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Different Record's For Different Characters

free me bruh

Level 31
What's your Minecraft Username?: SkiXD
What's the title of your suggestion?: Different Record's For Different Characters

What's your suggestion?:
I have been suspended before on my greenie character for having 17 detentions & 1 suspension from my other character and I don't get how it just transfers over to your other characters. like I recently got suspended again for 7 days for the detentions that I got on my different characters. What I am suggesting is a new record system that swaps for the different characters that you were on. Per say if you had 5 detentions on 1 character and 8 on another. That would be a much better system as I don't see how it is fair having to roleplay out getting suspended on a character that you only had 1 detention on by roleplaying it (CakeRP).

What would be included with it?

. A new record system that swaps to each character
. Making it so you don't get suspended on the character that you actually want to do school on

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It can help the community by making it easier for people who might not want to get suspended on the character that they might want to actually do school roleplay on like if they got 1 detention for doing something bad but their record said that they have 17 detentions but only 1 on THAT character it wouldn't really be fair for the person who wants to roleplay at school on that character.


Level 143
Here's my response from a recent thread which suggested the same thing.

If you don't want those "good" characters to be issued detentions or get arrested, then don't perform the actions that they would lead to those actions on those characters. If you can do that much, then there won't be any threat of you getting in trouble.

If each character had different records, then players could just swap between their delinquent characters when they are about to be suspended or expelled, allowing them to get into more trouble while their other character's detention count goes down. Of course not everybody would abuse this loophole, but a system that promotes any type of AvoidRP is something I can't really get behind.


Level 166
Community Team
Lore Team
I am pretty sure that they are working on separating records and stuff for different character profiles. Currently SLT has their own system on figuring out who needs to be suspended/expelled or not


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- We aren't going to do this due to players simply bypassing getting Suspended/Expelled.​

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