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[Denied] School Council Applications ✘

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Level 0
IGN: AshidaOshi
Role in School Council: councillor (I’m also interested in vice president if the position is available and this application were to require the needs for that particular position)
Expected activity (out of ten): 7-8
RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): 14 (Nearly 15)
Previous Applications: History Teacher (denied due to over usage of bold text)
Motivation for joining: I wish to bring a change into my playing experience
What is the School Council?: The school council is a group of elected individuals who regularly have meetings with each other and debate over the school's improvement
What happens in the School Council?: Debates are held over a variety of subjects every single week and how to improve on those subjects


You are a councillor, the chairman submits a awful idea, what do you do?: I advise him to think it through again and I will give my opinion on his idea, if the other members of the council agree with the chairman I will completely respect their opinion but I’m not scared to say what I have to say in a meeting.

You submit a idea, everyone hates it, how do you react?: I question why this idea wasn’t liked and if the reasons are agreeable I will accept it but if the reasons were to be debatable I’d still ‘defend’ my subject but I'd treat the opinions of my fellow councillors with respect

You have become the school president, what is your first speech:
'Dear fellow students, I was given the great opportunity to become your new School president, I worked hard to get here and I will no let you down, I’ll try to find common solutions for all the ideas that we debate over, I’ll try to find the best options together with my fellow councillors, I'd make sure that whatever subject we debate on that we will make progress, I know this may not always be positive but this is part of the job, but we shall always learn from our mistakes. And now, dear ladies and gentlemen of Taketatsu, I invite you to make school something to look forward to and something we can all share as a fine memory.'

You fail to attend 5 meetings with the school council, how do you apologize?
Before we start our meeting I’d like to sincerely apologize for my absence these past 5 meetings, I’m willing to catch up on all the missed subjects and still be up to date on every subject we debate from now on, with that being sad I apologize once more, let’s start our meeting shall we?

You are being removed from your position, how do you react?

I’d question why I was removed and I assume that it was because of a logical reason, I would thank everyone for having me in the council and I’d move back to my ordinary school life without question

You are writing a letter to the school principal, how do you convince him to let you be his role?
Dear Principal Ducks, It’s with this letter that I hope to convince you that I may be included within our student council, I’ve been told to have been suitable for this position and I hope you might as well have that opinion,
My motives as a councillor are:
To not stand above the rest but to stand right beside my fellow students, to help them, to listen to them, to know them. I’d be willing to defend them and I would never doubt them. I know how school feels and I’d like to make our school a good memory to look at after graduation, to remember the fine education and fine people, to make school something to look forward to, something to like. If fellow students look down to the educational process they’ll never respect it and I wish to make them more pleasurable. I would listen with open ears to the student’s ideas but still choose the ones to debate over with care and find an alternative for those who may have been rejected.
My skills in working are:
I’m very organized and try to do as much work as possible and in particular everything that is with urgency, I may not be able to attend to every single meeting which is a flaw that is necessary to know. In general I can finish my work in time and also help my fellow councillors if needed.
In both the events of acceptation and denial I’d like to thank you for your time and consideration, I wish you a good day.
From Student Ashida Oshikuruma

To Principal Ducks
(I am aware that the applications are closed but if they were to open again then thanks for the consideration of reading this)
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Level 143
You have not been on the server for more than 8 days, if you are active again you may alert me in PM and I will think about it
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