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EMS Application [Psychiatrist] | failedfaith


Level 2


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous Bans:

Describe your activity on the server?:
I joined SRP in June 2022. I was incredibly active in the summer-time. Now that I am back in school, I typically log on Thursdays through Sundays for a couple hours at a time, though it varies from week to week depending on the amount of work that I have to do. My activity will increase greatly after December 15, as that is when my semester ends. My winter break lasts two months and my Spring semester course load will be much lighter, so I’ll have more time to be online.

Which time zone are you in?:
PST (UTC-08:00)

Do you have discord? If so, what is your tag?:

Do you have a microphone?:

List your current and past applications:
JSL Language Application [Accepted]
Professor Application [Accepted]
Chinese Language Application [Accepted]
Malay Language Application [Accepted]

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:
I have extensive experience with creative writing and literate roleplay, having started when I was around 12-years-old on roleplay forums. That’s around eight years! I joined SchoolRP approximately five months ago (early June 2022). Since joining the server, I have written several unique characters in varying roles. At the moment, I have two college-aged characters and a professor. My experience in roleplay ranges from fantasy settings to “slice of life” to everything in between. I’m always looking forward to new scenarios and furthering character development.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:
My primary motivation for applying to EMS is a change of pace. EMS offers a unique setting and an opportunity to interact with talented writers, both of which I desire. I have enjoyed writing in a school environment (from both a teaching and learning standpoint), but I would also like to engage in roleplay outside of Karakura College. I believe I would be an asset to the current team because I am an experienced roleplayer with long-standing experience in environments related to psychiatry and therapy. I have a solid understanding of what makes a skilled mental health professional and believe that I could accurately emulate this.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist):

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:
I would like to think that I am well-equipped for the psychiatrist's position, given my personal history. I have been in and out of therapy for seven years. Related college courses I have taken include psychology, biology, and anthropology. I’m no stranger to field terminology and have hands-on experience with cognitive-behavioral (CBT), dialectical-behavioral (DBT), creative arts, group, and family therapy. The list of medications I’ve tried is lengthy (to my dismay), including the following classes: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, mood stabilizers, atypical antidepressants, and stimulants. A licensed psychiatrist prescribed the aforementioned because of treatment-resistant mental health conditions. It took many years for me to find an effective combination. I am also well-acquainted with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and intranasal ketamine.

As for the field itself, psychiatrists are medical doctors that focus specifically on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions. In psychiatry, one most commonly encounters conditions such as Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and so on. Psychiatrists are expected to be well-practiced in various forms of treatment to aid patients in symptom management and eventual recovery from aforementioned health conditions, if at all possible. Medication is the most typical form of treatment, but there are less-invasive alternatives as well.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:
Hospital Director
The director essentially handles all administrative functions of the hospital. They conduct the hiring process and supervise staff. The director also enforces hospital policies and manages fiscal affairs. In short, they ensure everything is functioning as it should.

Clinical Manager
The clinical manager’s duties are like the director’s. However, they do not carry the same executive power. They work closely alongside staff and aid the director in their duties, such as hiring, supervising, training, fiscal affairs, and general management.

Clinical Lead
There are three clinical leads, with one of each from the three following branches: surgeon, doctor, and psychiatrist. The clinical lead oversees their branch and communicates with the hospital manager and director to aid in oversight. They might also provide feedback to their subordinates and ensure that everyone within the division is getting their work done.

Attending employees have completed their training. They no longer need such close supervision and can go off-duty. Each of the three branches contains attending surgeons, doctors, and psychiatrists. It is more of a descriptor than an individual role.

Surgeons do exactly what you would expect: surgery! They are trained to carry out a variety of operations, such as suturing, removals, biopsies, tracheostomies, and so on. Surgeons typically work in surgical teams to handle patients. Some will take on specific fields, such as cardiothoracic, colon, gynecologic, and neurological surgeons, but there are general surgeons as well.

Doctors diagnose and prescribe medications to treat their patients. They can administer various treatments and tests, such as IV therapy, cardiac catheterization, x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. They might also order and interpret laboratory results to reach a proper diagnosis as well. A doctor might be a general practitioner or deviate into a specific field, like oncology, neurology, or cardiology.

Psychiatrists diagnose mental health conditions and prescribe psychiatric medications to aid in a patient’s recovery. They differ from the******s in that they earned a medical degree and can provide official diagnoses and prescriptions. Specialized psychiatrists are less common, but they exist. Some examples of psychiatric specialties include addiction psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry.

Interns perform basic duties under the supervision of an attending professional or clinical lead. They might take patient histories, make treatment suggestions, provide provisional diagnoses, and conduct physical examinations.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Of course.


In-Character (IC) Section

Character Knowledge

Tell us about your character; how do they look? What makes them unique?

Ohta is a well-kempt, fair-skinned man with soft features. He stands at 5'10", with a toned build. While his intellect propelled him through his many years of schooling, his appearance aids him in his daily life. In professional settings, he considers his looks to be a nuisance, as he feels that colleagues and supervisors do not take him as seriously as they should. He parts his dark-blonde hair just off-center and gels it down for a more professional look. His light-blue eyes are deep set and hooded, often glinting with understanding when conversing with patients. His sense of style is rather preppy, coinciding with his clean-shaven look. Beneath his white coat, he prefers to wear light dress shirts and ties, paired with chinos and oxfords. During the colder months, he layers up with v-neck sweaters or tweed blazers.

What are they like on and off the job?
Odagawa is a charismatic individual with a flexible moral code and a situational application of ethics. Though he no longer attends church regularly, he still considers himself to be religious. His skepticism makes him an efficient problem-solver on the job. He pushes his patients to look at their lives from new perspectives, encouraging them to think outside the box. While Ohta is highly empathetic, he has a tendency to work from an ****ytical standpoint. These traits aid him in his performance, though he sometimes comes across as insensitive. Ultimately, he has his patients' best interests at heart. Off the job, he is relatively the same, albeit more casual. With what little free time he has, Ohta performs calisthenics to stay in shape. He occasionally goes clubbing as well. He is extroverted and has a tendency to flirt (when appropriate and not on the job, to clarify).

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Ohta’s outlook on co-workers depends entirely upon the individual, but his demeanor is far more relaxed around those he considers friends. He is loyal to his colleagues and does what he can to assist them, with the hope that they would return the favor. He cares deeply about his work and its impact, and has a tendency to kiss up to higher-ups in order to advance his career. As a medical professional, his social life is essentially ‌limited to his coworkers. Thus, he seeks friends through his work. When he takes issue with someone, he is short, but civil. He won’t hesitate to assert himself in a disagreement. Ohta’s plans for the future are unclear. At the moment, he intends to find work in Karakura (preferably at the hospital) to provide funds for his mother’s chemotherapy. His career choices depend on his mother’s condition and whether Karakura Hospital hires him.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?
Save for his previous run-ins with depressive symptoms, Ohta is a physically and mentally healthy adult.

On November 1st, 1986, Mei and Botan Odagawa welcomed their third son into the world. Named for his striking blue eyes and easy-going demeanor, Ohta translates roughly to “the eyes of the Almighty God,” or “free from dirt or impurities.” Mei and Botan are lifelong citizens of Karakura and devoted followers of Christ. Botan worked as a pastor at the local church, while Mei stayed at home to care for Ohta and his two older brothers, Junichiro and Goro.

Unlike the rest of his family, Ohta never felt a strong connection to his faith. This left him feeling alienated, a black sheep of sorts. He struggled with depressive symptoms throughout his adolescence, though he never received a formal diagnosis. His parents attributed his declining state to an absence of faith. They encouraged him to attend church services more frequently. This proved fruitless, as it often takes more than faith alone to cure a chemical imbalance. Ohta quickly adapted to his circumstances, learning to grin and bear it. Under the impression that their son was improving, Mei and Botan loosened their grip.

Upon reaching high school, Ohta took great interest in psychiatry. The study of the mind and its ailments intrigued him. It was his first exposure to the idea that mental illnesses were medical conditions and should be treated as such. Ohta’s favorite teacher encouraged him to pursue psychiatry, as his ****ytical mind and empathetic heart would be well-suited to the field. His father’s insistence that he follow in his footsteps quickly snuffed this interest. He was shipped off to Tokyo to enroll in a seminary after graduating from Karakura High School. Ohta, the ever-dutiful son, studied at Tokyo Union Theological Seminary for two desolate years before dropping from the program against his family’s wishes. Years of neglect towards his mental health had resulted in a psychotic break.

He took a year away from academia to regain his footing and seek proper treatment before applying to the University of Tokyo. Accepted into their school of physical sciences, Ohta graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a minor in Psychology after four years. He reapplied to U Tokyo 's medical program and was promptly accepted. After four additional years of schooling, Ohta earned his Doctor of Medicine at 29-years-old. Before starting his residency, he pursued a Master of Science in Psychology at the Tokyo Metropolitan University so that he could also qualify as a clinical psychologist. Ohta began his residency at St. Luke’s International Hospital in 2018, immediately after completing the graduate program. Through his residency, Ohta gained the experience to counsel patients and prescribe them with needed medications. He was relieved at having found his calling, though the guilt of betraying his faith still ate at him.

Shortly after his fourth year at St. Luke’s, Ohta received news that his mother was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. He returned to his childhood home, despite his ever-strained relationship with his father, and applied for a psychiatrist's position at Karakura Hospital. Ohta hopes to continue his career in psychiatry and provide the necessary funds for his mother’s chemotherapy.


SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Ohta Odagawa

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):
Mr., Dr.

Characters Given Name(s):

Character's Preferred Name:
Same as given.

Character's Age:

Characters Gender:

Characters Religious Domination:
Christian Agnostic

Character's Marital Status:

Character's Nationality:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

Four Years (Psychiatry)

Working Experience(s):
Ohta was a part of a four-year residency program at St. Luke’s International Hospital. He performed the typical duties of a psychiatrist while under supervision. Besides his residency, he simultaneously opened a private online therapy practice for a second stream of income. As a result, Ohta has experience in both psychiatry and clinical psychology.

Karakura High School (2000 - 2004)
Tokyo Union Theological Seminary (2004 - 2006)
Gap Year (2007 - 2008)
University of Tokyo (B.S.) (2008 - 2012)
University of Tokyo (M.D.) (2012 - 2016)
Tokyo Metropolitan University (M.S.) (2016 - 2018)
Residency (2018 - 2o22)

Academic Degree(s):
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (B.S.) - University of Tokyo
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) - University of Tokyo
Master of Science in Psychology (M.S.) - Tokyo Metropolitan University

Year of Graduation:
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (B.S.) - 2012
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) - 2016
Master of Science in Psychology (M.S.) - 2018



Native Languages:

Other Languages:
English, JSL
Last edited:


Level 236
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
We appreciate your interest in the Hospital Faction, and we hope you're happy to hear that you have been accepted.

- Refer to the Karakura Emergency Discord as soon as possible for further information.

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