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FEEDBACK : The new college rank / role system


Level 35
IGN: demurity, skinnylettuce, Cencres, tsukojika

DATE: 1/8/2021

WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: In light of the new update which is resulting in a more careful college system with Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. degrees, we wanted to make a suggestion on said changes to ensure that this transition is also seamless for characters that have had the college role for a long time, or to ensure character lore is protected with these new role changes. We all heavily use college role accounts, hence why we felt this was necessary to inquire about.

Many people have had the college rank for long, long times already and this has resulted in lore being established to justify the characters- what they are majoring in (if they are pursuing a major), what degree they are working on, and more since the past /college system was simply a selection between bachelor degrees and nothing more, with no other way of solidly establishing ICly the gaining of said bachelor degree.

Because of this, we want to suggest that there is a way for players with pre-existing college roles on characters to not be forced to start off with the bachelor role and be capable of moving up quickly to Master or Ph.D. considering the length of time the character/account has been in college prior. It’s illogical for everyone to start off with the role, too. Whether this is done through applying with proof of the length of time one has had the role, or in a simpler requesting process, it would be incredibly beneficial and convenient for said players who’ve had the college role a while. Since not everything has been introduced about the examination system yet, this suggestion isn’t intending to assume anything- it’s just ensuring something fair is in place.

Thanks for reviewing!


Level 109
I sort of agree with this personally, but looking at the new system put into place, they have so that college students aged 19-20 will be with a bachelors degree or working to get a bachelor, so I don't know how willing they would be to change that so college characters who have been around longer having their masters unless you want your character to be aged to 21.

then as well, just from my observation from playing the server for ages now as well as being a college professor twice (not for very long periods of time, but I still have a small bit of experience with it), roleplay was never really focused on going to college classes to work towards a masters degree or etc, it was always really just, go to a college class, do your work, leave class - at least from what I have observed like said before, you could counteract me saying this by saying you and others you know have roleplayed out working to your masters ICly which I wouldn't argue with because I didn't observe that and didn't really know your character was determined in that way.

altogether the general idea of this is nice, but it seems to be too complicated to re-work the already finalized system around that, and also seems a bit too much to either create an abundance of applications, even if they may be extremely sort, or an abundance of requests for such


Level 35
Thread starter
I understand that! I'm not trying to say that the system that's being put into place needs to be reworked on a large, in-depth level, we were just essentially requesting a way for there to be a possibility of pre-existing college characters not having to go through what we feared might be a lengthy amount of time before being able to 'rank up' if I go back to the slang of /AR rank. Just simply a way for college students to not all have to start off at bachelor if they've had the role a long time.

As for the ages- yeah, no, I should have clarified- age would go up with degree, of course. It would probably be a huge stressor on staff if otherwise... simply just want to keep the options for those with long-lasting college accounts open!


Level 183

After discussing with the SLT Team your suggestion has unfortunately been denied.

Despite what you saying making sense on some level, it somewhat ignores the other aspect of degrees & overall progression.

Players are put into their degrees and positions based on more than simply the duration of time they've been in a certain place, e.g College.
It takes into account their reputation as a student, examination results, their behaviour, how much they contribute to their classes, fellow students & more - By doing things such as creating clubs, managing teams, joining teams, being apart of the council & so on.

So sure, if we were to put this into place people who have been on college for a year or more will get moved up to a degree and it would make sense 'lore wise'

But at the same time those people being moved up may lack the qualities required to progress upwards (as I listed above) that all future people in that degree who go through our progression system will have to have - Some may even just be delinquents who constantly interrupt lessons or get into trouble, which wouldn't make much sense in the end for them to even be there.

Moderating this, handing out roles, finding out who's suitable for a move up & who isn't and just how long they've been on the college is just unnecessary work for all SLT staff currently, when the same thing can be done for the entire server as a whole just 2 months from now in a much easier way.​

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