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Detention removal command | Suggestion


Level 86
IGN: AllenBUwU
DATE: 04/05/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A way to remove a detention off a student's record without the need of SLT or opening a ticket
It happens, most faculty who's been around for around three months have seen it happen or done it themselves .. a situation in which you gave the wrong student detention, a situation in which it got voided, or even you just misunderstanding a situation and then boom, you need a detention removed. right now, we need to find a way to contact SLT or make a faction request in order to get that removed from a students record .. what I suggest is a way for us to do it ourselves! I imagine it to look like /remove detention [IGN] [reason]. an example of this perhaps being "/remove detention MechanicMrSada gave detention to wrong student". this would then take a detention point off the students /record. and so it cant be abused and we know when its used, a message will pop up in the detentions logs like "[IGN] removed a detention from [IGN] (rpname). Time: [time] Reason: [reason]. An example people "AllenBUwU removed a detention from MechanicMrSada (Michael H. Sada). Time: 10:45 Reason: Gave to wrong student". if thats hard to understand, ill provide examples of how i think it could look! Afterwards, ingame youll a little message from the schoolrp thingy saying like "You've removed detention from [IGN]", again if that doesnt make sense, ill provide an example.


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Level 60

This would especially be helpful to new-hires who make a mistake. A LOT of mistakes happen when you're first starting up as a teacher, and it's quite a hassle to correct them since it requires an admin.


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
+1 | i literally had a student approach me after they got a detention when no faculty was around. they asked me to remove it, but I couldnt. Please make this a feature


Level 211
SLT already has access to do that, all you have to do is make a faculty request and one of us will do it whenever we can; I don't think this command should be given to all faculty to avoid people misusing or abusing it


Level 143
I'm in favor of this, but ONLY if the faculty who gave the detention was the only person able to do it. If anybody could remove any detention, it would open the door to major abuse since favoritism and overly friendly student-teacher relationships run rampant within the faculty; I don't find it hard to imagine a student having the faculty they simp for "pull some strings" to get them out of trouble without much roleplay involved if it was implemented without this.

But as Mariav said, it's mostly unnecessary. They'll get around to checking faculty requests when they can, worse case scenario the student will just have to live with a mark on their record for a week or so.


Level 86
Thread starter
I'm in favor of this, but ONLY if the faculty who gave the detention was the only person able to do it. If anybody could remove any detention, it would open the door to major abuse since favoritism and overly friendly student-teacher relationships run rampant within the faculty; I don't find it hard to imagine a student having the faculty they simp for "pull some strings" to get them out of trouble without much roleplay involved if it was implemented without this.

But as Mariav said, it's mostly unnecessary. They'll get around to checking faculty requests when they can, worse case scenario the student will just have to live with a mark on their record for a week or so.
Yeah it get, but thats why I also thought adding some sort of message on Discord to say who removed a detention and why, so when someone is abusing the command, we'd be aware and could report it.


Level 27
To be honest, as nice as it would be, it's also easy enough to just make a ticket or ask in the faculty chat: They're there to help. Sure, it would be nice to cover up mistakes by being able to take back a detention, but when it comes to giving it? You should think hard about the situation, don't just hand it out as soon as you think someone deserves it.

I can understand where a situation is voided and the detention isn't needed anymore, but in the event where you give the wrong student detention, or misunderstood a situation, is on you. It happens, we get it, but those types of situations are where it's most important to really think about what you're doing and what's going on; why the student is being given detention, what the situation was, etc.

Not only are you able to learn from those mistakes as they happen NOW, but you can make a request to have it removed. The only thing I can really see with the command being added would be to avoid the embarrassment of having to make a faculty request asking for it to be removed and doing it yourself, but it's not the end of the world.


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
As useful as it could be, it will undoubtedly get abused eventually, so it should be kept to SLT

michelle <3

Level 6

Pleaaaase. I love this idea, but ONLY the faculty member who gave that student detention should be the one to remove it, to reduce chances of abusing the command. As a professor, although we could contact an SLT to remove it, to me, it's just extra steps that can be a hassle to take. I would also feel quite horrible having to get someone to fix my mistake when I could do it myself if I had access to the command. I think it's a great addition, but you should be able to give a reason for removing the detention, such as someone else mentioned, a log in discord.


Level 13
+1 It'd be more efficient and less stressful for both parties involved, teacher + student if this was a feature. People make mistakes quickly, it'd be nice to have a quick fix for said mistake as well


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to implement it.

- We'll work on adding a command for this, however this would be an SLT-only command. You can request for this once its implemented.​

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