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Level 55
Basic Information
Full Name:
Maddie D. Bianco

Preferred Name: Gulia

Nick Names:


Highschool student
wip (I don't know)


Quite slim, since working out
Skin Color:

Eye Color:
Hair Style:
Usually in a ponytail, or a plait or down
Hair Color:


Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:

General Appearance


Maddie would stand at 5'6. She would carry a Kirby plushie, she would have perfume following her. She had a pink top and a short cute colourless skirt.
She had a beautiful face, with bright lipstick on. She had a engagement ring on her ring finger. Her eye's would gleam in the sunlight. She would have a
lovely sense of humour, she stood there, adorable. She is kind when you get to know her. Maddie would have a slight reflection of eyes.

Maddie would act adorable, She acts cute around her friends, her voice is quiet, she carries a lot of humour. She sometimes does puppy eyes if she wants something. Like Ice-cream. She adores unicorns. and think's they exist. Maddie would have a lot of experience of cuteness since she's been cute all of her life!

Bipolar Disorder:

Maddie was diagnosed with Bipolar, when she realised that she was moving to another city while in her hometown, Italy. Recently, her twin brother, Hibiki was
diagnosed with the same disorder. Maddie recently, decided to take risk on changing mood-swings
When Maddie found out she was diagnosed with ADHD, she realised that she was too hyper, and took a risk on her changing her ways of changing, but she failed. She kept being hyper. She got therapy and got diagnosed with it with a quite very reason of it. Her ears went sensitive. She felt uncomfortable of the news and started crying because of it
Depression And Mania:
Maddie got diagnosed with depression and mania, because of many reasons. Her real siblings, became distant from her and she didn't know how to take it, her father lost his love of his life and she felt bad, for many years, she lived without a mother. and supported her father as much as she could. She deeply loved her twin brother, she always adored her younger siblings. She deeply felt sorry for her father, and helped out with her siblings.

She'd hold a Kirby Plushie sometimes, in her left hand. She sometimes have a box of pocky filled with her favourite, type of pockys. She sometimes wear sunglasses on her forehead. She sometimes was wearing a watch on her wrist.

Maddie has an addiction of drawing, painting her favourite things that she likes. She sometimes like to hangout with friends.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

Close Family & Friends:

Lorenzo L. Bianco | Father | Alive
"My father was the best father, raising us until 18 years old, at this point. I feel so bad for him."
Hibiki | Twin brother | Alive
"I feel so bad for my brother, I wish we could of hung out like when we was kids"
Xavier | Brother | Alive
"My brother has been such a good brother, a few years off, he distanced from me and I felt sad. I instantly felt bad for not looking after him much as I did before"
Yato | Husband | Alive
"Yato is my love of my life! he changed my life, upto when I was down and depressed. He agreed on marrying me, and I'm so grateful to have him in my life, I love him to my death. I wouldn't be here if he wasn't in my life"
Daniel | Uncle | Alive
"My uncle is the best because he is there, if I need it. Whenever, he's around. I'm happy that I have him and my family"
Her mother | Mother | Dead
"I never met her, although. I heard she was nice, but after I found out she took her life and died by suicide, I became devastated and felt so bad for my other siblings losing our mother. Although, I don't who she is. I feel so bad for my father who lost his only hope."
Hannah | Adopted Mother | Alive
"Hannah is the best mother, but she's not the same as my real mother. But I love her to much, and that's what matters. I love her as my real mother, even though she's my adopted mother."
Laura | Adopted Sister | Alive
"When I met my sister, Laura. She said, that she'll help me if I'm in danger. She said to not worry about how she is. I love her to pieces, like my real sister. She's the best. And I hope this can stay like this!"
Tori | Adopted Sister | Alive
"When I met Tori she was the best friend of my life, then she became my adopted sister, I don't know how I met her and she became my sister, but I love her to bits. if she was my real sister, I would feel so bad for her. and would want to stay by her if she needs support, I would do that anyway!"
Asahi | Adopted Brother | Alive
"Asahi is my adoptive brother, who became a bit of an overprotective one, he's always there for me, whenever I need it. He's not that brother who abuses me, I love him to pieces. I feel so bad for him, considering he doesn't have me as a real sibling"
Victor | Ex Boyfriend | Dead
"Victor was my best boyfriend, I ever had. He always carried me if I needed it, we did fall out sometimes. but we got over it, and I loved him to pieces, but his life came to an end, and I miss him so much. I'm alive and a better woman that he wanted me to be. I wish he could of stayed in the world, and married me. but I'm married to a lovely man, who loves me"
Aldric | Ex-Stepbrother | Alive
"Aldric was my best brother, he supported me. until then, he called me a whore and a baby for no real jokes. This began to get on my nerves and I haven't seen him since, I miss him to much and I wish I could of fixed our friendship and our siblinglation. I loved him to much and I wanted to fix it with him!"
Yuchiro | Friend | Alive
"Yuchiro was my best friend, he always were there when my fiance was out of town. I sometimes fell out with him and play pranks on him as silly little cute jokes, on him! I love him as a friend. I will always feel bad for him."
Vegas | Friend | Alive
"Vegas was my best friend, since I just turned 18 and now on track team. We be silly together. and we always messing around with each other meaning that we have fun together all the time! I love him as a friend and I won't forget the memories."
Venhein | Friend | Alive
2When I met Venhein, I was happy to meet a new friend. we are so close, I love him as a friend! I was so excited to be friends with a football player."
Andre | Friend | Alive
"Andre is my friend, and he'll always be my friend. I knew him for a long time and I don't want anything to happen to."​
wheres meeee :( Katsumi , Henry , Takatski and Noah even Haruki :(


Level 10
Thread starter
Guys, if you are my friends. Say it in these comments! thank you! <3 I will eventually post them onto the actual biography!


Level 174
You probs don't remember her but Sophia!(she was friends with mads after being disowned by Dietrich)


Level 97
she realised that she was too hyper
As someone who has a family full of mental illness, this can be a part of Bipolar, many people assume hyperactivity and anger is basically ADHD, when that really isn't the best stereotype for the condition. As someone with ADHD and professionally DIAGNOSED, I don't really get hyper, I just lose focus quite easily, which is why I take medication for it. There are many different forms of ADHD though.

She had to handle mood-swings on her own.
May I also add to this, I have BPD/Borderline Personality Disorder, it's kind of similar to Bipolar but slightly more difficult to understand unless you grew up with it or know someone with the Disorder. I know what Bipolar is as my uncle has the condition. I've noticed how you RP out the condition, and as a friend I would like to write down a few things that are concerning and make not just me, but quite a few other people upset with your stereotypes for this condition.

The mood swings
I have noticed whenever your character is having a 'mood swing' you always like to make it clear by stating IC'ly "Oh no... mood swing!" this has bothered me for quite some time now and since I'm your friend I want to tell you that this isn't a realistic way to RP Bipolar and it's quite upsetting that you think it's just to do with the mood swings when there is so much more to it than that. With Bipolar, the person with condition can act in many ways.
They will either :

  • Lock their self away
  • Either rage or get violent without realisation for their wrong doing
  • Cry
  • Involve their self in acts such as drug and alcohol abuse to numb their pain
  • Many more
I hope that since your character is DIAGNOSED with these disorders, you have done the RIGHT amount of research, or have been diagnosed with these conditions OOCly.

Please don't take any of this to offence or think this is me hating on you. I just wanted to point out that I do not think you're rp'ing some of these conditions in the most realistic way. You're simply just going of stereotypes. Bipolar is developed through genetics or you develop it through childhood from trauma. I can see your character has been through some trauma, but the fact is your using your characters so called 'Mood swings' whenever the attention is placed on someone else, and it's honestly quite upsetting.

Again, please don't take this to offence. I just didn't want to keep quiet about this anymore as it's getting quite upsetting to me and some other people with these conditions.

Please do more research on these conditions as RP'ing conditions from assumptions and stereotypes is actually a warnable offence.
Last edited:


Level 55
ADHD and Bipolar is a Mental Health Disorder NOT a Disease or illness, this is quite hurtful. Please think about how you word these Disorders as it breaks my heart to see these stereotypes...
i dislike it aswell considering i have ADHD.. its not a disease or illness.. it genuinely breaks my heart aswell.. i dont like it..


Level 10
Thread starter
As someone who has a family full of mental illness, this can be a part of Bipolar, many people assume hyperactivity and anger is basically ADHD, when that really isn't the best stereotype for the condition. As someone with ADHD and professionally DIAGNOSED, I don't really get hyper, I just lose focus quite easily, which is why I take medication for it. There are many different forms of ADHD though.

May I also add to this, I have BPD/Borderline Personality Disorder, it's kind of similar to Bipolar but slightly more difficult to understand unless you grew up with it or know someone with the Disorder. I know what Bipolar is as my uncle has the condition. I've noticed how you RP out the condition, and as a friend I would like to write down a few things that are concerning and make not just me, but quite a few other people upset with your stereotypes for this condition.

The mood swings
I have noticed whenever your character is having a 'mood swing' you always like to make it clear by stating IC'ly "Oh no... mood swing!" this has bothered me for quite some time now and since I'm your friend I want to tell you that this isn't a realistic way to RP Bipolar and it's quite upsetting that you think it's just to do with the mood swings when there is so much more to it than that. With Bipolar, the person with condition can act in many ways.
They will either :

  • Lock their self away
  • Either rage or get violent without realisation for their wrong doing
  • Cry
  • Involve their self in acts such as drug and alcohol abuse to numb their pain
  • Many more
I hope that since your character is DIAGNOSED with these disorders, you have done the RIGHT amount of research, or have been diagnosed with these conditions OOCly.

Please don't take any of this to offence or think this is me hating on you. I just wanted to point out that I do not think you're rp'ing some of these conditions in the realistic way they are. You're simply just going of stereotypes. Bipolar is developed through genetics or you develop it through childhood from trauma. I can see your character has been through some trauma, but the fact is your using your characters so called 'Mood swings' whenever the attention is placed on someone else, and it's honestly quite upsetting.

Again, please don't take this to offence. I just didn't want to keep quiet about this anymore as it's getting quite upsetting to me and some other people with these conditions.

Please do more research on these conditions as RP'ing conditions from assumptions and stereotypes is actually a warnable offence.
I'm really sorry... I didn't notice- I will try my best..

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