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EdoPeriod | College-Professor Application


Level 130
What is your Minecraft username?: EdoPeriod

How old are you?: N/A

Do you have any previous bans?:

I currently have one ban from around two years in the past. This ban was a ban for using emotes in chat repeatedly without warning; I was still a brand new player and had trouble adjusting to this. I have learned my lesson and understand the chat system now.

What Country are you from?:

I am from the United States of America.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):

I have Discord. My username is Kana#2526.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?

I completely recognize that I will be demoted from my position as a College-Professor if I'm inactive.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:

I am a very active player of the SchoolRP server. I usually get on from 8 - 10 hours a day in the summer, though that could be potentially shortened with my school schedule starting back up soon. On the server, I do what many players do. Talk to my friends, roleplay, etc. My main focus on the server is to create an excellent story environment for myself and the players. I enjoy writing lore, and it is an immense passion of mine. I usually write at least one short story a day, depending on how I feel that day. The server is a handy tool because it allows me to practice my writing in a creative setting. I am yearning for a career as an author in the future, and the server is the perfect practice to do so. It allows me to adapt to my writing, which is why I’d like to try every role possible. The more positions I try, the more it will enable me to adapt to the characters I create while writing my stories. Due to how obsessed with lore I am, I try to guide other roleplayers, especially new players, to roleplay detailed and adequately.

I am also very active on the forum, though not nearly as much as I am on the server. I usually average a few hours a day of forum activity, such as replying to feedback, creating feedback, uploading my short stories, and so forth. I try to be as active on the forum as possible because it allows me to stay current with what's happening in SchoolRP. This also ties in with my writing practice; I use the platform to upload little creative stories that I come up with in the shower.

How long have you played SchoolRP for?:

I have currently been playing SchoolRP actively for two years. I have learned a lot from my time here and even had previous roleplaying experience beforehand. I dedicate most of my time on SchoolRP to practicing my writing.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?:

On my EdoPeriod account, I currently hold the role Grade-12.


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

My motivation for becoming a professor is experiencing the joy and creating new experiences for current players in the college setting. I was a professor around last year, and it was one of my favorite roleplay experiences I've encountered on the server so far. I want to share that again, as I miss the feel of teaching, even if it is in a roleplay server. Honestly, my favorite thing to do is give others a fantastic roleplay experience that benefits me and the server's lore as a whole. I feel that being a professor once again in SchoolRP could do precisely that.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:

I have currently been roleplaying for five years, writing for even more. Writing is a huge passion of mine, and it helps me focus and calm down. I am currently using this server to practice my writing for my future of becoming an author. I feel as if the environment is fantastic, and it allows me to adapt my writing to situations that can't be shared when they come just from my head alone. That is why I find roleplaying to be such a great thing; it is not only a tool for fun but a tool for the benefit of my writing.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:

Classroom logs are where you log the classes that you host. Classroom logs show proof that you've hosted a lesson, causing you to not only get paid at the end of the month but prove that you're active. These classroom logs can also act as proof for potential punishments on players, telling from experience that happened to me. I demonstrated the fact that a player wasn't FearRPing because it was in my classroom log screenshot.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

There are several rules for not only the students but the Professor too. These are some of the rules that I have noticed being used in class, and I have used myself in my previous experience of being a professor.

Professor Rules
  • Show complete professionalism in the classroom at all times. (IC)
  • Roleplay correctly and detailed, making sure students understand entirely. (OOC)
  • Make your class calls professional and unique at the same time. This creates a balance. (BOTH)
Student Rules
  • Using cell phones in the classroom is prohibited and will be reported.
  • Do not eat or drink in the classroom without permission from the Professor.
  • Please quietly raise your hand, do not blurt out the answers.
  • Stay quiet at all times during lectures, and this is to make sure I can teach efficiently.
  • Please try your best to make it a fair experience for the other students. Being loud and obnoxious will result in you being reported to the College-Dean.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

I have a lot of roleplay experience; I have currently been roleplaying for five years in total. I've always loved roleplay, and it is very calming to me. It also allows me to expand my horizons in terms of writing ability.

I joined SchoolRP on July 4th, 2019. I was invited to it by a very close friend of mine, who sadly no longer plays. I first started just meeting friends and roleplaying normally until I quite literally got kidnapped in my first week of joining. I had my time of gangrping, teacherrping, and so forth. I enjoy many types of roleplay, particularly roleplay involving business. While the professor job does not include business, it is still something I am very passionate about. My time on the SchoolRP server is dedicated to creating a very story-filled environment. I enjoy lore, so I try my best to make sure the server stays active with tons of stories. Of course, to the best of my ability, that is.

I also have several roleplaying experiences off SchoolRP. I have roleplayed three years in other places before playing SchoolRP. I started as a new roleplayer, playing ROBLOX. I would join simple RP games, you know, the beginner roleplaying experience. I already played Roblox actively at the time, and I was trying to understand how the roleplay side worked. I fell in love with it; eventually, I switched to discord roleplays once I became more serious about it.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?

A College-Professor has many tasks to complete. Their primary mission is to give the students a proper education, allowing them to get their degree in whatever they hope to approach in life. They also have to take charge of whom the bad kids are, correctly reporting them to the dean so the dean can know whom to punish. Another important thing they have to do is guide students as much as possible, bringing them along the path to succeed in whatever their life brings. Of course, being a College-Professor is not an easy job, which is why there is no way I could place every task they have to do in this paragraph. Being a Professor, you hold the heavy responsibility of your student's future in your hand.

College-Professors get relatively good payment, starting at the amount of ¥450,000 per month. This is, of course, if they meet the proper quota of 15 classes in a month. This amount can also be extended if they reach 25 in a month quota, adding an extra ¥50,000 to their salary. This would all add up to ¥500,000 at the end of the month.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

Nobuyuki is a very optimistic person. He has dark blue hair with a tiny bit of blue and usually holds a serious face. Even though he is earnest, on the inside, he is a lovely person and wants to see people succeed. He is unique; he is someone who genuinely loves business and finds it very fun. He has a very positive outlook and is okay with opening up to anyone close to him. Overall, behind his seriousness, he is a heartfelt and open person.

He has a very positive outlook on students, but he often gets disappointed when they do things wrong. He tries his best not to get frustrated with them, though, as his main job is to help them succeed in what they're pursuing in life. He is willing to help them with their studies at any time, even if it interrupts his personal life. He tries to be somewhat of the "cool teacher" familiar with the students and gets them. He isn't the best at this, and it often comes off as funny to the students. I mean, who wouldn't laugh at an older man trying to be hip?

He also has a very positive outlook on other teachers, seeing them as colleagues and friends. He enjoys lesson planning with other teachers and even doing joint studies with them from time to time. He had had an outstanding experience with teachers, even from when he was a student. He always treats them as his equals and loves to help them with their classes in any way possible. He has some plans for his future as well; he plans to continue being a Professor for a long time and eventually retire at an old age.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?

I'd first tell them to quiet down, hoping that they listen. If they didn't quiet down, I'd then report them to whomever their higher-up is. If they're a college student, I'd report them to the dean, vice versa.

Action (I know this isn't required, but I figured it'd be fun to write)
/me &7He'd direct his eyes towards the students causing mischief in the middle of the hallway, putting somewhat of a disappointed frown upon his face. He'd slowly walk over to the students, keeping a solemn posture so he could display professionalism. &r"Please quiet down, students. You're too loud." &7He'd say, waiting for their response.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?

I'd first begin with telling them to please stop disturbing the class. I'd also advise them to pay attention as this is their future at stake. If they refused to listen to what I was saying, I'd place a report to the College-Dean, showing the student that their actions have consequences.

/me &7He'd look up to the student, pausing his lecture. His face would be drowned in disappointment due to the student's rude behavior. After all, they're in college; He fixed his posture showing that he would not put up with this. He'd slowly walk over to the student who is causing the malice in the classroom, speaking the words &r"Please pay attention to the class and stop disturbing your students. This behavior will not be tolerated, and if you continue, I will be forced to report you to the College-Dean."

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me &7He’d circle his fingers around the tiny piece of chalk, picking it up with his hand. He’d angle the chalk towards the chalkboard, where he was going to write his lesson plan along with the rules of the class. He’d begin writing, showing somewhat professionalism by modifying his handwriting for easier readability by the students.

/me &7He’d hand out books containing a passage and a reading assignment within them. The students are expected to hand this in on time, portrayed by his seriousness when handing them out. There’d be a spot for their name on the cover of the book, &r”Please write your name on the surface of the books, this will allow me to know who wrote them. If you do not write your name, you will not be credited..”

/me &7He’d grab the poem, placing it on the desk in front of him. He’d scan his eyes around the room for a second, searching to see if the students are paying attention. He’d open the book containing the poem before reading out with an announcing voice, &r”Faith is a fine intervention when gentlemen can see, but microscopes are prudent in an emergency. This is a poem known as Faith Is A Fine Intervention by Emily Dickinson.”

/me &7He’d point to the student wearing the red hoodie, known as {STUDENT NAME}. This would be an act of calling on him to answer his previous question; He’d display a face of curiosity, full knowing that the student hadn’t been paying attention to his lecture.

/me &7He’d walk around the tables, handing the students a pamphlet. This pamphlet would hold information regarding their big test coming up in a few days. There’d be a specific name written on each one, clearly being addressed to a particular person.


Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and his/her previous life.

Nobuyuki Kurihara was born in Hiraizumi, Japan. He had a loving mother and father; due to the town's size, they were somewhat poverty-stricken. The parents worked hard daily, owning a small candy shop on the side of town. They didn't make much though, most of their budget went on restocks, and there was only enough money to survive. Nobuyuki refused to let himself live like this. He was going to make sure he did great things with his life, even working towards getting a college degree in the future. This was around when he was age eight and beginning to understand how dire a situation he and his family were involved in. He tried his best to get good grades in school, hoping one day he'd be able to get into college and create a fantastic career path for himself.

Though, by the time he was around age twelve, his parents had hit it big. Their candy was the most known in town, and they were very wealthy. It seemed as if there was no point in working this hard anymore, but he still wouldn't let that ruin his dreams. He was still going to try his best, and he has now decided on the profession he wants. He loves writing and wants to share his creative writing talent with others; he's decided to become a Creative Writing Professor. He worked very hard at it, trying his best to maintain his grades for college. That was all before his parents decided to move to another town. He was in Grade-10 and was close to achieving his goal. Upon moving to Karakura, Japan, he had a hard time fitting in with the more westernized culture of the city. It was very hard for him, causing his grades to drop immensely. His parents noticed this, realizing it needed immediate attention. They called for him to have a tutor, but how would this play with his new retail job? It was already hard enough to maintain schooling, plus the job.
Adding a tutor to the mix might be the wrong idea. They decided to go ahead and do it; it seemed that it was the only possible way to help his dire situation. The tutor helped him, improving his grades to the maximum. This caused him to enter college, having less trouble with it than he initially thought. He would go to college for years before finally getting his Master's Degree in Language Arts Education. Of course, he had other majors and minors too, but this is the main one that he had worked so hard for. The time he put into all of his years in school finally paid off, and he was able to gain his position as a College-Professor.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Kurihara Nobuyuki

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.

Given Name(s): Nobuyuki

Preferred Name: Nobuyuki

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: Shintoism

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese

Current Location: Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 4 years

Working Experience (# of years): 21 years (Highschool jobs, retail jobs, and so forth.)

Academic Degree: Master’s Degree.

Year of Graduation: 2008

Major(s): Language Arts Education, Business Education.

Minors: Print Journalism

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: (Applying for JSL soon)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No.

Preferred Teaching Subject: Creative Writing


Additional notes about your application (if any): To the people reading this have a nice day!

Do you have any questions?: Nope!


Level 132

-Congratulations on being accepted into the Professor faction!
- After reading your application it was quite up to standards to becoming a Professor, After viewing this message you should be pinged in the Karakura Academic's discord to view further information within the chats there.

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