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Face of a sparrow; will of a crow.


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team


(DISCLAIMER: I went through and shortened the OOC portion as much as I can, apologies in advance if it's long...)


coju (Account I’m applying for), nylu (Main account)

Previous bans/warns/kicks:
3 chat warnings (about spam) varying from well over 1000 days ago, and one from September in regards to breaking rule 6.6 and assisting. None of these have happened again and none of them will. I have no bans and the only kicks I've got are for relogging.

Describe your activity on the server:
At the time I am applying, I am a current Lore Team member. Usually, I’m working on personal lore between my characters or official lore for the server.

GANGRP: I’m currently an active player of this faction and I’ve got an extreme dedication to it- enough that I decided I would continue a gang that was once removed from the roster. I was given this opportunity and I took it upon myself to take advantage of it. When roleplaying, my goal isn’t to ‘be the best’, but to provide a welcoming and thrilling experience for everyone else. I’ve organized many events thus far with that goal in mind. Using what's been given to me, I've adapted to a suitable writing style to best fit this part of roleplay. Even with the given limitations, I've gone ahead and used them in ways no one's seen before.

SCHOOLRP: I know, what a surprise! The School faction is another of my favorite factions to attend to. Although I don’t hold a significant role in the faction, I enjoy goofing about (in a beneficial manner) with my character “Yoshinaga Tsukasa”. He’s one of my prized characters for that reason. He’s a delinquent with empty pockets with no regard for anyone but himself. It’s boring to only roleplay in one faction after all.

LORE-TEAM: Currently, I’m one of the 11 members of the lore team. In my free time with the server, I write lore over two official lore families (Itsbyoshi families that makeup part of the lore of the server). One of those two would be Tsukasa but I’m not entitled to say the other as I haven’t found a proper introduction. I would have much more listed here, but I don’t want to reveal anything I already have planned to reveal later.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
Nylu#0449, I have a microphone.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I live in the United States. My timezone is CST.

What are your motivations for applying for the black market dealer role?:
I find this spark in roleplay when I dedicate myself to specific factions. More in specific, the criminal side of the server has served me in many ways I’m proud to be grateful for. Although I’ve been trying my best to contribute what I have to offer, I know there are more ways to do so. Using my roleplay and server knowledge, I wish to try out another side of this faction. If accepted, I’ve got many plans ahead. My ultimate goal is to provide this community with as many opportunities and interactions as possible. Recently, the faction hasn’t been as buoyant and although I acknowledge that I myself cannot fix it, I’m confident I can put a dent in it whether it be opening for the criminal underworld or organizing events with current gangs. Leading a gang did me good, but also catering to the community via BMD is what peaks my passion.

Okay, sure. I relish the gift of offering. I'd be lying if I said that's all. I've always been fascinated with the BMD but I've never gotten the chance to truly uncover anything. Despite being a Lore Team member, I'm going in blind when I say that I am intrigued about what the BMD has to offer. I crave dilemma is what I'm trying to communicate. I can only imagine what's in store for me, but I hope to find more quarrels and contingency within my roleplay experience. Additionally, I've never made a character such as this before. I know I'll be amused to try yet another personality atop another character that I've only just written.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
This faction, as said previously before, has served me wonders countless times. So, what can I offer back?

I won't go too deep into this portion because I'll do a better job explaining the question below, but I've got abundant experience working in teams. I try to be coordinated and organized when explaining/speaking to others about work.

I myself have been writing since around 2015, but I only just started taking it seriously two years ago. Take that with a grain of salt, but I'm confident when I say I enjoy writing about given subjects.

Gangrp, at least as far as I've been in it, has followed a similar chain of events and after a while, I got fatigued with it. I took many breaks from the server but I always attempted to rejoin the faction before I left. My first experience with gangrp was in 2018. Things have changed a lot since then. I will say, however, I don't miss anything from back then. I'll presumably elaborate on this in another question, but my views within gangrp differ greatly compared to others. My gang "OTAKE-TATSU" shows that without words.

My dedication is a tool I'm glad to have sharpened. If I'm given a task and focused, I can manage workloads.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
I have plenty of experience within teams, but I'll narrow it down to a few.

I've already mentioned this plenty, but I guess I'll say it for the thousandth time. I currently work with the Lore Team and there are a select few that I'm working with currently surrounding lore and events within the history of Karakura.

I didn't get into 'mainstream' gangrp till 2020, but from 2018-2023, I've had my fair share of gangs that I've participated in. I started off engaging with gangs that were private or small groups and worked my way up to join a few public ones.

Surprise. Although I don't think I'll mention what game/s in specific, I'm a music producer with an aching positive love for creation and game design. When creating such things with a group, it takes immense ****yzation and cooperation if you want a solid product- one that people will want to look at. I say with confidence that I now understand how that works, catching the attention of desired groups.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
Besides the BMD, I wish for more underground activities and establishments (and I’m still an activist for the sewer’s renovation).

To elaborate, I’m not very fond of the ‘perm system’. Not because I don’t like my characters hurt, not because I can rarely get said perms, but because in my eyes (contrary to what others think), permissions mean little. I will agree that the permission system is beneficial to Gang Roleplay, but I feel that perms do nothing but spark arguments and unnecessary drama. In my opinion (and this is how I run my gang, OTAKE), permissions can prove to be only a small factor in a larger scale of roleplay and I’ve already proven this theory myself. When using perms - whether it be consented or not - I make sure to make said perms only but the smallest portion of a bigger picture. For instance, if handed ‘majors’, I could care less about removing someone’s ability to use a limb. Instead, I make the experience as interactive and indulging as possible.

Excuse my rant, but what I’m trying to say is that with the addition of more establishments within the underground world that each is attended to regularly, some might come to find that GangRP can be more than just a usage of permissions. We all saw what happened when we tried to FORCE players to be more interactive (kps removal). Instead, why not inspire others by giving them more ways to interact with this community?

Very broad idea, I know. But if I tried to elaborate, this question might end up having the longest answer.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes, I am. I've been a player for almost 5 years now, so I’d hope so. Every now and then, I review the rules just to get a grasp on things I could’ve forgotten.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes. I’m willing to dedicate my character to BMD’s cause all the way through the end whether it be inflicted by people he doesn’t know or the people he knows closest.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes. This is a thrilling risk I’m willing to take.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
I’m more than aware. I hate to ruin the fun. After all, I find the most enjoyment in never knowing what’s next for me in roleplay.



Full Legal Name: Rokkaku Atsukane
Criminal Alias: 'MIZUCHI'
There's more history behind the alias. None he's willing to share. Maybe if you ask politely.
Age & Occupation: 30 | N/A
Gender & Marital Status: Male, destined not to love again.
Ethnicity & Race: Japanese-??? | Asian
He never got to find out what his mom was. She was rarely home.
Known Languages: Japanese and JSL. He learned a wee bit of English for fun.
Former Associations/Occupations:

TSKAKIBARAIn Atsukane's youth, he was significantly feeble in comparison to other kids. To make up for it, after enough hanging around and favors, he join 'TSKAKIBARA', a criminal association that prioritized their own welling-beings. If he was in the gang, it was guaranteed protection.
KYOTO CRIMINAL ENTERPRISEAfter 'TSKAKIBARA' fell, Atsukane was left to fend for himself. Because of his left leg's flesh removal to make up for the flesh lost in his first battle with cancer, he was weaker than the others. So, he applied to another criminal association- one more formal and stronger than before.
KISUMETTOThere was an answer, but it's been scratched out. Maybe it's for the best it stays that way.

Highest Level of Education: Middle school dropout.
Physical/Mental Ailments: Leukemia (blood cancer). It's his second time. He walks with a limp because his first time resulted in the need for a flesh transplant. Consider it botched, but they found the best spot to do it being his foreleg. Ever since then, he's never been able to support his own weight. It's like his legs are sticks heaving a boulder.
Known Family Members: Atsukane abandoned all knowledge long ago. It'd be a miracle if he were to remember anyone.

"Don't you dare look down upon me."

Describe the Sparrow’s appearance to the greatest detail:


Atsukane, or Mizuchi, owned a malnourished and deprived appearance, hefty bags withdrawing perennial drags across his gaze. His eyes spoke anemic, dull honeyed orbs displacing one’s average eye. All the hair on his body occupied his head, flying long and thin, lackluster strands painted with hickory brown - there was no pondering why his arms and legs appeared like the skin of a Siamese cat. His body looked frail, bones protruding as to say a mere flick could topple him over. He sauntered limp, a cane working as a support beam to prevent his collapse.

He wore brown jeans and a fleece walnut-brown overcoat with fixed lapels shielding his unruly appearance. He knew he was far from alluring, why bother?

So, you may call him your sparrow.

“I shun children. They claim I’m a specter.”

Describe the Crow’s personality to the greatest detail:


Despite a sick appearance, Atsukane was one to crack jokes (more so about prancing on the edge of death’s cliff). His mouth proved to be well-spoken, seamlessly gluing whatever words his tongue could snag onto. However, contrary to his decrepit demeanor, death was his no. 1 adversary. He avoids doctor visits and anything needle related. Painkillers were always in his pantry, neighboring empty pill bottles. He’s adept at hiding indignation, painstakingly striving to be perfect. His low self-esteem hinders improvement, and the lie’s of others propagate his emergence.

That doesn’t mean he calls it quits.

His determination had been marked ages ago. His courage was a never-ending steel line that not even molten lava could melt through. Give him a task and he’ll see through by any means necessary. His intelligence is considered above average. He’s inventive, and brilliant some might say. Constructing knick-knacks and solutions to ambitious tasks was only a hobby that fulfilled his troubled mind. You could tear at his guts and he'll still try ways to retaliate.

Some might say his will matches the likes of a crow.

“Show them your worth,” said Father.

“Like I had any,” Atsukane scoffed.


Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail:

Atsukane comes from an average straggling family, supplying themselves with the crumbs teased at them. Throughout his childhood, he was often ridiculed by his parents. He marched dreams of engineering science in ways never seen before; his parents trampled them with sports. He desired to be a poet, authoring stories for all to see; his parents robbed him of those “silly fantasies”, urging him to do “something more productive with your time”. His life was hindered by wishes that weren’t his. Nonetheless, what mattered more to him was his parent’s acceptance.

Before his diagnosis, he was top of his class in athleticism. One would think that this was revolutionary and wish to be the same, but he digresses. Despite being ‘the best’, he was often shamed by his peers due to his poor living conditions. Just when he thought he could catch a break, being home was no different. His father pushed his physical limits far, straining his pupil just so he’d stand out like a sore thumb; it left Atsukane in aching pain. His schedule was cruel and prosaic, the epitome of what Atsukane formerly asked for. The school was a book of hell and being home was another chapter to write. But as all stories go, he hadn’t reached his climax yet.

Imaging scans and lab tests. “Stage 2,” said a man coated in white with turquoise hands. That’s the furthest Atsukane remembers about that day. Being a sparrow that once flew high, his wings were clipped and there came a long plummet. One could imagine the expression his parents had after their sworn prodigy fell just as quickly as they rose. Atsukane went through many procedures he didn't comprehend, and as much as his father tried to continue his harsh training, all failed. However, fortunately, the tumor that had been growing had been removed! But to make up for the flesh lost, they reinstated flesh using his leg, permanently leaving him with a drooping limp.

Soon enough, Atsukane would learn that his parents lost all empathy for him. His dad casts a flaring glare bright enough to shine through him, and her mother's gaze was poignant. It was that year that he learned the difference between being alone and being lonely. Previously, he secluded himself within the confines of his closet walls occasionally. He was alone, but he was away from the rowdy disturbing classmates and his perfectionist/idealist parents. Now, his classmates really did shun him away, fearing that his cancer was 'contagious' despite him no longer being diagnosed. It was a cooties game, but Atsukane never had the touch. On the other hand, his parents loathed him.

"We spent blood, sweat, and tears on you and this is how you repay us?" they said.

Blood, sweat, and tears? Atsukane wondered if they meant his and not theirs.

He made it as far as middle school, but the desolation he faced was enough to make him crazy. So, he did what any other unsought child would do and ran away far, never to return. He knew they wouldn't feel his absence, so he never cast a gaze back. All his dreams turned to deranged nightmares, clawing at his back with each thought sc****d by. Soon enough, Atsukane met a ghetto, urban area where workers frothed sparks in the indigo sky; impoverished people sought, coaxed, begged, and commanded money, and junk scattered with each step. It seemed relying on other people was just his best bet again. It just so happens that he heard of a crew by the name of 'TSKAKIBARA'.

After weeks (if not, months) of laundering cash and doing away with illegal means, Atsukane was welcomed with warm arms. He was the puppy of the crew; no one dared to set harm upon him. No one wanted to mess with the frail boy across the corridor. Everyone knew it wasn't him that caused the caution, but the aftermath of his 'people'. If one set hands on him, they were only singing a death warrant.

During his time, Atsukane met a friend similar to him. He was frail. His legs were faulty, and he accustomed to two canes across both arms. They both shared an eye for science. Their ideals were near to difficult to distinguish from each other. His friend, by the name of Arlo, once too had wishes to spread his message throughout the world. That was when he was 12. Now, he’s 23. He knew Atsukane’s background had to be rough, I mean, what could you expect out of a teenager who supposedly dropped out of secondary school?

Arlo never had someone who had mutual visions on the world. He believed they could engineer and create- and so he pushed Atsukane to do what he once wanted. After concluding laundering, Atsukane’s first thought in mind was to visit Arlo. When the time came, they architect and construct things using the scraps that the slums had to offer. For once, Atsukane had someone care for him.

Though, Atsukane already knew all too well that all things come to an end whether it be gradual closure or a grating halt.

There's much more, but little to say. To summarize, Atsukane made the mistake of trusting people ever since the day he blinked for the first time. Time and time again, he was met with unfortunate scenarios. Tsakibara ended when an informal rat, who happened to be his best friend, got everyone in shambles. Atsukane left as quickly as he came, peeking at what new life he manifested.

When he was finally within the age to lease an apartment (and never have to meet optics with his parents again), he found word of the Kyoto Enterprise. It was a one-chance offer, but not even he could overlook it. He swore his chances and made it big. That was until he was swept up by 'KISUMETTO'.

Kisume- [!] How odd. The rest here was torn. [!]

It's unfortunate to say that Atsukane's life was a rollercoaster of rising actions and climaxes. In his late 20s, he met with a doctor after he pondered his horrible condition. Atsukane hoped he could distinguish what it was, but it came back as expected. He was diagnosed with Leukemia (blood cancer if you're not technical).

Atsukane's worst fear was death. He hated anything to do with pain and tried to avoid the hospital's checkups but visited the doctors often when he gained even the weakest of illnesses. When he fell sick, he feared that his true sickness worsened, but following doctor visits, he was proven wrong each time. His fear caused frequent nightmares and insomnia though he was left with no choice to persist. Truly on death's corridor, he didn't know what he had left in him. He had neither friends nor groups. Though, there seemed to be one last spark for him.

The year is 2023. Atsukane finally departs for Karakura after a message from an old friend.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:


Japan's dusks were tedious.

Atsukane stood firmly outside that new fancy ol' bar, his cane atop the hard andesite concrete. The air was welcoming, the warm red-orange sky blowing its candle away serenely. Atsukane could smell the forest’s damp scent close by as a shadow pranced across his face. This was harmonious, he thought. Though with only a pivot, those delightful scents and scenery scurry away and the bar's boisterous noises fill his receptors.

He thought he didn't dare step foot inside again after the last time. The music, cutlery scratching and scraping, profound swearing, glasses clinking, and rowdy drunks hollering made his ears ring like the tenor bell, but money always clenched his attention like the fierce grab of a hawk.

Atsukane edges his way to the seats toward the rear of the establishment. He disregards cheers, sauntering past the rowdy drunken people. He pinches his nose with his thumbs, blocking the malodorous smell those drunks gave to offer. It was unusual to have an influx like this in the bar, but it looked as if the bar had been planned to be rented out for the next few days. Just his luck.

In the back, Atsukane spots his payee playing a round of pool in his lonesome.

"Shit!" the payee roared, clouting the pool stick against the baize billiard cloth of the pool table. Atsukane knew he shot the 8-ball into a pocket again. It was a common occurrence.

"The ball can't hear your howls," Atsukane says, cane leaning across himself.

"It'll teach it a lesson."

"On how to hear?"

"You never cease to amaze me, Atsu."

They both share a guffaw. Despite Atsukane's complaints over the loud eerie bar, it seemed the only sounds he heard were between him and his payee.

Atsukane's mirth was the first to conclude, trading in exchange for dry chesty coughs. His payee knew far too well why but knew better than to bring it up in a public space such as this. Atsukane wipes his mouth with his clouded handkerchief, head shaking vigorously. Lately, his coughs had been getting aggressive, batting at his chest with strong strikes.

"You look dead," the payee said, confining the truth into only a few words. His hands spread across his pool stick, awaiting Atsukane's response.

"Perhaps I am. The grade school kids titled me The Specter," Atsukane replied jokingly, steadying himself with his cane. "It's got a ring to it."

The payee's exhale was as sharp as a sickle. It hurt to see his moribund friend joke playfully about his end. The truth was, there was no telling when it'd arrive. For all they knew, Atsukane might survive. Or, he might die tomorrow. "I don't find it as humourous as you, but it does have a ring."

"It's done," Atsukane utters.

The payee was on the verge of striking the cue, but his attention flailed. He couldn't believe that was done - that quick too? "You're a fuckin' madman," he says.

Atsukane glances partly, silently telling the payee to quiet down.

"I don't see how ya' kill so quick." The Payee's tone lowers quiet enough for Atsukane's keen ears to hear. Either way, no one else would've heard with all the ruckus about. The payee strikes the cue ball, causing a carom between the other balls. "You're sickly- on your deathbed even. I mean it when I say you truly never cease to surprise." To his own surprise, he knocks two balls in at once.

"Well, won'tcha look at that?" the payee teases, a hone of attention on the 8-ball to verify he hadn't 'fucked up' again. He was given no response. He shifts, eyes dancing across the bar to see Atsukane was gone already.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:

The alt I’m using this on currently has the worst attributes I’ve seen in years. So? I implemented that and made a character that’d best fit. I don’t care if that at all sets my character back, I’d have fun, either way, inventing solutions to his new trials. The account for this desired role is “Coju”, and I hope to gain another opportunity in this faction.


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Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team
Thread starter
If there's any errors, chances are, I missed it

I had to retype a section of this twice. Take that as you wish o7
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