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ElectroGamz72's Shop 5 application

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Level 14

Previous applications:✔.11038/

Previous warns/kicks/bans:

I have no active warnings, no kicks and no bans.

Shop wanted:

I want shop number 5.

Why do you want to own a shop?:

There are many reasons why I want to own a shop, first of all it's fun to own a shop, it increases your roleplaying experience. By owning a shop you get to socialize with many people, different people. It's a challenge, and I like that challenge. And I feel pride, if I build something successful I will have a great feeling, I have a vision, I want to be able to succeed and say "I did this."
But it's going to be a long road, and I want to own a shop because I need something to spend time on, something I always can go to with a meaning. I want to make this bigger than 11-7, I know it's a big vision. Thats one of the main reasons, I want this big, huge challenge. To make the players enjoy my shop, making a new hangout spot. I feel like the players are sucking up on 11-7, thats mostly the only spot we use, on the huge map 11-7 is the only spot we use. Duckings spent a lot of money on this huge map, and we aren't using all of it. We need to use our gift of the new map well.
I also want to have a shop again, it was one of the most fun things I ever did on this server. You could just hangout with friends there, see your popularity grow, hire nice people to work for you.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:

I have big plans for this shop, I want to make it to a big cafe/restaurant/hangout spot. I have plans to make menus, a menu with all the good and delicious foods and drinks we sell. I want it to be one of those places you can go for lunch while you are haveing your lunch break at work, the restaurant you can go to with your family or date for a perfect, formal and healthy dinner. You can go there to grab a coffee, talk with your friends, just simply hangout or grab a drink while studying.
I have plans to make it a restaurant that is for everyone, a place evryone can go. There is always something you can afford here.
We will sell any foods and drinks possible, all from a simple plane hot dog to a cooked crab! Same with drinks, we will sell all from coffee to soda, even alcohol.
I plan to call it "Lotus' dinner". I want to set up signs all over town to advert for my cafe/restaurant/hangout spot. Big letters, explaining where to go to get there! I also want to make uniforms for all the workers, so everyone will know who they should ask for help from.

How will your shop be unique?:

My shop will be unique by the big space we have, also with the offer that anyone can pay to have the place for a special occasion, like a birthday or some sort like that. You pay a set price and we will have workes there serving food, drinks and what you ordered! We also have our very own V.I.P room, where you pay a price to get V.I.P service and relax with all the other V.I.Ps. You can buy a V.I.P pass for one day, one week, one month and longer! If you buy one week you sign a book to say when you have V.I.P pass. On top of the this, we also have a roof with tables to sit at and eat, with a great view over the parks and up to the mountains, this is a great place to be when its hot outside. We also have a bar at the top of the roof, you can come there when its late and you can grab a beer or another drink of alcohol with your friends and watch some sports!
That's how my shop will be unique!

How many employees are you planning to have?:

I plan on having around 15-20 employees, because with this many employees the shop can be open at any time! This shop will be an active shop with many active workers.
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Level 118
Although I enjoyed reading your ideas, there are flaws in your application.
-Ideas aren't that unique.
-Too short (minimum word count is 900 words)
-Renovations are a bit too much.
-Provide more detail to your answers and don't ramble.
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