
Nari Nakahara | lovesage
Sakura K. Blackburn | ASTRO15PLAYZ

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:

Sergey Vissarionovich | Thistle_Claw

What is your motivation for creating this club:
(150 Words)
My motivation behind this club is the simple fact that I enjoy debating. I know there has been a debating club before but I believe it is not a club anymore. I feel as if I could bring a new debate club and it could get people fired up. I also know that I would enjoy being able to run something that can make people get their points across. I also feel as this would give me or anyone a chance at being able to present their voice more often into simple points. I’ve also recently been putting myself into more debates myself and feel as if it would just be great if there were more ways to get into debates. I believe people would generally like this addition of a club due to when the last debate club was around it wasn’t really popular but I feel as with my ideas it would be put out there more.

What activities and events will your club do?:
(Work out at least one club members only event & two school-wide club event)​
Members Only EventsSchool - Wide Events
Monthly Debate,
The Monthly Debate is where the members will debate of what change will be coming upon the club. This is where we will all make up our own ideas and pick the best two. The Debate Club will split up into two and debate of the best choice. Students are allowed to come watch the debate but they cannot join along with it.
The Finals
The finals would be an event where the debate team will pick random people from the crowd to debate of what they feel as are problems for the school. The debate club will also pick a few of faculty to come debate what they feel are problems. Mostly the debate club will give what the main problem is to both teams and then the two teams will debate. At the end of the debate the debate club will give results of who won and this will be decided on who's opinions were explained best and had a better point of view added.

Debate Tournaments
The public is open to come and watch the Debate Tournament go down. This is where the Debate Club will let the public have chances to vote out the winner of each debate cut off. So, instead of having the Debate Club’s higher ups voting on who wins the public will be making the choices. Whoever wins will get prizes. After the club members tournaments are done the public will have a chance at the tournaments. This is where the public will join into debates for a chance of winning multiple prizes. There will be 3 winners with 3 different prizes.​
Seasonal Debate
The Seasonal Debate is when the school comes together. People get to pick their side of what they would want for the clubs or anything in the school to change. There will be two different sides of where you can pick a simple change as clubs holding more events or having it to where the school opens up clubs more. Whatever side gets the most votes due to how they explain themselves will get their side happening. So let’s say the more active clubs side wins they would help us make the choice of events or how many times a club can be active. They will also be debating seasonal issues. For example if it is during winter they will debate over if school can still be held or not due to the weather. During Fall if events for Halloween are shown at school more often. If there are things about decorating clubs more the Debate Club can put a word in for other clubs to see if they will all decorate.​
Any Topic Debate
Any Topic Debate is like the name, the debate club will pick a bunch out of students and will let them vote on a topic. Once a topic is picked they will be allowed to debate. The debate club will judge them on they did and then will proceed to teach the students of how a debate should start and end. Then after the teaching they will pick more people to keep on debating but with many different topics.​

How could your club benefit the School?:

Well the club can benefit the school in many ways such as if there was a debate on something with the school it could help add or remove more things the school could have based on people’s opinions. It also could benefit the school by having the students be able to express themselves by debating things they have interests in. Also, students can find new ways to put their voices out there.

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?

My club would use our club room as ways to plan out our school wide events and to host tiny debates or practice our debating skills. We will also use the room to plan out who will be split up into different groups for each debate. The last thing we would do with the room is host a debate that students can come in and watch. When hosting we will teach each student ways of getting deep into the debate.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
Two major requirements for the club would be having some sort of way to contact them out of SRP, so discord would be very helpful for the club. Another one would be to be active on SRP! Our members should be active on SRP.

Thank you for reading this application!​
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Level 139
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I have decided to accept your application:

- The last debate club failed due to the lack of interest and events hosted, I will give you the chance to prove you can be a better successor and revive a once-died-out flame.

- You will be contacted regarding the set up details soon.​

If you have any questions, please contact Customable#1590 on discord​

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