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Denied ExplosionRP(UnknownContext) | Lore-Team Application


Level 7
ExplosionRP (UnknownContext)
List your discord name and tag (name#0000): (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a dealbreaker for the team)
Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?
I do have a microphone that I can use to speak with discord.
Your time zone and current country of residence:
Eastern Standard Time is my current Time Zone, I live in the United States.
Link any previous community team applications if applicable:
I did apply for Media Team, but I asked for it to be deleted since i did not have any work that wouldn't show my face.
Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?
I do recognize that I can be removed from the community team, I am willing to do whatever it takes to join the team and that I will take responsibility for any actions I have done and that I will not lie at all. I tend to follow the rules and I have only been warned once, but so far, I have done a good job following the rules and helping others out.
List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.
A few things that may obstruct my progress on the team would have to be my tutoring and events that happen in my life, my tutoring can take up to 2-3 hours a day and 10 hours a week, which isn't much, but it has obstructed chances that I could have gone for when playing on RPH. The events I have in my life would have to be visiting my family members, friends, and my appointments that are scheduled, I do not have specific time spans of how long those are, but they tend to take a bit.
What makes you passionate about writing?:
What makes me passionate of writing is the feeling of being in that story you have written. Normally writers would do it for either an income, but I would just do it for people to enjoy the stories and feel like they are the one in those stories. Other things that make me passionate is how I can make an impact on the world and how I can change it with the help of people.
Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
I have had previous experiences with writing lore and creative writing in school classes, I'm still in highschooler and in English we tend to have to right a lot of stores with our imagination and creativity, my teachers have said I have a very creative mind giving me the opportunity to show my skills to the world.
In your own words, give your definition of lore:
My definition of lore would have to be that Its the backstory behind certain aspects of everyday lives, The reason why I think this is because normally everyone has lore in their everyday lives as to what happens to them. Some everyday lives are more unique than others, but in my opinion everyday lives are all unique in their own way.

Writing Prompt #1
Namiko Genji, an Australian Male, who was minding his own business was then approached by his friend, Aurem, She and her friends were going to an abounded train station to sleep over and she wanted Namiko to tag along, Hesitant at first, but he decided to go but knowing the troubles that lied Infront of him, he was willing to take the chances of going, the reason he decided to go was to prove to his friends that ghost were real, knowing that the accident that once happened there was to be a long journey of figuring out if the ghosts who lived there were rumors or not. When he got there, he was confronted by another one of his friends Vannessa, or V as he could call her. Him and his friends had a fun time exploring the abandoned train stations secrets. After a day or two Namiko decided to go back to the Abandoned train station with his friends to see if the ghost was real, one of them brought a Ouija Board, once they started to ask questions the Ouija Boards Planchette was moving, giving signs of how a ghost was with them, but it was also frightening once the ghost finished talking to them, it was a frightening message, "They're Coming, RUN," after that one no more responses were heard from the ghost, But everything started to get intense, The group started to see things with their instincts telling them to Leave that place, the group escaped unharmed but they would remember what happened that day.

Writing Prompt #2
The Mountains near the Shrine, a peaceful place with quietness and the chilling breeze, however one day on that mountain was a chilly one, A group of hikers decided to climb the mountains to see the beautiful view from there, they started from the bottom as normal, once they started to climb, they started to hear whispers and voices to them telling them to turn back and leave. Frightened by the voices the hikers wanted to turn back but did not want to miss the beautiful view of their hometown, so they kept climbing. The whispers started to get louder and louder once they reached a certain point on the mountain, one of the hikers were climbing up the steep mountain they suddenly fell falling down the mountain hitting the ground, frightened by this incident the hikers decided to turn back and get help for their fallen friend, but one by one the hikers kept falling. Once there was one hiker left, they reached the bottom, but they were chilled to the bone once seeing what has happened, their hiker friends were not there, there were small pools of blood there but no footprints or anything, the one hiker was confused and frightened by this scene, not knowing how they would have moved without leaving a trail, suddenly he started to hear the voices again, but they were right behind him, he turned around to see a man in a trench coat with a winter beanie on his head but this man was different, he didn't have any arms, no bandages on them just the bone and flesh showing, with black eyes staring at this one hiker, the Hiker was so terrified he ran away, once he ran away his heart stopped beating, his skin turning pale, falling to the floor, before his heart stopped beating he heard these words. "You're Next," in a deep demonic tone, the story was never proven to be false or true but remained a mystery to the world.​
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Level 35
We thank you for applying, however, the team has chosen to deny your application today.
The reasons for your denial include:
- Consistent grammar mistakes found throughout your application
(Inconsistency of tenses, unnecessary capitalizations after commas, run-on sentences)
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