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Denied Doctor Application | OceeenLobo


Level 8
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord name & tag?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I'd personally say I'm pretty active, since I log into SchoolRP for around 8-12 hours. Although, this might and or could change depending on my personal life and whether or not I have free days. Nonetheless, I should be able to log on quite frequently.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I've had a multitude of different role-play experiences and opportunities over the past few years that I've played School-RP. I've found myself indulging in different factions and role-play situations, some of which I've applied for more than once and been in more than once. With that being said, I've found myself very much enjoying these different role-play scenes and events that I've had such an honour with being a part of.

August of 2020 I applied to become and successfully became one a month later, I worked there for around two months and then quit. Although I enjoyed the faction thoroughly I decided it was the time to quit and possibly come back in the future. During my time we worked well as a team together, that’s something I liked about the faction and was hoping that it’d be similar if I decided to go back. I reapplied May of 2022 after requesting my adult role to be removed. And to my surprise got accepted again. This time around it was pretty much the same experience, however I enjoyed it at a neutral level as the communication between faculty was slightly different, but I adjusted quite quickly and ended up overall having a blast with the other faculty members.

Since 2020 I've strongly involved myself deeply within the Gang-RP community, joining gangs such as River, Oracle, Myriad during 2021 til 2022 and Sonomi during 2023. During my time within these gangs, I've seemingly enjoyed the relationship we shared with each-other both OOCly and ICly, which continues on today. Allowing me to be able to continue my Gang-RP journey with them. Although, currently there are things in that community that I can work on, such as my learning of more detailed combat, and gaining a better understanding of how it works.

In May of 2023 I applied to the shop known as Mai-Yume and have been working there for the past few months now. And have very much enjoyed my time there so far, with the time that I’ve been working there I feel as though I’ve become better with my social communication and I still continue working on it the more I interact with players. And I am hoping the further I Roleplay with the Mai-Yume staff and customers the more my social communication will improve.

I’ve previously worked as a School Employee during September of 2020 and May of 2022, both times I found myself enjoying the school environment and getting the opportunity to further expand my Roleplay experiences, by meeting new people and gaining a chance to detail my actions more. During these times I worked as a Tutor and despite it being difficult at times, I found myself completely locked into that title. I was hoping once I decided to reapply I would apply for something new and this something would be an even greater interest of mine, such as Caretaker for example. I’ve overlooked many of the individuals who currently withhold the Caretaker role over the past year. And found myself highly interested in what the title itself had to offer. With that being said I finally decided during July of 2023, I’ve decided to re-apply as a Caretaker in a hopeful chance to experience what it’s like to clean, repair and thoroughly patrol the school grounds assuring faculty members and students are as safe as possible.

What is your motivation for applying?
My main aim when applying to Karakura's Hospital is to gain a greater experience than I already have within my current working field. The experience could be useful to any future job that I may find myself applying to. I believe that the Hospital is the one environment where I feel most safe working. I am a strong believer when it comes to helping others and assuring they are well cared for when in a vulnerable place. I'm certain that I know my surroundings and its rules to an average knowledge and what is and isn't allowed when on school grounds. I strongly strive to help those in need.

Which role are you applying for?

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
I did my best to research:

Hospital Director

A Hospital Director is responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations within a hospital. They’re there to ensure that all staff members are properly performing their jobs and ensuring they’re working up to par with the jobs ethic. They are there to ensure all staff members are giving patients the proper treatment and care.

Clinical Manager

Clinical Managers are in charge of maintaining all responsibilities for administrative views of clinical facilities. They may be responsible for onboarding new employees, training them and current existing employees, solving patient problems, auditing clinic operations, establishing a budget, reviewing all treatment plans, or even communicating with executives.

Clinical Lead

Clinical Leads show effective leadership and draw up on their values, strengths and abilities to deliver high standards of care to patients. It’ll require them to demonstrate competence in certain areas, developing self awareness, managing themselves, continuing personal development and acting with integrity. Clinical leads are experienced healthcare professionals who take on leadership responsibilities with their clinical lead.

Head Of Department

Head Of Departments are assigned to prestigious doctors to lead their respective field of medicine within the hospital. They’re responsible for running and managing department operations, goals and staff. They must have communication and leadership to guide their team efficiently.

Attending Positions

Attending Positions are a physician or surgeon of a hospital or similar health-care facility. They have primary responsibility over treatments and often supervise treatment given by fellows, residents and interns. They’re considered experts in their field of medicine or surgeries after completing their degree within the specific specialty, they can also be known as physicians or rendering doctors and may be trained as an MD (Doctor of Medicine) or DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine). Attending positions may also take on a form of teaching role to train fellow physicians and may play an active role in their education.


Surgeons are medical doctors who specialise in performing surgical procedures to manage and treat various medical conditions, usually more severe ones. Oftentimes, these kinds of medical practitioners are seen as prestigious due to the competition within medical school and residency to become one. They use their medical knowledge, surgical skills and expertise to perform operations that can be life-saving or improve a patient's quality of life. Like physicians, surgeons more often than not have a specific specialty pertaining to the various parts of the body and/or a function within the body, such as orthopaedic surgery, neurological surgery, and cardiovascular surgery. However, some exceptions for general surgeons and emergency practitioners exist for a broader, yet less in depth, understanding of the body to treat less complex diagnoses.


Physicians are experienced and certified to practise medicine to help maintain or restore physical and mental health. They are tasked with diagnosing medical problems and then treating said illness or injury. Some of their responsibilities are to meet and speak with patients and/or their caregivers. A wide spectrum of specialties within the physician category results in an equally wide array of treatments and responsibilities for each physician, making it difficult to class them all together.


Psychiatrists are a type of physician that perform mental health care by collecting patient information for diagnoses, prescribing, and then potentially administering medications. They specialise in mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders as opposed to the physical treatment provided by every other type of doctor, being the only mental health provider that is a fully licensed medical doctor.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes, I strongly understand this.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes, I understand and intend on it regardless.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I'll ensure I am able to attend training so long as I am online.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I do and I will assure everything is taken ICly when dealing with situations.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character’s Full Name:

Akari Schwarz

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female; I go by She/Her or They/Them Pronouns.

Character’s Age (if accepted):
I am 25 years old.

Character’s Academic Background
College, Bachelors

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Akari was born in early July of 1998 to her mother and father in Karakura, Japan. Her parents were in the well of area off town and sat quite comfortably, they cared for her by teaching her basic life needs until the age of nine when their business went downhill and they practically hit bankruptcy and kicked her out so they were able to live a stable and comfortable life on their own without the means of having to care and cost for a child. While she was homeless, Akari picked up small jobs around Karakura for a little extra money so she could live at least slightly comfortably, whether the area was dangerous or not. She learned how to change light bulbs, trim garden bushes, plant seeds, water them and was able to learn how to repair door handles and reattach doors.

During her time of being homeless she ran into the Schwarz Family. A somewhat old family that was created by Kuro and Lora Schwarz, having members such as Yonio Schwar, who would then decide to adopt her. While living with them they helped her get an education at Karakura High-School as soon as she hit the age of thirteen, along with managing German classes though by Kuro and Yonio themselves. Mainly Kuro considering he was born in Germany and fluent in the language. Although it was a struggle for Akari to understand the school’s learning process, with the help of the Schwarz family she managed to get a decent understanding. During her school years she became an unfortunate victim of bullying, but was able to pass by it, informing her peers and ignoring the ones who were determined to put her down. Akari brushed through school and was able to get into Karakura’s College during the end of her High-School years.

In college Akari made friends with Sakura Schwarz and a male going by the name Shian. The trio became close, going almost everywhere together. This was until Akari decided quickly that she no longer wanted to focus on Mechanical School and courses and eventually decided to follow the footsteps of her birth mother who worked in Karakura’s hospital during her younger years. Akari majored in Human Physiology and Chemistry, along with minoring in English and Science. Although these four subjects were hard to manage together on top of a small part time job at a local Retail Shop, she managed to breeze through college and her courses with a Bachelor’s degree, finishing college at twenty-two years old.

Once Akari was done with High-School she went on to continue her medical learning at JR Tokyo General Hospital, being the same place as her residential school for two whole years, despite it being a struggle for her she managed to graduate with flashing colours and was to her surprise accepted into Juntendo School of Medicine she studied her third and fourth year of medical school, studying as a practical student, like all medical scholars.

After Akari completed her medical degree residency as a surgical employee of JR Tokyo General Hospital for four long years with fifteen-to-twenty hour shifts, six days a week. Once Akari was done working away in Tokyo. She decided to move back to her hometown of Karakura to complete her work experience prior to being hired in Karakura, she worked her first job as a general surgeon at Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital. Shortly after she applied for Karakura Hospital due to better living conditions and brighter work opportunities in her future.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Akari finished her degree with a general surgery specialty after spending her four years in medical school and countless hours shadowing to determine the career she thought she would most enjoy. General surgery, as opposed to any specific specialty or subspecialty, is a testament to being knowledgeable of a wide array of medical practices. Knowing a little about a lot matched her skill set perfectly and gave her the opportunity to use her strong work ethic and natural abilities to save as many lives as possible.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After attending and graduating from Juntendo School of Medicine, Akari applied for residency in the surgical department of JR Tokyo General Hospital. She spent four years there, finishing her degree as a general surgeon with no sub-specialty.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
The most difficult part of becoming a doctor is to get accepted into medical school in the first place. Initially, Akari had to spend all four years of her bachelor’s degree working at the JR Tokyo General Hospital--the same hospital as her residential hospital--as an EMT, and visiting various medical institutions to shadow the many types of doctors there are. The gruelling four years of hard work eventually led to her acceptance into the Juntendo School of Medicine, where in her third and fourth year of medical school she studied on the field as a practical student, like all medical scholars. After completing her degree, Akari began residency as a surgical employee of JR Tokyo General Hospital for four long years with fifteen-to-twenty hour shifts, six days a week. Finally, to complete her work experience prior to being hired in Karakura, she worked her first job as a general surgeon at Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital. She soon after applied for Karakura Hospital due to better living conditions and brighter work opportunities in her future.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Throughout her bachelor’s degree, Akari participated in her summer semesters to strengthen her understanding of the human body through anatomical courses. However, besides that, her only other form of education not including the traditional path to becoming a doctor was the three-semester certification course to find work as an EMT during undergraduate school.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Akari is a youthful female that usually would catch your eye, she was seen in a short stature withholding an athletic build standing at around 4 '11. A pretty face held tired peanut coloured eyes. Her face always had a tired expression, and her voice matched that with its deep monotone timbre. The clothing she wore covered the large scar that hugged her lower left stomach, also hiding the scar that clung to her neck. The potent, saturated odour of cheap perfume hugged her uncaring visage.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Off Duty

Akari will usually be seen as the stand-offish and quiet type of person, and usually she will keep to herself when off-duty. Despite Akari’s shy demeanor she will more than likely offer or tend medical assistance to those she deems in-need. She’ll often spend her time reflecting on things she feels she can improve on or her communications between the Hospital Team and herself.

On Duty

Usually while on-duty Akari will communicate with the Hospital Team members and patients. Despite her quiet demeanor, she will often create conversations with her patients with topics they enjoy while she treats them as a way to calm them down.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Akari stands at a neutral level with both of these options, and it all really depends on the situation at hand. When working under pressuring situations she works best with a group of up to around three-four individuals total as not to overcrowd their workplace. While in less stressful situations Akari is usually content with working alone.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Akari strives to live a long fulfilled career life while working within the EMS field, she wants to focus on this career for as long as she can, while also building a family in Karakura. Akari doesn’t plan on retiring anytime soon and in fact hopes to offer more of her services to those in need. She wants to help people with lower fortunes.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Akari is usually seen as a quiet, stand-offish individual. She can be seen as quite a shy person when interacting with others, while also maintaining a professional look and behavior while working and off-duty. She can be seen as highly determined to focus on her career, and quite protective of those who she sees being belittled. Akari takes her job very seriously and may seem not like-able at first, however. Once they personally get to know her, they’ll realize she’s quite enjoyable to hang around with.

Akari usually sees herself as a highly out-going and professional individual despite her quiet demeanor and an enjoyable person who strictly values her career. Although, she might not agree with everything and other individual’s opinions on her behavior and work ethic. She’s determined to always find ways to fix things, even when issues occur whether it be within a professional setting or public setting. Akari strives completely to work on how she sees herself.​


Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the faction, we often have to deny good applicants because there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation or due to the detail that was put into their application.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 4lx. - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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