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DrKatz Faculty Suggestion!


Level 50
IGN: DrKatzz
DATE: 07-01-22
I know this will probably get turned down but I will give it a shot!

so, my suggestion is giving Teachers/Professors/ and Employees the availability to take time off. “But time off is Saturday and Sunday” that’s awesome! But not everyone can just log in for those two days and then log off when school time starts

What I mean about taking time off would be for MEDICAL EMERGENCIES only. These could be made by doctors at the hospital (cause.. That’s only how you would even really need medical emergencie time off) just like a prescription and then given to Faculty Workers!

Every Month Faculty can take 3 ooc days off (cause 24hrs is one ic Week I think) but it can only be used once every ooc week UNLESS something major happens to your character and would need staff permission or aka SLT to give the thumps up to have it the same week.

Faculty workers would need such Medical note from a doctor and then in the Academic server (our little faculty channel hehe) We can log BEFORE logging on or before the school week happens that you will be taking a day off with a screenshot from said doctors note with a VALID reasoning. This reasoning will indicate if your paycheck could possibly be deducted 30k - 50k (this will make it so people won’t abuse this if it did become something) but will be able to recover said 30k - 50k with hosting a class or Working another log, etc!

Another thing, any pictures or screenshots with Faculty that took the day off for being sick but is doing something completely else except recovering could get faculty in trouble with SLT (ex: Having fun at the beach like there not acting as if there hurt or sick, going to club/bars, etc. basically, another way to refrain abusing)

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will benefit the Faculty Fraction because not a lot of our characters are available to be able to teach or be at a school environment without worrying for there own health. Like currently my character has Cerebral Hypoxia (Brain Injury) which if anything that hits her head, or tackles her which will end up hitting her head on the ground.. this could cause her to go into Cardiac arrest or Bad Seizures and possible death for my character. Yes, I know becoming apart of faculty means big risks for peoples characters but as everyone else some people would actually like to have character development and choose it to happen when there character gets injured! Or their character seriously cannot work, and shouldn’t be at work at all. This will give people a chance to not freak out about losing there character nor freak out about keeping there character in faculty lounge/ somewhere without students for there own safety but having to risk getting in trouble by SLT.

Though I feel like this will be a super difficult to really discuss or have it talked through, it’s worth a try ^^.


Level 183
It really makes big amount of sense but I don't support having some official sort to I really think something like this with lore-related reasons like what happened to Ms. De'Bardi happens in very rare cases and you can privately ask the SLT responsible for you to allow her off for lore reasons

If for example I was a teacher, I know how hard Josh is (ily Josh), but I wouldn't hesitate telling em that for example my char walked down the haunted train and for lore-purposes blabla

Then wait for a month and you'll get your reply asap :D (I'm kidding Josh but please deal with the Swim Team house problem!)


Level 50
Thread starter
you can privately ask the SLT responsible for you to allow her off for lore reasons
If how nice that could be, don’t think that would be a good case.

The whole point of the server is SchoolRP neverless if it’s lore related or not Staff and many others would like it to keep it Realistic. If I was going to ask staff privately for days off others could either be offended that my char was able to get off but when something happen to there’s they couldn’t or etc.

Adding onto that, Staff is busy or aka SLT. It would be a easy implement into Faculty with a simple check mark instead of waiting for staff response and neverless just doing that can cause it to be abused. Cause if one person does it, most likely others will which is why I came up with the suggestion in the first place, it will also keep track of who is actually on sick leave or not without someone just saying “Oh Mariav let my char take the day off in dms” to another staff member who tells them to go back on school grounds etc etc. Though, that staff member can easily get a screenshots of dms- I personally think staff don’t want to deal with having to get screenshots a lot from faculty but just easier if Faculty member had a Doctors note staff can check and go on there day.

also yes being haunted is rare, being as Injured as my character is not. There are people who had to take there character out of faculty just cause there character is dealing with a medical emergency and oocly have enough months to become a adult, but not everyone has enough months for that.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead

- School takes up 2 hours Out-Of-Character (~30% of a weekday), meaning faculty have the exact same amount of time out of work/school as students do.​
- In addition to this only being 2 hours, this would be difficult to moderate rule-wise.​

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