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Eyezs Police Application


Level 9
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In Game Name):
Eyezs (other Account)

Previous bans:
i never got banned.

Describe your activity on the server:

I try to be online every day, I'm always online for around 7-8 hours.

Do you have Discord?

Yes i have Discord, my Discord is: SpookyVinc#5007

Do you have a microphone?

Yes i have a microphone.

List your current and past applications:

2x Police Application (Denied)

Korean Language Application (Denied)

Lunchtime-Monitor (Denied)

College-Student (Accepted)

Korean Language (Accepted)

News Reporter (Accepted)

What is your motivation for applying?:

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of gang activity take place around the city as well as new gangs rise. I’d like to be able to prevent those criminals from disrupting the peace of the city as well as give them the punishment needed according to the crimes committed. I’ve always been interested in becoming a police officer on SchoolRP and so it has become a goal to enter the force.

I have some experience in GangRP as i used to participate in such activity myself and so I’d like to change my point of view and try something new. I’d like to be able to bring justice upon the city and keep it peaceful.

Of course in order to be able to participate in solving crimes, chasing down criminals etc., I need to be very responsible, logical and mature which I believe I am.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?

I understand most of the Japanese Laws as well as the Basic Conduct as I’ve researched about them beforehand however I am always willing to listen to the higher-ups in the station during training and take notes in order to learn and understand all the laws.

What are the Police ranks?

The Police ranks are the following from Highest to Lowest:



Head Lieutenant

Vice Lieutenant




Patrol Officer


There are different divisions such as the K9 unit which consists of police dogs, and the Investigators unit.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work.

I have done some research on real life police work as well as watched some police shows in order to understand them better. I believe I understand the basics of how the police work but as I'm not comfortable in my own knowledge, I’d like to train hard in order to learn how to function as a cop properly.

Of course i have watched how the police on SchoolRP works for quite a while, even on manhunts and raids since I’ve roleplayed as a GangRPer and i found it very interesting and so I’d like to switch sides.

The knowledge I currently have of the police on SchoolRP is that they have to catch criminals, sometimes by even looking through the cctvs and going on manhunts, they file reports on certain matters, they go on raids and in general they try to keep the city of Karakura a safe place.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?

As already said in the question above, the police on SchoolRP prevent criminals from ruining the peace of the city. Their goal is to arrest all the criminals in order to keep the city clean and safe so that nobody gets hurt.

Of course the job of the police is very important and requires a strong sense of responsibility as they can die anytime on any mission. Police even go as far as to sacrifice themselves for the safety of the citizens of Karakura if ever needed.

In my opinion, the police is one of the most important jobs on SchoolRP (teachers and doctors as well of course) since they try to keep everyone alive and arrest criminals.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Yes i understand that, and I will do my best if i get accepted in order to be a good cop.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?

Hide Sumiyoshi is a fair-skinned male towering at 6’2” and weighing around 189lbs with a muscular build. He’s half Korean and half German with dyed purple hair which is combed down, hovering over his left eye. He has heterochromia causing his right eye to be green while the other is blue. A strong fragrance of Creed Aventus would be circulating from him. His voice is quite deep yet soft and calming unless he of course gets mad. He has a lot of patience although once its broken, he can become quite scary.

What he's like on the and off the job?

On the job he is a Male with a lot of patience. He listens well to all orders from his higher ups and never acts without thinking first. He tries remains calm in most situations and does not express any negative emotions. He respects everyone within the station and strives to one day reach a high position in the force.

Off the job, Hide remains serious but can however be silly at times when around his close ones. He doesn't like to show weakness to anyone and so he avoids expressing his emotions. He has a lot of patience and always thinks logically before he acts.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?

As already mentioned, he holds a lot of respect for his co-workers and observes them during working hours in case he learns something more. He wants to reach a high position during his time in the police force.

As getting in the police is one of his biggest goals at the moment, he doesn't have any plans for the future. Perhaps getting married and having a family one day but as of now, he wants to focus on his job and support his family financially.


Hide was born in a small to average sized household in Seoul, South Korea that went by the name of Sumiyoshi. He was an only child which caused his parents to give him extra attention throughout his whole life. They owned a small ramen shop which did get a lot of customers as the ramen was homemade. During his childhood, Hide would always hang out in the back of the shop, where there was a tv casting the news of the city and he’d sit there for hours observing it. From a young age, he was interested in becoming a police officer.

When he finally entered elementary school, he’d always draw, do presentations and in general talk about his interest in the police. He was of course an average student which paid attention during class hours and studied quite a lot. He’d also read a lot of police related books and watch police shows during his free time.

Once he finally entered middle-school, his parents ramen store was in need of help and so Hide decided to somewhat give up on his dream of becoming an officer. He’d start working countless hours in the ramen shop in order to earn enough money to support his family. He focused on getting better grades in school in order to graduate and find a better job to help his parents and so during his last year of middle school, he started to get straight A’s.

His parents saw how hard he worked for them and they decided to send him to Karakura, Japan so he could proceed with his studies. He entered highschool there and made quite a few friends but as his goal was to graduate, he focused more on getting good grades and so he’d study countless hours. Once he saw how hard the police in Karakura worked, it sparked his interest once again and he decided to approach that field as originally planned.

He finished highschool with perfect grades and entered college where he studied Criminal Justice, Psychology and Law Enforcement. He also took additional courses to learn about the mind of criminals. He aced the biology tests and finally received two majors in Criminology and Criminal Justice as well as two minors in Law Enforcement and Forensics.

Soon after his graduation, he applied to enter the Karakura Police Department in order to help them in keeping the city a safe place for all the citizens.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Hide Sumiyoshi

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): None

Preferred Name: Hide

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: Atheist

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: South Korean

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: 2 Years

Working Experience: 2 Years

Academic Degree: Criminology

Year of Graduation: 2018

Major(s): Criminology, Criminal Justice

Minor(s): Law Enforcement, Forensics

Native Languages: Japan

Other Languages: Korean


Level 152
- Despite making a good application, your reputation and history with the Police Force is quite appaling.
- With so, we highly doubt you will be able to work properly with the rest of the Force without any resort of tension arising.
- We, as the Police Force, have come to conclusion that as long as I'm Commissioner, you may
not apply again to be an Officer.
- In other words, you've been blacklisted.
~ Thank you for applying.

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