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FEEDBACK | Kill Permissions Re-Evaluation


Level 110
IGN: hebwig
DATE: 03/07/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Make kill permissions only possible to be used if the person consents through OOC means to have their character permanently killed. This is the suggestion simplified down to one sentence; but, it goes a bit more in-depth. Bear with me, the crime faction lead, and take my input on how this would benefit & what other changes would come with it.

Roleplay communities, outside of Minecraft and within Minecraft, frown upon permanent/forced character death. Completely deleting a character from a setting’s existence is really ridiculous and one of the many reasons why GangRP has the reputation it has (which then leads to other issues within said portion of the server). Requiring that kill permissions become an OOC consent-based system will limit these deaths, promote players into writing fleshed-out characters, and discourage those who oftentimes use throwaways.

Please note that this suggestion has already been discussed with a few staff members, including the owner. This thread is being created so that players can give their input on the suggestion. We value feedback and would like other perspectives before going through with the suggestion above. If possible, read through every point mentioned before making a response as they are to be considered in any feedback.

  • As aforementioned, forced & permanent character death would not be as rampant. This benefits everybody, as nobody likes when their character dies, and it would give people more time to fully flesh out their characters and allow them to flourish, regardless of what path they choose to take.
  • Inevitably, some would no longer take the path of GangRP because their motives of being involved purely lie around killing other people’s characters — and, this is a good thing. To allow players, who do not care for the writing and creativity aspect that GangRP should be delving into more frequently, to fizzle out from this part of the community, we automatically benefit. In turn, players who prioritize writing quality and uniquely intricate roleplay may involve themselves in GangRP!
  • In correlation to the previous point: when you remove the players who do not want to adjust to a more writing-focused side of criminal roleplay and allow those who do care for it to join in, you better the reputation of GangRP. This will result in more events and a more fleshed-out crime faction.
  • There would be less of a confusion regarding kill permissions. With this update, the only three permissions that would exist anymore are minor assault (which everyone already has, the only thing that is needed to use it is a motive), major assault (which would then be tied in with kidnapping permissions), and mugging. With less confusion, there will be less arguments. GangRP becomes a more welcoming environment.
  • With the following above considered and the entire concept of consented kill permissions, account for the following as if it would be included in the same update (as, if enough positive feedback is accrued, it would be accounted for).
  • Police officers will not have to ask for consent if they attempt to kill a criminal by shooting them.
  • If a police officer DOES attempt to shoot you, you are not required to ask them for consent in order to kill them. It’s vice-versa.
  • If you have consented to having your character killed and a person attempts it, you will also have permissions to kill their character without consent.
  • If you re-sell any items (excluding the spray cans and fake I.Ds) currently available on the Karakura Black Market, all dealers will have permission to kill your character without consent.

Again, take the above into account. These are not the only changes that would take place in the next few weeks (if enough feedback is given and considered); but, these are the ones that are just related to this massive change. If you choose to respond or react to this feedback, please give reasoning behind it as this thread is being monitored by staff and will be reviewed by staff when the next period for reviewing feedback messages rolls around.

Thank you for any input! Both myself and the staff members of SchoolRP are grateful to you, for both reading this thread and for potentially leaving a response. Note that if you have any other points/benefits worth mentioning, this thread will be edited to include them. Take care.


Level 35
+1 i helped write this so it's good (I WILL SAVE GANG ROLEPLAY)

-1 because i feel like most gangrpers wont like this.
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gold fish

Level 286
+1 You put a lot of thought into this, it may shrink the gangrp community slightly, but perhaps would cause the 'toxic gangrper' stereotype to shrivel up and die at least a little bit. I like it! C:


Level 104
+1, When someone is killed it should go through a delicate and well-written process, planning and such can actually go into another killing of characters and more unique ways of killing said characters can be brought up. I also agree it WILL filter out those who don't want to put effort into gangrp itself and will let those who have well-planned situations and ideas take part in the activity without the fear of losing their well-written character.


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team

bro, where tf was this thread a year ago, and did you just solve gangrp??

Some exciting points placed in the thread, and a lot of them I agree with, moderation on kill perms would be eased and less confusing, players would be less likely driven away by character deaths and players who simply GangRP to kill without the intent of exploring the depth of gang roleplay will be forced to adapt or move on.


Level 134
IGN: hebwig
DATE: 03/07/2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Make kill permissions only possible to be used if the person consents through OOC means to have their character permanently killed. This is the suggestion simplified down to one sentence; but, it goes a bit more in-depth. Bear with me, the crime faction lead, and take my input on how this would benefit & what other changes would come with it.

Roleplay communities, outside of Minecraft and within Minecraft, frown upon permanent/forced character death. Completely deleting a character from a setting’s existence is really ridiculous and one of the many reasons why GangRP has the reputation it has (which then leads to other issues within said portion of the server). Requiring that kill permissions become an OOC consent-based system will limit these deaths, promote players into writing fleshed-out characters, and discourage those who oftentimes use throwaways.

Please note that this suggestion has already been discussed with a few staff members, including the owner. This thread is being created so that players can give their input on the suggestion. We value feedback and would like other perspectives before going through with the suggestion above. If possible, read through every point mentioned before making a response as they are to be considered in any feedback.

Again, take the above into account. These are not the only changes that would take place in the next few weeks (if enough feedback is given and considered); but, these are the ones that are just related to this massive change. If you choose to respond or react to this feedback, please give reasoning behind it as this thread is being monitored by staff and will be reviewed by staff when the next period for reviewing feedback messages rolls around.

Thank you for any input! Both myself and the staff members of SchoolRP are grateful to you, for both reading this thread and for potentially leaving a response. Note that if you have any other points/benefits worth mentioning, this thread will be edited to include them. Take care.

As I stated in our conversation earlier, I am almost all for this idea, that is, in an ideal SRP world. I would take this any day over our current system, though I do have a few quarrels with it. There will be times when it makes sense for murder to happen, or it is a NECESSITY to an organization, but it will not be able to be done.

That is why I'd like to re-pitch what I said earlier in the Akihito Clan discord during our conversation. The ability for admins or lore-team members to review your reasoning in full detail (and re-evaluate whoever is allowed to check off on kill perms writing capabilities), and then they themselves decide whether your reasoning is good enough from a plot perspective. If SRP had never migrated to a perms system, having no forced character death would be great, but since SRP gangrp has essentially been built around it, I believe this compromise works best.

I know earlier in the discord you stated your reasons for disliking this suggestion. If a staff member/L.T has differing opinions toward what they believe a character death should be. While this is no issue to be ignored, I believe there are only two major flaws compared to the many that could come with an OOC-consent system.


Level 21

The amount of Don characters I see are insane, or just characters that are throwaways for the sole purpose of 'GangRP' makes GangRP really dull, boring, and the way it is in the current day. As well as some people putting HEAFTY amounts of money onto a character's skin/lore/accessories/etc., just for that character to die to unwanted means. GangRP has a lot more aspects than just killing people. It should be fun for the people involved. With this change, there can be a lot more lore put into gangs. I see some gangs don't have lore of how they were created, their purpose, etc. They simply want to kill people's characters.

I think it can also make the community more friendly because people get really defensive when it comes to a character kill. Toxicity would dwindle down a LOT (not entirely) and would make it 100% more fun for gangrpers. CriminalRP/GangRP as a whole would be enhanced in its entirety.. In my opinion, at least. This was very well written Heb. . I do hope it passes to see more lore in gangs.

People put a lot of effort, and time into their characters. Not everyone wants to put all that work into waste. I think this would take a LOT of the staff's backs as well. I could go on and on about why I support this idea.. a big yes from me.


Level 110
Thread starter

As I stated in our conversation earlier, I am almost all for this idea, that is, in an ideal SRP world. I would take this any day over our current system, though I do have a few quarrels with it. There will be times when it makes sense for murder to happen, or it is a NECESSITY to an organization, but it will not be able to be done.

That is why I'd like to re-pitch what I said earlier in the Akihito Clan discord during our conversation. The ability for admins or lore-team members to review your reasoning in full detail (and re-evaluate whoever is allowed to check off on kill perms writing capabilities), and then they themselves decide whether your reasoning is good enough from a plot perspective. If SRP had never migrated to a perms system, having no forced character death would be great, but since SRP gangrp has essentially been built around it, I believe this compromise works best.

I know earlier in the discord you stated your reasons for disliking this suggestion. If a staff member/L.T has differing opinions toward what they believe a character death should be. While this is no issue to be ignored, I believe there are only two major flaws compared to the many that could come with an OOC-consent system.

Forced & permanent character death is an issue. I understand what kind of gang Akihito Clan is and I've always agreed with the choices that you all make when it comes to kills & leaving them specifically for those who betray the gang/have deeply wronged others; you guys are great in picking and choosing which characters stick around. However, forced & permanent character death is an issue, and Akihito Clan (along with the other gangs) are perfectly capable of working around this.

Kidnapping and major assault are not being removed. Keyword: kidnapping. Hostage situations are going to be brought to a whole new level if this suggestion goes through with enough positive feedback. The reason why consulting a staff member / lore team member would be problematic is because of the differing opinions (as we've stated), and it's a bit tedious to do that. Every staff member at the moment has their hands full with a faction and lore team has their individual projects that they consistently work on all the time — adding another thing unto it when we could resolve it with the consent for kill permissions is much more preferable. The issue with leniency & differing opinions overpowers my latter talking point, though.

Gangs are not the focus of the server. We want to help balance the factions, and many more benefits surface with consenting for kill permissions as compared to having to consult a staff member for every kill. I appreciate this input a ton though!!! You are definitely one of the most influential people within the criminal part of the server and are a good representation for what a player involved in it should be. You value writing and I'll always look up to that. I appreciate it!


Level 20
+1 for sure! I’m writing this on my phone, so apologies if there’s any grammatical errors.

GangRP at this point has been reduced to just mindless copypaste/keybinded actions, and it feels like there is no true storytelling in it anymore. All that matters is how many kills people get, how many limbs they take, etc. I feel like adding this element would be essential to adding more to these gang characters’ personalities and stories. I know some may argue that the thrill of GangRP has to do with fast-paced rolling fights and such, however my experience with such things has been so poor that I have a negative outlook on such conflicts. As you stated, this server is not meant for just GangRP. I find it sad that many new players are killed after reaching a red tag simply due to the fact that they get baited into giving someone KPS and subsequently get their character’s life ended. Many of these people do not know better, and the thought, time, and effort that they put into their OC is all wasted due to this urge for more activity.

Yes, I do take part in Gang/CriminalRP but I never really enjoy the spam roll/toxic encounters that come with it. I believe adding this will be incredibly beneficial to the community in a number of ways, most already listed by people before me.


Level 5
+ 1

Its been a long time since I've seen a large amount of players participate in Gangrp for the story and character building aspect. Nowadays its always people wanting to make cash with disregard for a meaningful story or just players who's only aim is to get as many kills to earn a name for themselves.

I personally will enjoy this if it gets implemented. It removes the fear of the loss of characters from people therefore more players may be inclined to join Gangrp along with make previous Gangrpers perhaps join back.

If this is one of the new changes coming, I am excited to see what else in this major update will take us.


Level 134
Forced & permanent character death is an issue. I understand what kind of gang Akihito Clan is and I've always agreed with the choices that you all make when it comes to kills & leaving them specifically for those who betray the gang/have deeply wronged others; you guys are great in picking and choosing which characters stick around. However, forced & permanent character death is an issue, and Akihito Clan (along with the other gangs) are perfectly capable of working around this.

Kidnapping and major assault are not being removed. Keyword: kidnapping. Hostage situations are going to be brought to a whole new level if this suggestion goes through with enough positive feedback. The reason why consulting a staff member / lore team member would be problematic is because of the differing opinions (as we've stated), and it's a bit tedious to do that. Every staff member at the moment has their hands full with a faction and lore team has their individual projects that they consistently work on all the time — adding another thing unto it when we could resolve it with the consent for kill permissions is much more preferable. The issue with leniency & differing opinions overpowers my latter talking point, though.

Gangs are not the focus of the server. We want to help balance the factions, and many more benefits surface with consenting for kill permissions as compared to having to consult a staff member for every kill. I appreciate this input a ton though!!! You are definitely one of the most influential people within the criminal part of the server and are a good representation for what a player involved in it should be. You value writing and I'll always look up to that. I appreciate it!
W reply hebwig, thank you!


Level 7
-1 | I may be KPD but it removes most Roleplay and realistic aspects of SRP, in the real world anyone can die to others and is unexpected.


Level 64

This would be a damn good upgrade for people who want to try out GangRP, but are to scared to due to possibly losing a character. And some people (like myself) get attached too characters. And it could possibly get rid of the people that are only part of GangRP to kill people, maybe making it smaller. This would also help with people not having to get new characters repeatedly if they GangRP.


Level 104
-1 | I may be KPD but it removes most Roleplay and realistic aspects of SRP, in the real world anyone can die to others and is unexpected.
This take makes it look as if you didn't read the whole suggestion itself, there's alot of unrealistic things on the server but are still there,

This suggestion would actually save alot of KPDs sorry buts and gamgrpers


Level 121
-1 i agree, this kinda removes the fun and the risk. whats the point of sm1 killing another if that dude is able to get up back as if nothing happend

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