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Dustycat900 | College Professor Application


Level 5

What is your Minecraft username?:


How old are you?:


Do you have any previous bans?:

Yes, I do have a ban yet I have forgotten the reasoning for it. I do recall it was a 2-week ban.

What Country are you from?:


Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I do acknowledge the fact that if I am inactive, I will be demoted.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:

My Activity on the server currently is not as active as I was a couple of months ago. I used to play around 3-5 hours a day during the summer and first 3 months of 2020 and 2021 however recently I only really hop onto SRP every few days. I am trying to change that.

For the forums, I’m not that active. My last application was in 2020 and my last post was for a glitched item a couple of months ago. I occasionally pop on to read what people post but that’s about it.

How long have you played SchoolRP for?:

2 years.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?: (Denied) (Denied) (Denied) (Denied) (Accepted) (Denied) (Denied) (Accepted) (Denied) (Denied) (Denied) (Denied)

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?:

Student, Grade 12


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

I have done roleplay on SRP for a couple of years now. I have tried everything except for mainstream jobs for roleplay. I want to expand my roleplay experience as I have yet to do anything Job-related in terms of roleplay on the server. I have spoken to a few friends who have played as College Professors and they have described it to be fun so I’m willing to give it a try.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:

I have lots of experience roleplaying, not just on SRP but on Discord and on Tabletop games such as DnD. I have done roleplay since around 2014 or 2015 on Discord servers. It was only in 2019 when I decided to try Minecraft roleplay. For tabletop roleplay, I have been playing that for a few months now.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:

Classroom logs are important because it tracks the work the professor has been doing in the class and whether they have been actually teaching their classes at all. It helps the school faculty decide if the professor is keeping up to standard and is performing well.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
  1. Attend your classes
  2. Do not be late to your classes
  3. Do not chat about non-class related topics in the classroom
  4. Foul language is not tolerated unless it is used for reference or examples in class
  5. Never hesitate to ask questions however if you want to ask questions, please make sure that you aren’t interrupting anyone.
  6. If you ever need to leave the classroom for any reason, please make sure to inform me beforehand.
  7. If you cannot attend class at all because of Injuries or other personal matters, inform me.
  8. If you have any issues in the class, do not hesitate to come to me to discuss them.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

I have only been on 2 servers for Minecraft roleplay. Cityrp and SchoolRP. On Cityrp, I have roleplayed as a Police Cadet until the unfortunate closing of the server due to inactivity. On SchoolRP, I have done roleplay in many categories. Shop employee, bodyguard, hired gun, mobster, gangster, alcohol dealer and many more. Out of all those I listed, the one I have roleplayed the most would be Gangrp. I started doing Gangrp back in late 2019 up to a few months ago. I went from small unofficial gangs to mainstream ones such as Scalleta, River, Ghost, Unforgiven and others too!

When it comes to non-Minecraft roleplay, it has mainly been on Discord. Text-based roleplay is what I started doing roleplay on. From going from small one-line responses then growing into multi-paragraph posts. I have been in almost every type of roleplay out there. Superhero servers ranging from DC, Marvel, Anime and custom lore-based. Medieval roleplay, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Apocalypse, War based and so much more.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?

College Professor’s tasks

College Professors are meant to be mature and calm to their students along with their fellow work employees. They are there to educate the students and to also be there for any support a student may have. These are the tasks every professor must do:

  • Be a good role model to Students
  • Educate your students and make sure they are understanding the course
  • Follow the course curriculum accurately so no error can be found in a Students knowledge
  • Follow the classroom rules along with the campus rules and national law.
  • Evaluating the work of Students and to see if they are making progress or if they are falling behind.
  • Grade the work of a student
  • Be there to support any student with any issue they may have in or out of class.

The salary of a College Professor is 450,000 Yen per month as long as you complete your minimum of 15 classes. If you manage to do an additional 10 classes, you would gain 50,000 more Yen to your salary. You can earn 500,000 Yen for teaching 25 classes each month however if you were unable to teach 15 classes, you would not receive your payment and you may be punished for doing so.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

Christophe stands at a tall height of 6’2. His body is not considered skinny nor is at the average weight, he is more in between. He has light dirty blonde hair, his eyes are coloured an olive green and his skin is kept well. He weighs 145 lbs or 66 kg. For his style of clothing. Christophe can be seen wearing clothes that can be put into the category of ‘smart casual’.

Christophe is a kind and calm individual who enjoys joking around with his friends and even his students. He wants to make his classes not the boring stereotypical class where the Professor talks for 2 hours and the students either listen or fall asleep. He wants it to be interactive and have the students have fun whilst also learning. Rather than teach and follow a curriculum on its own, he wants his students to think and ask questions that show their understanding whilst also following that said curriculum.

What would make Chris unique would be his very strong and thick French accent. Even when speaking Japanese, the accent shows through. If you were to close your eyes and listen to his voice, you would immediately tell that Chris is the one talking.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?

I would approach them calmly before asking them to follow me into my classroom. I would take a look at each of their faces to identify them then inform them that what they’re doing is wrong and inappropriate as they are meant to act as role models to their fellow students. Afterwards, I’ll send them back out but with a warning that if he catches them again, punishments could be given.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?

I would tell them to stop talking and keep silent. If they continue I will warn them of possible punishment. If they are not listening I will send them out of my classroom and report after the class for detention. If the student is failrping and refuses to fearrp, I will contact staff with /help.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me Would grab the chalk piece and would start to scribble on the board. 3 large letters being drawn to look nice and neat, spelling out the word WHY on the chalkboard.

/me Would let out a smile as he sat down by his desk, his mouth moving to his mug to take a sip of coffee. He would then place the mug down before he turned to face the class.

/me Would walk around the classroom, his head turning to face each and every student before turning back to face the chalkboard.

/me Would pace across the room, handing out papers to every desk as he hummed a little tune. Once he was done he made his way back to his own desk before sitting down.

/me Would walk into the classroom before turning to close and lock the door. Once he finished he made his way down to his desk and faced the students. "Good Morning"


Christophe Martin was born in Alsace, France. He was a cheerful kid who enjoyed living amongst his brother along with the rest of his family. He was named after his godfather who happened to be his father’s best friend and colleague. For most of Christophe’s youth years, he always was interested in what his father did for work and coincidentally it was psychology.

Christophe wasn’t that interested in the human mind but was very interested in the history of questions. Why do people ask questions or what do they gain out of it. This led to his eventual discovery that this all connected to the Human mind.

Once Chris turned 18, he started to work with his father as an intern whilst completing his studies in University. After about 7 years, Christophe came out of Uni with a masters degree in Psychology.

Once freshly outside of student life, Christophe moved to Kyoto to pursue a life of teaching. At the start, he began simply as a High school student for seniors but after a couple of years he managed to get a job as a University professor. After about 6 years in Kyoto, Christophe wanted a new scenery to look at everyday. He loved his job but he was getting bored and wanted to go somewhere new. Once he completed his research on some of the top colleges in Japan he found himself arriving in Karakura.

In-Character Information

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:

Christophe Martin

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:

Chris, Christophe, Mr Martin





Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):


Working Experience (# of years):


Academic Degree:

Masters in Psychology

Year of Graduation:



Education and Psychology



Native Languages:


Other Languages:


Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Preferred Teaching Subject:

Social Science- Psychology


Additional notes about your application (if any):


Do you have any questions?:



Level 132

- Your application lacks a lot of detail in key questions
- I personally do not know of you, You should attempt other roles upon the server before reapplying again

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