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Faculty Suggestion


Level 89
What's your Minecraft Username?: LozzyOzzy
What's the title of your suggestion?: Faculty Suggestion

What's your suggestion?:
Faculty having access to the new school schedule GUI

How will this benefit the server and community?:
While this is not a big change, Being faculty myself this would help us in my eyes. As a professor when i click on the school schedule it tells me i am not a student and can not open it, I believe this will help us in a few minor ways more of being using less of our time. Bellow i've listed some ways this will support us

1. Seeing if other teachers/professors have claimed periods
- This one we can see through the discord, However it'll be a lot quicker for us to open up the school schedule and check rather then going through discord. This will also support faculty roles such as receptionist who gets asked a lot if there is any classes being hosted today, They will simply be able to check their planner rather than radioing for potential no response

2. Seeing how long periods are
- There has been many times where I have simply forgotten how long lessons are supposed to be, When this happens i don't know how long i have left and do not know if i can fit in extra activities or not. When this happens I have to load up the faculty handbook which can take a while to load depending on peoples WIFI, Lucky for me it does not take long but once again it will be a lot quicker just to right click the book and see how long we have in game.

These are just two reasons that i see this helping us, But there probably is many more. Once again i do want to say how this is not a big change, But I believe this will help some faculty members out at time. If not all.


Level 59
What's your Minecraft Username?: LozzyOzzy
What's the title of your suggestion?: Faculty Suggestion

What's your suggestion?:
Faculty having access to the new school schedule GUI

How will this benefit the server and community?:
While this is not a big change, Being faculty myself this would help us in my eyes. As a professor when i click on the school schedule it tells me i am not a student and can not open it, I believe this will help us in a few minor ways more of being using less of our time. Bellow i've listed some ways this will support us

1. Seeing if other teachers/professors have claimed periods
- This one we can see through the discord, However it'll be a lot quicker for us to open up the school schedule and check rather then going through discord. This will also support faculty roles such as receptionist who gets asked a lot if there is any classes being hosted today, They will simply be able to check their planner rather than radioing for potential no response

2. Seeing how long periods are
- There has been many times where I have simply forgotten how long lessons are supposed to be, When this happens i don't know how long i have left and do not know if i can fit in extra activities or not. When this happens I have to load up the faculty handbook which can take a while to load depending on peoples WIFI, Lucky for me it does not take long but once again it will be a lot quicker just to right click the book and see how long we have in game.

These are just two reasons that i see this helping us, But there probably is many more. Once again i do want to say how this is not a big change, But I believe this will help some faculty members out at time. If not all.
+1 !!! i needed this so bad when I was a PE professor


Level 20
1. It's crazy how faculty has no easy way of seeing ongoing classes. Imagine telling a college student to go to class, getting asked what classes are in session, and not being able to answer. I'm pretty sure even professors can't see ongoing college classes with /classes.

2. I literally have the class schedule as my desktop background because it's the easiest way to check it quickly that I could come up with.


Level 194
I remember being a teacher and relying on a book that had the schedule on it, so I would see how this really helps.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! We have decided to implement it.

- This was just an error during programming the menu. It's now fixed and both Professor and Teacher can also now access the Timetable.​
- All periods are 25 minutes Out-Of-Character, this is something we've put in both the faction guide and the training teachers/professors receive. For In-Character times, you can now check the School Planner's Timetable.​

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