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Accepted FallenPlushie || Chef Application #3

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
Depending on the weekdays I try to be active every day

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes, Lying to staff about a weapon and I don't remember when

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge that if I am inactive, I will be demoted. I am committed to maintaining an active and productive presence in my role.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Being a chef involves leveraging culinary expertise to plan, create, and execute high-quality dishes, managing kitchen operations, collaborating on menu planning, and overseeing inventory. The chef should also foster team collaboration, and adapt to a new environment when working within team

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I know the basics of roles and fearRP and I did work at Luxe when it was around, so when I do work I greet them and always ask what drink they want and I will not tell them to hurry let them take their timer while I serve another customer. After he knew what he wanted I asked ok sir what drinks and he said what drinks and I asked for ID first. ID always needs to be shown before getting the drinks Then I say what price he/She pays and I hand them the drink and say “Enjoy!”

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I express my desire to join the School Employee faction due to a strong commitment to contributing to the educational community. I am passionate about creating a positive and nurturing environment for both students and colleagues. With a dedication to upholding the values and mission of the school, I aim to actively engage in fostering a conducive and supportive atmosphere for effective learning and professional collaboration.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: ACCEPTED ACCEPTED DENIED ACCEPTED DENIED

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

In response to a student cursing and expressing dissatisfaction during a work shift, my character maintains composure, addresses the inappropriateness of the language, seeks understanding, and, if necessary, disengages while documenting the incident for reporting to supervisors, emphasizing the importance of professionalism and workplace policies.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
My character reacts promptly by immediately intervening to separate the students, ensuring their safety, and swiftly reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities for further resolution and disciplinary action.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
My character responds by prioritizing the safety of all individuals involved, intervening to cease the inappropriate and dangerous behavior, and promptly reporting the incident to supervisors or relevant authorities for proper investigation and resolution.
When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the employee break room, my character acts in a friendly and respectful manner, engaging in positive interactions with colleagues, adhering to workplace etiquette, and maintaining a professional demeanor during breaks.
Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me He’d start by preparing a small traditional lunch bento box. First, James would wash his hands in the stationary sink, thoroughly and dry them. Then in a small strainer, he’d rinse off the fruit and vegetables. Strawberries, Cherried Tomato’s, Cucumber, and Apples. Leaving the fruit and vegetables to dry in the sink, he’d go over to the cabinet’s take out a bag of rice. Set it on the counter top, as the pot of water comes to a boil before adding the rice and cooking it at low-medium heat for thirty minutes. Next, James would head over to the refrigerator, taking out a pack of Pork hotdogs. Using a knife and cutting board and cutting them into small octodogs can let them grill on a skillet on low heat until bronzed. Grabbing these rinsed ingredients and began peeling the skin off the apples, and cutting them into fourths. Afterwards, James would cut the strawberries into halves, removing the stem/leaves. Also cut the cucumber into squares. Finishing, he’d assemble a small traditional lunch bento. Placing the Octodogs, Cherried Tomato’s, Strawberries, Cucumber, and Rice all together neatly in the box.

/me He’d start by preparing a bento of Onigiri. James began by washing his hands thoroughly in the stationary sink, and drying them. Then, headed over to the refrigerator taking out a few cans of canned tuna and a jar of mayo. In a bowl he’d mix the canned tuna and mayo with a fork, with his hands and make the tuna mayo into little circles onto a baking sheet. Using the leftover steamed rice from making the small bento box, James wet and salted his hands as he mended the rice into round/circular shapes with the tuna mayo balls inside. Finishing, he’d wrap the Onigiri in a thin sheet of seaweed assembling them into a bento box.

/me He’d start by preparing a Omelette bento box. James began by would washing his hands in the stationary sink, thoroughly and dry them. Then, heating oil in a wok over high heat. Adding diced onion and carrots, letting that cook for five minutes. Than, he’d grab a cup of frozen peas and the cooked left over rice, letting that cook for three minutes before adding soy-sauce. Tossing it and cooking for a further one minute before removing from the heat. Next, in a small bowl he’d crash two eggs and add two-tablespoons of sharp shredded cheese and whisk them together. After, he’d spray a frying-pan with oil and place it over low-medium heat. Adding half of the egg mixture for two minutes until egg begins to thicken and cook through. When done, James would transfer the omelette to a plate to cool and repeat with the remaining left-over mixture. Assembling, he’d place the fried rice center of each omelette, and gently fold to encase the rice. Slicing them in half and placing them in the bento with orange, apple, and cucumber slices


In-Character Section

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

James T. Randal

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Preferred Name:

Mr. Randal

Age (Minimum is 25):




Academic Degree:

Culinary arts






German and Spanish but living in Japan

Known Languages:

German Spanish and French

James Randal, a vibrant 68-year-old, embarked on an unexpected culinary journey later in life, driven by an unwavering passion for the art of cooking. Born and raised in a small town in America, James had always harbored a deep appreciation for food and its ability to bring people together. However, his path to becoming a chef was not a direct one. From a young age, James found solace and joy in the kitchen, observing his mother as she lovingly prepared meals for their family. Her homemade dishes sparked his curiosity and ignited a flame of culinary creativity within him. Despite his natural affinity for cooking, James pursued a career in a completely different field, dedicating decades to working as a civil engineer. While his professional life was fulfilling in its own right, his true passion for cooking remained a constant presence, simmering beneath the surface. As James approached retirement age, he found himself at a crossroads, reflecting on his life's journey and contemplating the possibilities that lay ahead. It was during this introspective period that he made a bold decision—to pursue his long-held dream of becoming a chef. Despite the skepticism of friends and family who questioned the wisdom of starting a new career at his age, James remained undeterred. He viewed his later years as an opportunity for reinvention and self-discovery, embracing the challenge with an adventurous spirit. With a sense of determination and a thirst for knowledge, James enrolled in a culinary school, eager to refine his skills and immerse himself in the world of gastronomy. From the moment he stepped into the bustling kitchen, he felt a sense of belonging a profound connection to the sights, sounds, and aromas that filled the space. Guided by seasoned chefs and fueled by his own passion, James threw himself wholeheartedly into his studies, soaking up culinary techniques and experimenting with new flavors and ingredients. Despite being one of the oldest students in his class, James quickly proved himself to be a natural talent in the kitchen. His years of life experience endowed him with a keen intuition and an unparalleled work ethic, allowing him to excel in the fast-paced and demanding environment of culinary school. His classmates admired his tenacity and admired his ability to remain composed under pressure, earning him the respect of both peers and instructors alike. James's journey took an unexpected turn when he discovered a profound appreciation for Japanese cuisine a culinary tradition that spoke to his soul in a way he had never imagined. Intrigued by its emphasis on simplicity, balance, and reverence for seasonal ingredients, James found himself drawn to the intricate art of sushi-making and the delicate flavors of traditional Japanese dishes. Inspired by this newfound passion, he made the bold decision to relocate to Japan upon completing his culinary training, eager to immerse himself in the country's rich culinary heritage. In Japan, James embarked on a culinary odyssey, studying under master chefs and delving deep into the intricacies of Japanese cuisine. He embraced the rigorous discipline of his mentors, honing his skills with dedication and humility. With each passing day, James's confidence grew, and his culinary repertoire expanded, encompassing a diverse array of techniques and flavors from both his American roots and his adopted Japanese home. Today, James Randal stands as a testament to the transformative power of following one's dreams, no matter the age or stage of life. At 68 years old, he continues to pursue his passion for cooking with unwavering enthusiasm, inspiring others with his resilience, creativity, and unyielding pursuit of excellence. As he shares his culinary creations with the world, James embodies the timeless adage that it's never too late to chase your dreams and savor the flavors of life's most delicious adventures.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

I am deeply passionate about enhancing the culinary experience at the school by introducing a variety of new and delicious food options. I believe that the power of good food extends beyond nourishment; it has the ability to uplift spirits, foster a sense of community, and even inspire positive changes in individuals. By showcasing diverse flavors and appealing presentations, I aim to not only contribute to the improvement of the school's food offerings but also to demonstrate that the artistry and taste of food can positively impact the well-being and attitudes of the students. I am eager to leverage my culinary skills to create an environment where every meal is a delightful experience, and where the simple act of sharing good food becomes a catalyst for joy, connection, and overall well-being.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

Even though everyone will get a fair chance at being accepted because of all of our differences, I should be chosen due to my experience of cooking and preparing food throughout my whole life. I've been cooking since my dad was a chef at a restaurant and he taught me everything he knows about cooking. I also will do my best to ensure that the students and employees can come to me at any point when they need me.​
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Congratulations on being accepted, please DM me on discord so we can get started!
- ozinth

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