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Discourage / Outlaw marriage between teenagers


Level 231
IGN: SchoolRP
DATE: 21/1/21
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A way to either discourage or make it against the rules to have your characters marry at an early age / still in highschool
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: 99% of SRP marriages between grade-12 players suck. I think we can all agree with that. They are weird, they don't make much sense and it happens too often to reflect real life. It is a bit immersion breaking to me when my classmates are fully married and planning kids.

Although it is technically realistic for anything 16+ (of course rule 5.9 Do not apply all real life principles to the roleplay universe. does counter this)

It's just always super awkward to see and I think that type of stuff should just be a benefit of being in college / adult. I mean when have you ever seen a good married couple who are like high school students. This is the same type of weird inconsistency I feel when I see 18 year olds being the parent of like another 18 year old. It's just weird man. Also the quantity of it in one school is insane. I feel like i've seen like at least 30 marriages in one grade in just 2021, i'm sorry but like whaaaaaaat...

Stuff to do to fix this:
1. A way to discourage it
2. out-right making it against the rules (that would be awesome.)

Just a pet peeve, may anger people. I apologise for that.
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Level 8
It would make a lot more sense and allow grade-12s to focus on school life rather than marriage / kids already


Level 79
Community Team
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please- it honestly doesn't really make sense how theres so many married grade 12, and the fact that some adopts fellow 18 year olds too is just.. why????


Level 130

I know of a ton of 18 year olds that have already had several children, (which makes no sense) it's really ridiculous.


Level 1
It's so odd seeing 18 year old kids being pregnant and getting married.
As well as having 14 year old kids at 18?? That doesn't make sense..


Level 68
I mean realistically you can marry IN-REAL-LIFE, at the age of 18. It is a general law for it to be 19, though some states exempt that. Just like the Romeo and Juliet law. I do not see this really being an issue, it just limits the ones character playability.

- With what girlinred said about the children, I do see that as a little overboard and unrealistic. I do believe there should be an age cap on how old you can be to have children. Though it would be hard to manage.


Level 266
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With that being said, a lot of people in this thread are talking about 18 year olds having kids and how weird it is:
“(2) 4.5d Characters below the age of 20 cannot adopt or have children of their own”
New rule, but still.


Level 97

I understand where you're coming from and in the modern era it makes no sense for children to be getting married, but for the roman memes we should allow it.


Level 5
The youngest average first marriage age in the world is 19.2 in Chad, Karakura's average first marriage age is below that. Karakura is less progressive than Chad

Allow me to now support my point with real-world arguments that are completely unrelated to SchoolRP and hold no meaning.
A young first marriage age is indicative in most areas of a region that is behind on gender progressiveness. By entering matrimony at that age, neither partner has the experience necessary for surviving in the real world, or unlikely has the ability to identify a bad companion. This results in a higher than average level of domestic violence, abuse, or premature death. It also restricts the ability for either partner to pursue higher education, as the partners need to pay for living together and all that stuff.

Additionally, the Japanese school year ends in late March. This means that somebody born on January 1st will have less than 3 months to be married before they graduate. Seems logical

+1 Ignoring my irrelevant points, 18 year olds should not be getting married en-masse.

Mark 9:42

Level 19
I have more of a liberal view on this issue. I don't really care as it never bothered me. However, it would make more sense to reserve marriage for College+. I'd support that.

I just don't see staff managing this easily. This would be difficult to moderate.


Level 130
I mean realistically you can marry IN-REAL-LIFE, at the age of 18. It is a general law for it to be 19, though some states exempt that. Just like the Romeo and Juliet law. I do not see this really being an issue, it just limits the ones character playability.

- With what girlinred said about the children, I do see that as a little overboard and unrealistic. I do believe there should be an age cap on how old you can be to have children. Though it would be hard to manage.
The age of majority in SRP is 20 years old, not 18. Remember also, this is Japan. The United States laws don't apply, along with rule 5.9.


Level 130

Due to the age of majority being 20 in the SRP world, I believe it's completely reasonable that 20 be the age to marry.


Level 2
While It's funny to have so many people married (just reads so Christian to me). I even doubled check the legal age and it's 18 for boys and 16 for girls (weird but ok) with Parental Permission and otherwise it's 20 which then you are considered a legal adult. So since most people in Karakura don't have parents 20 is a good minimum.


Level 2
The age of majority in SRP is 20 years old, not 18. Remember also, this is Japan. The United States laws don't apply, along with rule 5.9.
Did the research into Japanese law- While you can marry at 18 but that's only with parental permission. You can marry freely at 20 (legal adult age in Japan)

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