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Event Dates and Communication


Level 143
IGN: It's a secret (;
Suggestion: Please communicate and put more thought into planning dates for events.

Allow me to apologize in advance if this comes off as combative, offensive, or rude. I'd like to remain as constructive as possible, though I'm sure my frustration will come through my writing regardless. Please understand, I bear no ill will against anyone involved in what is happening, and wish only to convey my thoughts behind the matter.

Yesterday, an event was announced to happen on Saturday. I have no problem with the event itself, but the fact that it was planned to happen at the same time as a student council event that was already announced and scheduled. This is actually the second time in a few months where an event of ours was overshadowed by something bigger than us, the first being an unannounced server update, and the current being a faction-wide event orchestrated by a senior admin. I am especially upset with this instance as the student council's event was announced nearly a month in advance, which was time spent actively gathering people and actively preparing for it.

On behalf of everybody who has ever put time into preparing something only to be blindsided by the careless decision of somebody above them, it's one of the worst feelings you can experience. Assuming we don't reschedule (which we've already done before), our event's run-time has effectively been halved. That's not a fun thought, especially considering we'll have to break the news to the almost 40 people who got involved.

I understand that those of you who run the server have many responsibilities and make mistakes like anyone else, as we are all human at the end of the day. However, if these mistakes become a repeated pattern, it's difficult to see them as anything but negligence. I wholeheartedly believe that you guys are capable of being above that.

To put my suggestion to cohesive form, I simply want there to be more communication between those of you who plan out and confirm event dates. I don't think it would be difficult either to get in contact with the other faction leads or even just look at the announcement channels, especially when those few minutes it would cost you would save both yourself and potentially others a few headaches.

TLDR: Communicate with one another when planning out events, updates, or other types of developments as not to double-book and impede on one another.


Level 231

In my own case, we have planned fight club events, sometimes a month or two in advance (for example, I have mapped out basically my entire year of events and I am sure all of them will have some type of rescheduling due to some outside factor like this that I can't control!! Sucks!), for some random exam to be announced the day before we host the event, been a major ongoing issue & delays is what demotivates us to open as much as we otherwise would like to as this is such a frustrating factor. I can't understate HOW OFTEN THIS HAPPENS.

It's not to say that it's the event teams fault always, Mariav is constructive (and very nice), and neither of us factor in timezones correctly a lot of the time when planning last minute (aka, if I say Sunday, she's thinking about what would be Monday in my timezone), but the system could be a lot, lot better and the issues I am talking about existed long before Mariav took over as event coord.

Maybe including people who plan events outside of the event-team with some sort of "mini" event-team role in the discord, so they could type into the planning channel and cohesively plan events & time's around other events, without being involved in anything else unrelated to their own events than scheduling around the greater event team.
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Level 211

As Event Manager/Event Team Coordinator, I mainly lead the Event-Team planned events. And faction events like government, crime, and emergency I do not get too involved (unless asked) since it's not my event, and yes the faction leads (besides my own faction events). Most of them do let me know the date and I always check if something is going on that day (as far as I'm aware) to avoid this type of thing.

Thankfully, KimiNoUso reached out to me and gave the great idea of bringing back a channel for staff members/event team where we can schedule our events better. It wouldn't need this communication with me (it's something we had a few months back but ended up being replaced by /events), which I hope will end this problem of overlapping events between factions (excluding tryouts, unless during major events)!


Level 42
Based on other comments on this thread, it sounds like we ALL need to be a tad more informed when it comes to dates.

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