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Family/Gang rule update


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
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IGN: Tippieee
DATE: 1/5/2020
There is one rule that really bothers me and does not make sense.:
A gang should not be compared to a family, A family should go on for generations if the head dies a child or second in command should be able to 'Inherit' it. The rule I mentioned above is good for gangs but is totally not for families.


Level 86
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But then you run into the problem where it's a gangrp family. As interesting as it might be to have a family that has been killing people for eons you'd end up with people just making families to gangrp. FamilyRP is usually just gangrp but you can't date anyone from your 'gang'


Level 140
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But then you run into the problem where it's a gangrp family. As interesting as it might be to have a family that has been killing people for eons you'd end up with people just making families to gangrp. FamilyRP is usually just gangrp but you can't date anyone from your 'gang'
but in what case does suddenly every single person in that family from generations above and below just suddenly loose the name because a singular person is killed in it?
if thats' the case the rule should atleast be restricted to non-gangRP families because in no way is that realistic for a whole family to collapse under one person


Level 75
Although it may give the impression it is not to compare them. It's like this cause it applies to both of them. As for the inheritance, it's an alright idea but to be honest it really isn't needed as many people ignore the rule about starting a new family anyway.


Level 169
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But then you run into the problem where it's a gangrp family. As interesting as it might be to have a family that has been killing people for eons you'd end up with people just making families to gangrp. FamilyRP is usually just gangrp but you can't date anyone from your 'gang'
There are enough families who are not gangs, and this rule does not make any sense for those. A gangrp family should be classified as gang then and not as a family. And I do agree with what was stated earlier:
In what case does suddenly every single person in that family from generations above and below just suddenly loose the name because a singular person is killed in it


Level 75
There are enough families who are not gangs, and this rule does not make any sense for those. A gangrp family should be classified as gang then and not as a family. And I do agree with what was stated earlier:
Yeah in my opinion its fine.


Level 183

- This rule will be tweaked a slight bit to relate to only gangs. It was created a while ago when near enough all families were the equivalent of gangs either way, all relating themselves to crime, etc. Meaning it was appropriate for it's time but not any longer.

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