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FEEDBACK | Attributes


Level 45
IGN: OriginalMinds

DATE: 8/13/2022

Making it so you can get the attributes that are on your main account, onto your alt as well.


Everyone knows the struggles of leveling up attributes in SchoolRP and how much time it takes. Especially for Acrobatics. Once getting all leveled up, it's quite an achievement, but when you get accepted into, let's say, KPD, you can barely do anything when it comes to going off-duty, etc. So you decide to buy an alt account, so you can do things like CombatRP, apply for other positions, etc. But upon purchasing an alt account, you're stuck at square 1, all of your attributes are back to 0, and you have to grind them up all over again, which probably takes months. So I suggest that the attributes you all gain on your main account should also be transferred to your alt account. But it won't be a mechanic that automatically does that since it's impossible(I think.) In that case, you will then use /help to request your attributes on your main account and be onto your alt. However, this can be exploited. So to do this, you will have to prove that your main account belongs to you (Showing staff that you are logged into that account via Minecraft launcher, possibly other options.) Below are two benefits that this change could make, maybe more if I think of some.

1. People will not have to stress over grinding their attributes anymore, especially acrobatics, as that takes a very long time.
2. People will not have to take months to get all of their acrobatics back up to what they originally had on their main account - Possibly 100%​


Level 193
Different characters, different personalities, different looks, different attributes. I find it unrealistic to have the same attributes on two different accounts.


Level 10
+1 Clearly people don't have lives and don't understand how annoying it is to grind acro, I think it should be a more select and choose system once you reach Grade 12 or spent enough time on that account as most people would grind to 100% regardless of "the character's personality."


Level 15

I like the idea of it, and it REALLY sucks when having to grind crap considering I've got maxed out attributes I'd know. It takes days to get everything maxed out and it would help fix that. I do think there are different ways to bypass that though, like saying that your account is maxed out even if it's not. Or if they asked for proof get somebody else's maxed out account screen shot. The things said above though don't necessarily make sense, considering I can play that character on my main account that has maxed out stats but suddenly on my alt they just- get weaker ICly? Since they're going from maxed out or good attributes to nothing whithen seconds. Thats just my opinion on the matter of course.


Level 45
Thread starter
Different characters, different personalities, different looks, different attributes. I find it unrealistic to have the same attributes on two different accounts.
When a character dies on your main account that has all of your attributes, you create a new one correct? Which like you said they will have a different personality, different looks, but the same attributes.

So what I am trying to say is attributes are more of an account thing, than a character. You just use the attributes to call it more of "Skill" ICly. Although, I do see what you mean, and I respect your opinion, but I don't think its 100% correct.
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Level 7

I understand why this suggestion was made however just a few reasons why I disagree with this
1) I can imagine that it might be a bit of a hassle for staff to sort out everyone's attributes considering they're either busy, roleplaying themselves, or just want to do other stuff.
2) Also what was said before, attributes should be for characters exclusively and not be shared between accounts, I do understand that attributes are annoying to level up and very time consuming however it will just be unrealistic for new characters to have instantly maxed out attributes.


Level 45
Thread starter

I understand why this suggestion was made however just a few reasons why I disagree with this
1) I can imagine that it might be a bit of a hassle for staff to sort out everyone's attributes considering they're either busy, roleplaying themselves, or just want to do other stuff.
2) Also what was said before, attributes should be for characters exclusively and not be shared between accounts, I do understand that attributes are annoying to level up and very time consuming however it will just be unrealistic for new characters to have instantly maxed out attributes.
I'll answer those from when you said "1" to "2"

1: When it comes to replying to the /help system they do not have to do it right away, which means they can do it when they're available, or even the next day. It doesn't have to be immediate, but it will be stressful on the staff-team.

2: I see what you mean, but that happens either-way on main accounts. A character will die, they will create a new one, and they will have the same attributes. But not the same skill.

Like I said above, attributes are more of an account thing, but is taken as skill into IC. Not every single character will have the same skill as the previous one, which is why I change mine up a bit. Your character will obviously not be a whole avenger level threat when being first made, but that is the reasoning for backstories, and actual IC roleplay. If you get what I mean. Good thinking though!!


Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
With the current attribute plugin, there isn't a way to transfer attributes from x account to y account, which is why something like this isn't possible at the moment, however if the plugin does get re-done in future with a custom one, this could be cool. But in my opinion grinding the attributes is half the way of earning your position! (Thats just what I think anyway)
So I'm gonna stay


Level 194
-1 / +1, I really do not know how to properly word this so I leave you with just this for now.


Level 271
ALTHOUGH its prob not possible with the plugin rn, but after the attributes will get update I dont see why not, its SO MUCH hard to get most of the attributes to be 100%, there's no reason for why would a person need to do that over and over; for that prob it will be by ip & in this way it will make sense to get all ur alts under the same thingy OR. Another option is to add ur alts by a command; which I dont know what will be easier


Level 35
-1 Not really needed also people would abuse it somehow 100%. BUUT it would be a dream ofc. <3


Level 12
It's annoying that I have to play Jae-Seong Kim as a slow ass man (especially as a former Receptionist (screw whoever ran away from me)), but I still agree with the first response on the thread. For example, you could just roleplay out that your character has a knee injury, like I do with Jae. Ooor, just roleplay out that your character is slow as fuck, just simple. Not everyone in Karakura is the fastest person alive, or the highest jumper, or the fastest swimmer, or the best at... lasting underwater for 30 minutes.


Level 12
+1 Clearly people don't have lives and don't understand how annoying it is to grind acro, I think it should be a more select and choose system once you reach Grade 12 or spent enough time on that account as most people would grind to 100% regardless of "the character's personality."
Attributes are ICly, not OOCly. If you don't have the OOC time to grind out your character's attributes, your character ICly doesn't have the time either.


Level 271
Attributes are ICly, not OOCly. If you don't have the OOC time to grind out your character's attributes, your character ICly doesn't have the time either.
you have to remember it takes a very long time to reach stuff on 100%, I believe it will be much easier than spending days for grinding it from all different accounts.


Level 45
Thread starter
Attributes are ICly, not OOCly. If you don't have the OOC time to grind out your character's attributes, your character ICly doesn't have the time either.
Attributes aren't an ICly thing. It's more of an account thing to reward you with how much time you have spent on the server. You take it to IC and call it "skill" for your character, getting an alt account then playing that same character and it just becoming weakened seems silly.

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