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Ernesto Martinez's Biography (hope that he doesn't die while I write this)


Level 328

Section One: The Basics

RP Name
Ernesto Martínez

Full Name


'Corrupt cop' 'Dilf Cop'

Name significance/meaning
The name "Ernesto" comes from the German "Ernest", which relates to the values of "seriousness"
or "professionalism". These both are values that Ernesto takes pride in.


He, him


December 1st, 1976


Zodiac Sign


La Lilia, Paraguay



Section Two: Appearance


Physical Appearance

Ernesto Martinez's appearance would be heavily influenced by his family's genetics. He would be quite tall, standing at 6'1ft. and having
a muscular body build (though usually covered by his uniform). Nothing else needs to be mentioned, besides some visual features like blue,
narrow eyes, and slightly pale skin in comparison to the previous season's tanned color.

Eye Color
Navy Blue

Hair Color
Light Brown

6’1 ft / 186 cm

190 lbs./ 96 kg

Body Type

Visibly, you would spot several cuts to his neck, as well as
a slash-like cut on his arm

Left handed/Right handed/Ambidextrous

Short/Medium-length, Messy

Clothing Style
His on-duty uniform would consist of a customized detective outfit. From top to bottom, this one would be composed of a black hat, a non-saturated brown winter jacket that would partially cover a white detective shirt that matched with a blue tie. Further on, he would have a pair of belt-ed trousers that, paired up with some rain boots, would help the wearer to move swiftly in water. In addition, he would have black and yellow gloves that would prevent fingerprint data to be corrupted when handled.

When off-duty, Ernesto would usually wear a pair of (infamous) jean shorts, as well as a white T-Shirt covered by an open black jacket. It is important to be noted that this appearance of him is rarely seen, since he is hardly ever spotted while off-duty


Section Three: Personality

Extrovert or Introvert
Introvert / Not Sociable

Psychological Understanding ++++

As the leader of the Detective Division, one of his, if not his most renowned skill is the ability to understand the person that is being interrogated. In a matter of seconds and with only a few words that have come out of the interrogatee's mouth, he is able to come up with either comments or questions to intentionally manipulate their mind. He tends to play with people's moods and emotions to get the answer he is expecting to hear, and will not hesitate to cut short someone's speech even while answering one of his questions. All of this aids him to find any accidental confession that they may make. This, paired up with his motivation to get what he wants and his somewhat scary-looking expression, he usually tends to be successful in every interrogation he's involved in.

Leadership +++
Just like his former son, his sense of leadership has allowed Ernesto Martinez to lead other police officers during situations of risk. Though his position in the force requires this skill, it his outstanding skills at leading others during situations such as Stake-Outs, or Sting operations have helped him climb to where he is right now. He believes that a good leader must know what position each member must take, and when they must do it. Besides, his experience in the role of commanding officer allowed him to assign tasks to swiftly and effectively catch criminals on the loose.

Strength ++
Though this may often be seen as "Police Brutality", Ernesto can be seen using "excessive" force on uncompliant suspects. For example, if a suspect is trying attempting to run away from his grasp, he will try to send them to the ground with his own body if needed, instead of trying to turn them around. Though this isn't necessarily police brutality, bystanders may usually think that it is, considering he has also used his baton to knock out some people in several circumstances.

Aim +
His aim when dealing with Glock & taser usage has helped him catch some criminals who were attempting to escape his grasp. Nonetheless, he is often hesitant to shoot at certain locations or to misfire at bystanders/victims. Therefore, he will not usually result to using these kinds of force unless it is necessary/suitable

Temper --

One of Ernesto's common personality traits is that he can often be heard swearing and yelling at suspects when ordering them to do something. He will not hesitate to use foul language to cause a bigger psychological impact on them. However, this has caused him to be heavily criticized by other bystanders in certain situations. Furthermore, he has also been seen swearing and using force against tased individuals while trying to cuff them in some isolated situations.

Sight in the Dark -
One of the most controversial things related to Martinez's line of duty was the incident when he shot a suspect who was wielding a Toy katana in a dark area. Though it must be noted that most people cannot see well in these situations, his age has led his sight to slightly deteriorate, though still allowing him to see from long distances

Ernesto Martinez is the type of guy that you wouldn't usually want to hang out with. At first glance, he's not someone that you'd call "approachable". Instead, he'd seem like someone that's there because it's their job, and nothing else. He sometimes mistakes the sense of "professionalism" with lack of emotion, leading him to treat civilians like different kinds of people that shouldn't be related to him. Nonetheless, this seemed to have changed when, in an incident where he was knocked out and about to be murdered by a gang member, a bystander¹ saved him and took him to the hospital. From then on, he seems to have been thinking about his relationship with citizens and has taken a more "approachable" side of him. Nonetheless, he still tends to treat citizens like people he can't simply trust, considering the sheer amount of criminals in the city

In relation to what was stated above, his main mindset is that of survival, yet also that of helping others when needed. Though it is true that he tends to treat citizens as "untrustable" people, he will hesitate when told that he can't respond to a certain situation when someone's life is in danger. He will always try to prioritize the life of someone over the law enforcement of criminals. This has led him to have fairly decent knowledge in EMS work, as well as first aid knowledge.

Life Motto
“It doesn't matter if 100 criminals are on the loose. If we manage to at least save those in need, our task is more than successful.”

Section Four: Skills














Section Five: Backstory

Chapter 1. "Origins"
(Can also be found in Sebastian Martinez's Backstory)

The Martinez family goes back to the year 1946, when Alberto Martinez and Elena Lopez (Later changed to Elena Martinez when married), were a simple couple living in the society of a developing country called Paraguay, in which, although they weren't quite the rich family, they had enough to survive and afford some luxuries. Regarding their lives, they kept this lifestyle for pretty much the rest of their lives, and there wasn't any remarkable event that would be worth mentioning. However, their morals regarding the police force weren't quite good; they were completely against it and would distrust their help due to the way that they had treated latin-American people over the past years, not to mention that World War II had picked one of their sons, Ramiro Martínez, who was forcefully taken to fight in the german fields.
After the war was over, the economy was devastated, which forced the humble family to move to the countryside, where they would spend their next years living off and earning money out of their farming and their cattle-raising knowledge. It is here where they would have their second child, Ernesto Martínez. Although his childhood was nothing out of the usual, he grew up in a context with less economic possibilities than his parents. Therefore, his education wasn't the best one either, so his grades suffered a decrease in comparison to his parents. However, there was something that stood out, which would be his physical strength. His scores on most physical tests would be formidable. This would lead him to take the decision of applying for a job that would not need much specific knowledge, and that someone with common knowledge and enough physical capabilities could learn with relative ease: Police. This, however, was not really a decision that his father approved, given his hatred towards the police force itself. Despite this, he would keep studying to achieve his dreams and, it wasn't until Alberto found out about his great improvement in this field that his mindset changed. Although he still distrusted the efficiency of the police force, he, as a father, realized that he would need to approve his decision, no matter what he personally thinks about said job.
After some years of studying and training, he would finally get to be recruited in the Asunción Police Department, where he would rank up to Corporal. It was in these months where he would meet Adriana Díaz, a colleague of his. They would carry out operations together and grow closer together as both of them would rank up. Out of this, the spark of love would happen, and, eventually, they would end up together, which would later lead to them getting married. After around 12 months, they would then decide to leave the police in order to be able to live a peaceful life together, where they would eventually give birth to Sebastian Martínez
Our son's name shall not mean servant to others, but loyalty to his own values and what he thinks he is right." - Ernesto Martínez

Chapter 2. "Trouble in Asunción"
After several years had passed, Ernesto Martinez ranked up to the rank of Lieutenant in the APD. By then, his son had already moved to Karakura for studying purposes. Though his life in there was usually peaceful, the uprising issues with drug trafficking in Latin-American started to become more and more worrying. Despite this, he kept on living a happy life with his wife and still kept in touch with his son in Karakura. Nonetheless, one unexpected event occurred on the 13th July 198... whe... group of...
[The rest of the entry seemed to be missing]
[You will have to find out what happened in this Chapter through IC means]

Chapter 3. "Shocking loss"
[The entire entry seemed to be missing]
[You will have to find out what happened in this Chapter through IC means]

Chapter 4. "Journey to Karakura"
After countless days of grief after his son's death, he would decide that he could no longer continue on like this. It is then that he decided to take a trip to Karakura. He knew perfectly well that he would be related to his son the moment his co-workers saw him, yet he accepted it. Unlike the other case, this time Ernesto was able to recover from his loss, which is what permitted him to travel to Karakura to resume the job of his son
Upon his arrival, and as he expected, many of Sebastian's co-workers greeted him by sending condolences to him. Surprisingly, he simply shrugged it off, but still with a frowned expression. It was clear that his son's death affected him, of course, but he was seemingly trying to get over it with the coping mechanism of trying to avoid the subject. During one of his tours around the station, he came across the KPD graveyard, with the name of his former son engraved into its tombstone. Though it is unknown what he did during that time since no other officer was there to see him, it can easily be guessed that he simply followed the tradition of kneeling down in front of a beloved's grave.
After this, he decided to move onto the detective division, to try out what his son was so proficient at (from his point of view). After this, he was promoted twice, until he reached the position of DSI. Despite this, he still had the same appearance & behavior as the first day he arrived. Nonetheless, he quickly adapted to his new environment and, despite the countless attempts of criminals trying to make him meet the same fate as his son, he has still managed to survive all assassination attempts, or at least so far.

Section Six: Relationships

Sebastian Martinez
During his stay in Asunción, his relationship with his son was the one that you would usually see between a father and a son. They would spend lots of time together, which would be shocking for Ernesto's acquaintances right now, considering his attitude towards his son was way more different than the way he acted with others. Though Sebastian is no longer by his side, he still remembers him every single day, yet still not regretting anything he did, and accepting that what had to happen, happened. However, he still visits his grave in the KPD, and carries out religious prayers in front of it.

Adriana Díaz
[The entire entry seemed to be missing]

Maria Hart
Maria Hart (or DI Hart) is one of the very first officers that Ernesto started cooperating with. Their effectiveness when working together would be quite high and, even if sometimes they disagreed in some matters, their cooperation would usually result in success. Besides this, he thinks of her as someone he can really trust, even more than his own higher-ups, mainly because of her rarely-seen "psychopath" attitude when interrogating people. He believes this is something that is not only useful, but also necessary to become a better detective.

Preston Herrington
Some weeks after his promotion to DSI, he witnessed the tragic events that unfolded during the Popovich trial. Even then, before he even did what he did, Ernesto did not trust his commissioner due to some "questionable" orders that he did in the past. This led him to order his division not to pass top-secret information to any officer in the main division, even if that meant that he would work against his own Commissioner. Despite this, Ernesto thinks that former commissioner Herrington managed to lead a whole police department through the worst of days successfully, which is something he looks up to.

Amalia Fawcett
During his first months in the force, Amalia Fawcett seemed like a rather peculiar individual to him. This is mainly due to the events that occurred during one of the off-duty shifts when he and some other officers went to the Keisatsu towers. From his point of view, Fawcett could either be trying to hide something from him or trying to show something but didn't have the right words or actions to describe it. Regardless of this, he still keeps a normal colleague relationship with her and deems her a trustable officer.

Jasmine Ansari
Ansari was a recent addition to the KPD that Ernesto had the chance to teach. Unlike her other partners who worked on different shifts than her, she was often seen working alongside Ernesto to respond to non-threatening situations. Though he deems her trustworthy, he's still aware that she needs to learn more about police values, and will try to apprehend her when doing something wrong.

Reizo Tokushima
Though one would expect that Ernesto wouldn't trust the new Commissioner, given the past one's actions, he actually keeps the new Commissioner as someone reliable. Unlike the previous one, Tokushima actively participated in situations where lethal force was required, or a huge amount of officers was necessary. Nonetheless, he still tries to avoid sharing secret detective information with him, due to the fear of them becoming corrupt by the hands of money or pressure.

Alex Koji
Ernesto's relationship with Mayor Koji isn't exactly the best one. Though he can be seen working together to keep him safe, he still distrusts him for the position of Mayor. He knows perfectly well what he can do, so he prefers to keep his opinion secret. In addition, he thinks that he may have some shady businesses behind him, considering the past events of him being taken hostage by UNFORGIVEN, or his criminal record.

Metagarou Tatchisu
Being probably one of his worst enemies, Ernesto Martinez deems Metagarou as someone who needs to be punished by justice for what he did. He usually avoids interacting with him, unless necessary during interrogations, in which he tends to be serious and somewhat violent. It is to be expected, nonetheless, considering how he was the one who murdered one of his fellow co-workers, Lee Kinoshira. In fact, he considered the possibility of executing him, right before he was stroke with the fact that he could give relevant information to him and the force.

Sage Soda
Though his first interactions with him weren't precisely good (given that he had to tase him a total of 2 times to get him to comply, and yelled at him countless times), after he was released, Ernesto started to become closer with citizens than before. In fact, despite the fact that Sage took him to court and "won", he can still be seen helping out Sage in certain personal situations, though still not interfering with his own job.

Lorenza Santarossa
Though Lorenza wasn't but another citizen to Ernesto, she turned out to be the person that actually saved his life. During a violent confrontation where police back-up was not an option, Ernesto Martinez was knocked out with a spiked bat, and was about to meet a terrible fate. Nonetheless, Lorenza stepped in to get Ernesto to the Hospital to treat his wounds. Had it not been for her, Ernesto would no longer be alive. It is actually because of this that Ernesto started having more faith in citizens and started treating them with respect.

I finally took the time to write this whole thing. As you can see, there are some sections in the BIO
that are missing. How do I uncover them for the public, you may ask? Well, you'll have to find out ICly about each
chapter of his backstory (this is mainly directed to other officers, to encourage them to roleplay and try to find this out).

As for normal readers, stay tuned for possible future updates of this bio!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───



Level 72
Lorenza Santarossa
Though Lorenza wasn't but another citizen to Ernesto, she turned out to be the person that actually saved his life. During a violent confrontation where police back-up was not an option, Ernesto Martinez was knocked out with a spiked bat, and was about to meet a terrible fate. Nonetheless, Lorenza stepped in to get Ernesto to the Hospital to treat his wounds. Had it not been for her, Ernesto would no longer be alive. It is actually because of this that Ernesto started having more faith in citizens and started treating them with respect.
time to have them become best friends


Level 26
Im not in it :( but its prob a yet and its up to yonio. But a lot of others didnt get in too so. Still a great bio!!


Level 60
Maria Hart
Maria Hart (or DI Hart) is one of the very first officers that Ernesto started cooperating with. Their effectiveness when working together would be quite high and, even if sometimes they disagreed in some matters, their cooperation would usually result in success. Besides this, he thinks of her as someone he can really trust, even more than his own higher-ups, mainly because of her rarely-seen "psychopath" attitude when interrogating people. He believes this is something that is not only useful, but also necessary to become a better detective.

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