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Accepted DT Teacher Application | ghcsted


Level 27
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What is your Minecraft username?:
[MAIN] ghcsted (applying!)
[ALT] windswake

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
I do, and am very capable of speaking via Discord.

How old are you? (Optional):
I will provide this in DMs if it’s needed!

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Describe your activity on the server:
As a rating, I’d say… probably an 8/10. Obviously, I’m not on all of the time, but whenever I have a free moment (such as after college, or on my days off) I’ll be online. Usually, I’m on my alt: windswake, doing my thing in EMS, which is the only faction I’m currently in (I’m a psychiatrist!), but I am also on my main quite a bit of the time, just messing around on my college character, or my green-tag character!

Available hours are important to list, so… Typically, I’m on for upwards of four hours a day (at the time of writing this application). On weekdays, barring Wednesdays, I’d say that’s roughly from 7PM - 11PM. On my days off, which are weekends and Wednesdays, I’m on for a lot longer. Like, from 1PM to 11PM longer. It’s perhaps a bit of an addiction. But anyway, overall, I would say my activity probably isn’t an issue! Obviously I do have to get my quota on EMS too, so that’ll put a dent in my availability, but other than that it’s pretty good!

Do you have any previous bans?:
None to my knowledge.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Russian Application
[] French Application
[] Colour-blindness Application
[] Dutch Application
[] JSL Application
[] Third Language Application
[] Third Language Application
[] Third Language Replacement
[] Professor Application
Lore Application

Finnish Application
[] Russian Application
[] Third Language Application
Korean Application
[] Psychiatrist Application

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


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What subject are you applying to teach?:
I’m applying to teach DT, specifically the food technology aspect of it, because I feel like that would be fun and different for HS students!

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I just want to see my sanity decline even further than it already has!

Just kidding. I miss being part of faculty. I know, I never thought I’d be saying it either, but I do! Don’t get me wrong, I love being part of EMS, and it will probably stay my primary faction, but having nothing to do in school hours is starting to grate on me. It’s silence in school and even more silence in the hospital, unless an adult decides to up and flatline in the lobby. So, yeah. Missing faculty, and also wanting to have something to do during school hours is a pretty big part of why I’m applying. I would say that I want to make the faction more active, and that my passion for a subject drives my wanting to be a teacher, but the faction is active and, although I find it fun, I’m not the most super passionate about DT. I just miss the people, and want to be part of that side of the server again.

I’ve previously been a professor in the faction! Stayed for almost seven months, made my way all the way up to QP before quitting. Taking a break from faculty was probably something I needed, but with it being my first faction, I have grown to miss it. I would rejoin as professor, but that time has passed me by already, so I decided to go with teacher this time around! Teaching has always interested me a lot, stemming all the way from my childhood dream of becoming a teacher. I even applied for professor because teachers inspired me to. The only reason I didn’t apply for teacher back in March was because they didn’t have the subject I so desperately wanted to teach.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes! I understand that I’ll have to undergo teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Assuming they’re similar to professor class logs, teacher class logs keep track of classes that are taught in order to easily identify quota for that month. They’re automatically logged in the Academics server with the /class start and /class end commands, and include duration (OOCly, usually around 25 minutes), students attended and online students at the time of hosting. I think they also have the class (subject) that was hosted on them now, but I might be wrong on that one. They’re important to, as stated before, easily identify quota for that month, which directly correlates with pay!

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
1. No yelling/screaming in class. You don’t need to yell at the top of your lungs to be heard. Simply talk at a respectful and normal volume.
2. Raise your hand if you want to speak. Of course, in some instances, you won’t have to raise your hand, but it’s polite to do so. This rule especially applies if the teacher is talking.
3. Respect others and treat others how you would like to be treated. Disrespect will not be tolerated and will result in removal from class. If it continues, it provides grounds for a detention and/or SLT involvement. Nobody wants that on their record.
4. Phones should be turned off, or on silent. Classes are there to be participated in, not for you to sit in the back and talk to someone on your phone. This tied in heavily with the respect rule, and refusal to put your phone away (unless given permission to take a call) will result in appropriate consequences.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Let’s start from the beginning! I joined SRP in 2020, and was an active roleplayer until mid-2020, when I think I quit? During this time it was just getting the vibes for roleplay, the server, and making a silly little roleplay experience on Roleplay Maker! It never became public though, due to how young I was and how my motivation went up and down, and unfortunately young me didn’t have the first idea of how to run a successful roleplay experience, so that was scrapped and forgotten about. I still have the screenshots though. After that, I think I quit. But that’s not the end, clearly! I rejoined in early 2021 and had a blast messing around on a new character, making friends and dipping my toes into GangRP… Yeah, very quickly decided I didn’t like that. And after that, I took an extended break! By extended I mean, I wasn’t fully active again until early 2023.

So, let’s talk about 2023! I rejoined in late January while showing my friends (at the time) a server that I held such fond memories for. I made a friend during this time (who is now my closest friend… ever) and kept coming back. And coming back. Yeah. I started off with just SchoolRP (woah…), did a bit of GangRP (or, heard about GangRP while vibing in the corner of someone’s apartment) before applying for professor! This gave me ample experience in FacultyRP, and a lot of experience in just roleplaying as an adult. During this, I also did a bit of RomanceRP and FamilyRP! And then, in August, I got accepted into EMS! So I’ve got a bit more experience of roleplaying as an adult, and HospitalRP under my belt! That’s a lot.

Conclusion time: I can confidently say that I have a lot of experience in StudentRP, FacultyRP, and HospitalRP. In a lesser sense (I guess?), I’ve got experience with RomanceRP, DetailRP and a tiny bit with CrimeRP/GangRP. God, I love DetailRP. And that’s just in SRP!

Outside of SRP, I still roleplay. I used to be part of a WhatsApp roleplay group with a few of my IRL friends when I was a lot younger, and that went on to develop my interest in Roblox roleplays and then further into Discord roleplays. And, occasionally, I do small roleplay scenarios outside of SRP even today! It’s a pretty big part of my life, especially at the moment.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
↳ Meaning: Head of Department
↳ Description: Heads of Departments are pretty self-explanatory, I feel. They’re simply in charge of the department of the subject they teach! Teachers can go to them for any concerns, questions or anything otherwise needed. This role typically has a lot of strong qualities, including communication and leadership skills! Overall, they’re pretty good at what they do!
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Qualified Teachers are the guys who have that experience. They’ve been around for a while, and have the activity to prove it! This is just when the NQTs get too good at being NQTs and deserve that promotion to QT!
↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Newly Qualified Teachers are the guys who have proven that they hold the motivation and confidence to surpass being UT. Typically, this promotion is awarded after the first month of teaching when a player has proven themselves to really be into the faction, if that makes sense.
↳ Meaning: Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: Unqualified Teachers are the babies of the faction. Newly accepted and still walking on wobbling legs, UTs are the ones who are expected to shadow classes to get a feel of how to host, experience training and are just getting the hang of how to be a teacher!

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Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

The purpose of teachers in SRP is a simple one: to provide fun, interactive and engaging experiences for players to enjoy and roleplay within. They host classes (up to 20 per month, for maximum pay) and patrol the halls to keep students safe. Teachers typically get paid ¥350,000 to ¥500,000 depending on both their role and the number of classes they host. For UTs/NQTs, it’s ¥350,000 base pay for 10 classes. With an additional 5 classes, it’s ¥400,000, and then another 5 classes is ¥450,000! This pattern repeats with QTs/HDs, but their base pay is ¥400,000 and maximum pay is ¥500,000.

Outside of SRP, the purpose of teachers is ultimately the same. They’re expected to provide fun and engaging classes to teach content to students, so they can go forward and get the qualifications they need to succeed in life. However, certain subjects are more boring than others, and these engaging classes aren’t always possible. Teachers IRL are also there to support students through both academic and personal struggles, and to make their time at school as enjoyable as possible before bidding them farewell! As for pay, UTs IRL get paid £19,000 - £30,000 (rounded), NQTs get paid £28,000 - £34,000 (rounded) and QTs get paid £28,000 - £38,000 (rounded).

How do they teach?
First of all, a teacher should be aware of the material that they’re teaching. They should have enough knowledge of what they are wanting to teach, so they can plan lessons accordingly. In theory, there should be a schedule of pre-planned lessons lined up, along with time to catch up on any work missed by a large number of students! Further, teachers should strive to have a lesson scaffolded to meet everyone’s needs, not just a majority. On SRP, this could prove to be difficult for a number of reasons, but the main one will be that due to the varying range of different students who join your class, there will always be one or two people who don’t find your way of teaching engaging, interesting or easy-to-follow. This is also true IRL, but since classes are more concrete, teachers should learn to work around that barricade and ensure each student is getting the best out of their education.

Spare time
In their spare time, teachers do a variety of things. I’ll focus on the more academic side of things, before dipping into the more personal side of things. During their spare time, academically, teachers take time out of their days to mark papers, plan lessons and meet with parents if needed. In their personal lives, teachers are just regular people. They’ll spend time with friends and family, go to the store to get groceries, exercise, and more! It’s important to keep in mind that teachers aren’t just mindless machines, they’re real people with emotions and lives outside of work.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
It’s in the name. Teachers are important to ‘School’RP because school is quite literally in the name. Without teachers, there isn’t much of a school to experience outside of JockRP and, I don’t know, StudyRP?

But in all seriousness, teachers are there to keep things running smoothly. Not only do they provide fun and interactive classes for students to experience and have fun in, but they’re also there to keep the halls safe! Those with the teacher role have a really important role in SRP, since they deal with the majority of the player base: highschoolers. Keeping those guys active and entertained is very, very important.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Must have, should have, could have, will not have. Or, in simpler terms, MoSCoW.

This planning system dictates what a class must have (a non-negotiable requirement), what a class should have (things that are important, but can be missed out), what a class could have (optional things that are nice to have) and will not have (things that aren’t necessary, but could be included if you really wanted them to be).

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Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plans for the future?
Art Reference


Lev Novikov is a very, very intricate character, with various flaws and vices that hold him back from performing to the best of his ability. He’s often compared to a dandelion: a weed, infesting and infecting the area around him, taking the nutrients that he so desperately craves. Someone who blooms once, a beauty in all aspects of the word, before moving on and ending up in places that he’s not wanted.

Lev Novikov stands at an impressive 5’7, with mostly smooth and clear tanned skin. Across the bridge of his nose would be freckles scattered like the stars in the night sky. You could probably create some nifty constellations with some of the larger ones! Along his right arm is a long, faded scar from an accident when he first moved to Karakura, concerning his son and a knife that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The scent of roses follows him, clinging to him more like an unwanted parasite than anything else. That sickly sweet smell poorly masks the bitter scent of hand sanitizer. Atop his head would be a curling, fluffy mess of chocolate-coloured hair, complimenting his hazel eyes quite nicely. His eyes, which would always seem to look rather… dead. Not dead as in dead, but rather tired. Dead tired. Across his chest is a pair of thin scars, clearly from some sort of surgery.

In terms of fashion… Lev wears what he considers to be comfortable. In school, he gears toward a white button-down, usually with the buttons undone so he can breathe, along with a grey blazer of some sort, and grey trousers! Occasionally, he’ll have an apron on, but he much prefers to just bake without all of the faff. Outside of school, he tends to wear oversized t-shirts and joggers, with either bright pink crocs or a pair of battered, old, doodled-on red hi-tops. He really isn’t the most put together, is he…?

All things considered, Lev is a pretty laid back person. He tends to keep to himself outside of teaching, not particularly wanting to communicate with others unless he really has to. When he does communicate, he’s really enthusiastic and outgoing, but these bursts of energy only last for as long as the person is talking to him. Otherwise, he just quietly observes until he’s needed to interfere with a situation. Unfortunately, he suffers from insomnia, meaning he’s left feeling constantly fatigued. Another symptom of this is a much higher irritability, resulting in him lashing out a lot more than usual. He does try to keep himself calm and easygoing, but certain students have managed to grate on him to an awful, awful extent, wherein he’s ended up snapping. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t want to snap, but it’s something he’s had to live with and manage since he was young.

Lev’s outlook on students is one that is expected of him. He respects them if they respect him. Deep down, he just wants to teach them and make sure they get the support and education they deserve, but a lot of students make that goal increasingly difficult. Unfortunately, he does give the benefit of the doubt a lot of the time, especially when he probably shouldn’t, because he hates punishing people. This is closely linked to his past, and personal experience with such things, but he is working on getting better and being less lenient when it comes to dealing with delinquents. Unsurprisingly, his outlook on his co-workers is very much the same. He respects them if they respect him. Lev has a very hazy but strict outline of how a teacher should be acting in a professional setting, that coincides with the things he was taught during his teacher training at university. They should act as a role model to students, meaning they don’t engage in immature behaviour or practice. Teachers should be honest and hold a level of respect for not only those around them, but themselves. If Lev sees anyone acting out of line of the picture he’s created for himself, he’ll likely lose respect.

However this rather rigid outlook has proven to be an issue in the past. Holding himself and others up to such impossible standards has taken a hefty toll on his health and relationships. He’s a rather destructive person, in that sense. Unlike dealing with delinquent students, he isn’t making an active decision to fix that part of himself. It’s likely it’ll become a much harder problem to tackle as time passes, but he will ensure it doesn’t impact his career again.

Lev doesn’t have many plans for the future. He tends to live in the moment, and refrains from thinking about what he wants from his career and eventual retirement. If he had to pick something… He’d want to find love again.

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You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Lev would approach the group silently, just observing the situation as best he can without bringing too much attention to himself. Staying back and confirming the breaking of school rules is considered to be of utmost importance to him! Once he’s satisfied that they are breaking the rules, he’d clear his throat, dragging their attention to himself. After giving them a verbal warning to quiet down, he’d wait for an acknowledgment of his request before walking off.

However, delinquents don’t always stop after the first warning. If this ended up being the case, he’d provide another verbal warning, raising his voice in order to ensure they heard him, but not to the level of yelling. If there’s still a lack of response, he would threaten detention, and obviously go through with it if they still refused to comply. Lev doesn’t like giving out detentions, but he will if it comes down to it. Hopefully, the delinquents would quiet down before they got to that level of punishment.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Obviously, this is a teacher’s worst nightmare: losing control of their class. After taking a moment to process everything, because understanding the full extent of a situation is key to creating a solution, Lev would attempt to grab the attention of the students by raising his voice. He doesn’t like yelling, but if he needs to, he will resort to it.

If nothing changes, he’d identify the issues. Clearly, there’s going to be someone or a group of people causing problems and disrupting the class, so he’d simply remove them from the room. If one warning doesn’t suffice, then a class kick will. If, even then, it doesn’t work, he’d call in for backup from an available faculty member or an SLT member, or simply call class to an end early. He works under the belief that if the students refuse to sit and listen, they don’t get to learn.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
In the shortest possible terms, he sleeps. He naps. Lev struggles to fall asleep on a night, finding himself lying awake for hours just staring at his ceiling. It’s only when he’s on the verge of passing out that he can get to sleep, and even then it’s not for a very long time. So, when he has the chance to, when he’s feeling particularly exhausted, he’ll escape to the teacher’s lounge and take an uncomfortable but needed nap on one of the chairs, or curled up under the desk against a wall.

Other times, wherein he finds it difficult to sleep or simply isn’t tired, he makes himself a cup of coffee and takes his medication, chatting to anyone who is in the lounge. If it’s quiet, he just keeps to himself, allowing his mind to drift as he enjoys this brief moment of quiet.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me adjusts his jacket with a sigh, before turning to his class with a bright grin. His enthusiasm for the subject would almost be contagious as he practically skips to the centre of the front of the classroom, scanning his students for this class before he truly gets into it. In a crisp voice, he exclaims “Welcome to DT!” with a dorky little wave.
/me took his shining whisk in hand after adding the ingredients to the bowl. Pancakes were a simple recipe, so this shouldn’t take too long… Once satisfied that the measurements were correct (a brief checklist ticked off in his head), he takes the bowl in the crook of his hand, steady, and begins to whisk it until it’s smooth! Luckily, the dry ingredients don’t spontaneously escape the bowl, as his whisks are careful and calculated and professional. His brow furrows in concentration, honey eyes occasionally darting up to keep an eye on the class, but ultimately focused on the task at hand. After a moment, or two, it’s smooth, and he slows to a stop. “Now,” he starts, shooting a supportive smile at the rest of the class, “I want you all to repeat what I’ve just done!” A pause, before he tacks on, “Any messes you make will be cleaned up by you at the end of the lesson, and I will keep track of your name. Three strikes across any of my lessons, and you’re not participating in cooking anymore.”
/me stared down at the class, and their disruption, with an air of distaste that seemed to encompass the entire room. He only speaks when the class quietens down to a manageable level. “I really don’t think I ask for much.” Lev’s voice would be more monotonous than usual, breathing in sync with the rhythm of his heart. “This class won’t be exciting for everyone, and I understand that. But for those of us who do find enjoyment in this subject, show some respect.” A beat passes. “Quiet down and listen. After this, you won’t have to return.”
/me tapped the piece of chalk against the edge of his desk twice, watching as the dust fell to the ground, before dragging it across the chalkboard. Thankfully, the unpleasant screech of chalk doesn’t echo around the room. It’s just a little scritch with every drag of the chalk. Despite his lack of artistic ability, the image he ended up producing was clearly supposed to represent a plate. He splits it into five, each of varying sizes, and points to the smallest one first! “We’re doing some theory today. Who can tell me what the smallest portion of the eatwell plate is?”

Backstory Trigger Warnings: references to hate crime, kidnapping, murder, familial death, transphobia

Early Life
████████ Novikova was born in Novosibirsk, Russia on February 13th, 1992, to Vera and Klara Novikova. For the sake of continuity and ease of reading, ████████ Novikova will be referred to as Lev Novikov, as that is the current name he goes by.

Novosibirsk is a large city in western Siberia, in south-central Russia, and is where Lev grew up during his early, early years. He doesn’t remember much, if anything, of his childhood. It was only subtle glimpses into his past, and what could have existed if things were different. Vera and Klara were both wonderful mothers, taking care of Lev and giving him the love and attention that he deserved. He was barely a toddler when the first tragedy of his life struck.

Five days after Lev turned three years old, Vera was reported missing to the local authorities. Her body was found two days later by a local fisherman on the banks of the Ob River. Since he was so young, Lev was never informed of her cause of death, and hasn’t made the effort to find out exactly how she died. All he knows was that the motivation stemmed from homophobia, as Klara continuously reminded him that they had to be careful, and all of the loving photos of herself and her late wife were stored away safely in a small cardboard box that was kept under the stairs. Not long after that, Klara took Lev, and they moved to France.

You may be wondering, why France? Klara grew up in France, and attended university there, so it made the most sense for them to get out of Russia and end up there, since she could speak the language fluently. Once they got settled, Lev began attending nursery school, and Klara became fast friends with the receptionist, Henri Moulin. Henri, similar to Klara in a sense, had lost his partner due to them cheating on him, and was still dealing with the aftermath of such an awful realisation and confrontation. They soon became close friends, with Henri often acting like a fatherly figure to Lev, supporting him through his early schooling and taking care of him when Klara was working. Unsurprisingly, the two adults got married soon after meeting, when Lev was six.

Throughout his childhood, Lev heavily relied upon his mother and stepfather for support and guidance, as he struggled with the abrupt change between Russian at home with his mother, and French in school and with Henri. With the help of a tutor, he was thankfully able to overcome this difficulty, but it did impact his schooling for that period of time. Being fluent in two languages, while quite impressive for someone his age, also impacted his social life as he’d mix up words occasionally. He was a victim of bullying, and this messed him up to the point of having to change schools. After moving to a different school, along with his closest friend at the time (his parents and their parents discussed keeping them together, and found it was the best way to keep them both happy and achieving well in school). This happiness stretched on for a year, and only a year.

It seemed that tragedy had dug its claws into Lev Novikov, and wasn’t planning on letting the poor boy go for a very, very long time.

Klara Moulin died on February 18th, the exact same date as Vera Novikov, in a devastating car accident while on her way home from visiting her late wife’s grave earlier that morning. In the car, there was only her, as Henri promised to keep Lev distracted and safe during such a difficult time for his mother. As you can imagine, this event was heartbreaking for both of them. For Lev to lose his only biological relative that he knew, and for Henri to lose his wife, they were both shells of their former selves as they mourned. The funeral was a quiet event, with only close friends and Henri’s most trusted relatives attending. Still, Henri was the best father a boy could ask for, and despite his descent into a depressive state, still managed to be close to and provide the best support and care for the little boy that Klara had blessed him with.

Lev didn’t really process that his mother was dead until a lot later in his life, so he simply went along with schoolwork and being there for Henri, ignoring how concerned everyone was. Even when he was forced to see a counsellor to talk about what had happened, he seemed mostly unchanged. The only difference was in the way he interacted with others. He became quieter and more withdrawn, avoiding making any close relationships until he was sure that they wouldn’t get hurt.

And, of course, there has to be some happiness in this story. Henri met Bernard Clément, a the****** who worked in the same centre that Henri went to with his own the******. They got to talking, and became friends after a few miscommunications, ups and downs. But this isn’t their story. This is Lev’s story.

School Life
Overall in school, other than the little hiccup between learning French and Russian at the same time, Lev performed extremely well, often surpassing his teachers' expectations of him. At the age of fourteen, after years of infrequent counselling sessions, he found himself intrigued in the way of psychology, and of understanding his brain, and how it worked. This interest increased tenfold when he chose psychology (or something similar, he can’t quite remember) to study at school. Around the same time, his friends and him watched the Great British Bake Off on a pirated BBC iPlayer, and this sparked a love for baking in Lev. He asked Henri if he could practise baking, and that spark was soon set alight in flame as he continued to do what he loved.

At sixteen, he realised he wasn’t a girl. This feeling had obviously been building up within him for years; finding himself disinterested in what is typically feminine and feeling more masculine. At first, he’d convinced himself it was a phase that would pass, and that he didn’t really want to be a boy, but as the feeling grew stronger, he told his father. After a long, emotional conversation (which was mainly Henri convincing Lev that he would always love him and care about him), Lev asked Henri to give him a new name. A name that his mothers would’ve chosen for him, if Klara had talked to him about that at all. She hadn’t, unfortunately, and even as the pair searched through the old boxes, they found nothing. So, instead, Henri drowned himself in researching the perfect name for his son.

It took a while, but during that time he didn’t call Lev by his deadname at all, instead opting to use “son” and other similar words to refer to the kid. Finally, with the help of Bernard, they settled on “Lev”, meaning ‘lion’, in light of him being so brave to come out to them both. This kickstarted his social transition during his late years of highschool, wherein he was only bullied a bit. Turns out, his school was particularly good at getting rid of the problem of transphobia, despite the early years where there was still a lot of stigma surrounding transgender people. Then again, a small school with few students, run by a queer principal probably was the best place for Lev to go.

Once graduating highschool, Lev decided to take both his love for psychology and food into his university studies. He took food technology through bachelors, and into masters. However, when he reached masters in food tech, at twenty-three years old (a year before his studies were to be completed) the criticism for something he simply considered to be a hobby became far too much, and he left those studies at that level. Of course, he stayed studying until receiving his masters, but dropped it as soon as he could after that. Still, Henri and Bernard were forever supportive and proud of him! Lev took his psychology degree to doctorate level, and graduated alongside his peers alongside a teaching degree. During his doctorate years, he worked part-time as a teaching assistant in the psychology department for the bachelor students of his university, which is where he found his love of teaching.

Yet, despite dedicating almost his entire life to the study of psychology, he didn’t want to teach it. He only studied it to understand his own mind, and he hadn’t even been able to do that. It felt like a waste… of time, effort, money…

But still, he powered on through his sudden realisation that it had all been a waste, and continued. Continued on. And hey, despite the stupid amounts of money that both of his degrees cost, he still managed to scrounge up enough through various bake sales and commission work that he saved up enough money to get top surgery. This was during the second last year of his doctorate degree, at 27.

Once graduating, Lev stayed working as an assistant psychology teacher for undergraduate students from the age of twenty-eight to thirty, despite his feelings regarding the subject. The waste weighed heavily on his mind.

Before he left that job, at the age of twenty-eight, he adopted his son: Kross. When he was adopted, the kid wasn’t a toddler, or a baby. He was a child, around eleven years old, but that didn’t stop Lev from loving him with all of his heart. Having someone so small to take care of; to love…? It did wonders for his mental health, alongside the semi-frequent therapy sessions he forced himself to attend. Once satisfied, and when going to work became more of an unbearable chore rather than something he looked forward to, he quit his job as an assistant teacher.

Around the same time, he met someone who he quickly fell for. He was a Japanese man, having moved to France temporarily for business reasons. The pair quickly began dating, with Lev wanting Kross to have another supportive figure in his life, but the man (who will remain unnamed) simply wanted him physically. Lev didn’t realise this until much later in his life, so he stayed with the man for three years before ending things.

In that time, he moved to Kyoto, Japan, and went on to teach food technology at a small school while learning Japanese. He also picked up JSL, as the group of students he was tasked with teaching had various disabilities that meant it was easier for the entire class to know JSL in order to have the most effective communication! And even though he was enjoying himself, he pushed himself too hard due to the way he’d engrained the need to be perfect within himself. And oh, how it ruined him every time something went wrong, every time he messed up even the smallest thing. And so, he ended up leaving his job.

Two weeks later, he found his lover – or rather, ex-lover – with another man. They only got engaged a week prior.

You can imagine how much it ruined Lev.

But he still kept a strong front up, to support Kross, and immediately called off the marriage, the relationship, anything and everything. Too embarrassed to return to Henri and Bernard, Lev took Kross, all of his remaining funds, and moved to the small island of Karakura, Japan.

Once arriving in Karakura, he worked from home, submitting papers on psychology and writing early-level textbook articles for a high, high price. Having Dr. Novikov writing about psychological trauma was nothing short of a blessing for teachers and professors around the world. And, it was pretty good pay!

But he missed work as a teacher. He missed that satisfaction, the fulfilment he gained from teaching his students new things. He missed the way their faces would light up, or how dramatic they acted when asked to write a simple essay. The environment was something he missed too. Easy to make friends, as you’d spend time with co-workers in the staff lounge. Oh, he missed it.

It got to the point where even Kross recognised his longing to be back doing his true passion, and he offhandedly mentioned that there was an opening for a DT teacher in the school he went to. Lev was… Well, he was nothing short of ecstatic. Dinner that night was a wonderful occasion, with Lev making the most delicious food he could for his son. They watched Kross’ favourite movie too, which they hadn’t done in months… It was nice. Things were finally looking up for him.

Tragedy might’ve sunken her claws deep into Lev Novikov, but he was nothing short of persistent.

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Full Name (First & Last only):
“My full name is Lev Novikov.”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“It’d be nice to be called Dr. Novikov, since I didn’t get my doctorate for nothing, but Mr. Novikov works just as well!”

Given Name(s):
“My mothers named me ████████, but since transitioning, I asked one of my fathers to give me another name, which is Lev! So, I’m Lev now. Have been since I was sixteen!”

Preferred Name:
“In a professional setting, Mr. Novikov works just fine. But, then again, I don’t really mind. Lev. I’m Lev. Call me that whenever you see fit.”

“I’m 34 years old! My birthday is on February 13th. 1992.”

“I am a male, though I’m a transgender male. I was born female and transitioned with the help and support of my parents… Of which I have had many.”

Religious Denomination:
“Despite growing up in a Catholic household, I don’t believe in God. I’m Atheist.”

Marital Status:
“I’m single. My last relationship ended badly and I have not chosen to pursue another out of… fear, I suppose? I’m focusing more on my relationship with my son and friends than anything else.”

“Well, I was born and raised in Russia for the early parts of my life. Pretty sure that makes me Russian!”

Current Location:
“My current location is Karakura, Japan.”

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Working Experience (# of years):
“I have worked as a food technology teacher for three years. I worked as an assistant psychology teacher during the final year of my degree, and the following two years. That's three years total.”

Academic Degree:
“My highest academic degree is a doctorate.”

Year of Graduation:
“I graduated with my masters degree in the summer of 2016 at 24 years old, and with my doctorate in psychology in 2020 at 28 years old.”

“I majored in psychology.”

“I minored in food technology.”

Native Languages:
“My native language is Russian. Who would have guessed?”

Other Languages:
“Obviously, I am fluent in Japanese and JSL. I am also familiar with French.”

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
“I cannot speak English fluently.. at all, so I don’t possess any of these certificates.”


Additional notes about your application:
I will have to have a classroom edited/made in order to support the subject I’m wanting to teach! Additionally, I don’t currently have French, but I will remake my third language application for Lev to have French if I get accepted.

Do you have any questions?:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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