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FINAL UPDATE [OFFICIAL] Rowan Koharu-Owusu | Darketru


Level 135

“I can't be waked to face what I need to face.”
Ghanaian Name: Serwa [You cannot take this as IC information, only OOCLY]

First Name: Rowan

Surname: Koharu-Owusu

Title: Ms/Miss

Age: 38

Nationality: Ghanaian/Asian

Marital Status: Divorced

Gender: Female

Height: 5’7

Weight: 120 lbs

Date of Birth: August 6th, 1995

Place of Birth: Hanabira, Japan

Birthmark: A blonde ombre look would stream through her hair, representing as a family birthmark.

Appearance: In front of you was a Ghanaian female at 5’7. Her dark highlighted hair hung below her back complimenting her features. On her left shoulder displayed a Starry Night tattoo. While a scent of vanilla swarmed her.

Equipment: Rowan can usually be seen carrying her phone, a pair of sunglasses, or her bows. She'd be seen wearing 2 bracelets. One of them represented a ring for her marriage.

Physical Appearance:

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Hobbies: Most of the time Rowan can be seen at the plaza, spending time with her girlfriend, taking care of her daughter-figure, or even hanging out in one of her favorite spots.

Voice Claim:
[Mel Madarda’s Voice]

Occupation: Unemployed

Position: N/A

Blood-Type: O+


“I'm calling for you in a soundless dream.”

Rowans Playlist

Mental Illnesses/Disorders/Ect
Social Anxiety-
Rowan can be seen as a sweet young female that seems very sociable. Though deep on the inside the poor female has a social phobia known as social anxiety.

ADHD- As it runs through the family most of the time Rowan can be seen zoned out in her little world or be in the complete opposite trying to do multiple things at once.

Emotionally Sensitive- From her childhood, Rowan dealt with many horrible things leading up to her emotions being very sensitive.

PTSD- During her childhood, Rowan experienced terrifying, abusive, yelling events from her father. Over the years Rowan’s had PTSD ever since and just one single direct yell can trigger it leading to a mental breakdown. This also explains her being so emotionally sensitive.

Depression- Branching off from her anxiety in general, the young female has dealt with depression from random times, and tragic events.

K̴̛̤̏̋͌́͂̓̔̃̏͂͐̕͘͝͝͝͠͝ñ̸̢̹̱̝̘̗͖̼̳̭̙͖̩̹̦̰̟̤̺̻̬̼̥͕͆̌͆͆͘̚͝i̸̡̡͖͎̜͎̲̺̤̠͖̮̪͉̦̖͔͚͝v̸̦̓̃̆͐̿̿̿̐̍̊͗̄̇̄́̎̽̕͘͝͝e̶͔̤̟̘͖̣͎̥̟̗̣͇̗̘͈̤̔͗̎͛̈̆̿̑̈́̌̚̕͠ͅs̶̙͔̰͖̄̊̿̌̂̑͐̅͌̒̇̆̂̾́͗̍̿̊͘͝͝͝ ̵̨̣͇̑ (strange right?)
Her wife and daughter
The sunglasses that make her go blind, literally
D̶̢̡̯̞͕̗̥̼̥͇̱̦̱͔̻̄̏̃͊̍͆͐̕͜͝è̵̹̜̩͔̟̺̱̪̘̗̺͒̄̑͋́̒̕͘̕̕͝à̸͓̠͕̜̀͊̽͋̀͌͛͂́͘͝͝͝t̵̛͍̯̭̗̟̱̝̞͕̄̌̃̆͆͗̑̾͜͠͝͝ḩ̷̛̛̺͉͚̮̼̻̖͖̫̲͆̉̈̿̎̆̓͗̃̄͜ (Odd right?)



Olesia Owusu- Biological Sister [DECEASED]
“. . .I’ll never forget our last moments together. Why did you leave so soon? How did that even happen, a hit to the head and you’re suddenly in cardiac arrest? That doesn’t make sense. Were you hiding something from me? Oh, Olesia… What am I going to do without you? It’s their fault…”
Kwame Owusu Dōjima- Biological Sister [ALIVE]
“Forgive me. I hope you'll understand.”

Kwame Owusu- Mother [DECEASED]
“I wish you didn’t leave so soon. We could’ve had more bonding moments together.. But you aren’t in pain anymore. You’re in peace.”

Minato Owusu- Father [ALIVE]
“You’re so cruel.. so ungrateful. I hate you..”

Katerina Owusu- Step-Mother [ALIVE]
“I’d kill you for what you did but I can’t do that… I hope you rot in hell with Minato.”

Shizuku ‘Loki’ Monroe- Daughter Figure [ALIVE]
“I never thought I’d have kids of my own. I mean we aren’t related by blood but I’m glad I can call you my child of mine. I know you’ll do good things to make yourself and myself proud.”

Owusu Family
“I don’t have a close connection to all of the members.. except for the ones I adore the most. Sure I’m an aunt.. but my anxiety takes me away from you all. Plus most of y’all are too busy anyways.”

M. Ito- Friend [ALIVE]
“You should be happy I finally got an ID. Even though our times of running into each other were fun at the town hall, it doesn’t need to end. Because I’ll probably still visit you. You’re a nice, sweet person Ms. Ito.”

Edith Minoso- Best Friend [ALIVE]
“I'm glad I'm back in Karakura. I missed you.”

Quartney Hall- Friend, Ex-Co-Worker [ALIVE]
“I remember when you asked me to take you to Paris since it’s the City of Love. I’ll take you one day… just not yet.”

Kagami Genn Helvete- Friend [ALIVE]
"I don't believe in Ghosts! They're not real!"

Ibuki Koharu-Owusu - Ex-Wife [ALIVE]
"I guess Olesia was right after all. . ."

Olesia (Enaki Aki) Owusu - Sister? [ALIVE]
"I don't know how you're alive. But I'm glad your here again Olesia. . . you'll remember everything soon."

Chiwa Koharu-Owusu- Daughter [ALIVE]
"My sweet child of mine, you have a big future ahead of yourself. We will always be here for you. . ."

Family Portrait

Art Credits: DrKatzz
Far Left- Lekio
Behind- Kailo
Left - Olesia
Right- Rowan
Far Right- Orliyah

Will There Be A New Start?
With Rowan still mourning over her sister’s death, her daughter figure, Loki decided to get Rowan yet again out of Karakura. With no sign of Kwame around to ask if she wanted to come along, Loki and Rowan went somewhere else. Loki thought getting away from the small island with the crimes, stress, and drama could help Rowan ease up a bit. However, Loki wanted Rowan to mourn as much as she needed to. Shizuku didn’t want Rowan to work, which is why she took Rowan to one of her favorite places. Loki’s first place would’ve been the Netherlands but that was one of the last places where Rowan was with Olesia. Instead, Loki took Rowan to Paris. Loki thought Paris would be a good choice due to the city being known as “The City of Love” and its calming environment. Approximately… Loki and Rowan were out of Karakura for several… ongoing months. Loki doing her best to comfort Rowan at all costs to get healed from her depressed state.

The Return
A year went by with Rowan's absence in Karakura, the young female finally decided to make a return to the small island. Ever since her sisters' death, Rowan was still mourning her loss. Eventually, over the past year, she got better and healed, although not fully. During her absence, Rowan only stayed in touch with one particular person, Ibuki. Months and months went by, Loki decided to adventure out more. Rowan decided to stay behind in the Netherlands, as she kept in touch with Ibuki. Knowing Ibuki was there for Rowan made her happy. She knew Ibuki understood how she felt and what she was going through, so it soothed her a bit. Now, Rowan roamed the streets of Karakura. Giving off bright smiles to anyone who waved or stopped to say hello. Yet deep inside the girl... Rowan still ached. Everyone thought Rowan was better, and she wanted to keep it that way. Rowan hasn't spoken to Kwame in a year and has no clue what is happening with her dear young sister's life. Who knows, is she dead? If so, Rowan would blame herself for not being there for Kwame. Until then, all Rowan can hope is that her sister is doing okay and hopefully they'll run into each other.

The Starry Night
A few months went by, and Rowan and Ibuki were still a thing. Rowan’s depression. . . on the outside healed, hiding it from anyone to see. Meanwhile, Rowan kept finding out about Ibuki’s relatives and such. Which brought to Ibuki’s attention that she needed to introduce Rowan to another relative. Rowan agreed and went to a family house it seemed like with Ibuki. Now meeting one of Ibuki’s relatives, Eli Zennix, they seemed fine. They talked and such for a good moment or so. As they talked, Rowan kept her gaze on the fancy knife set they had. Strange right? Before too long Rowan zoned out as Ibuki got on one knee grabbing Rowan’s attention. The girl she loved for 14 years was now proposing to her?! Rowan stayed quiet for a second just staring at this unexpected moment. Soon nodding slowly, she pulled Ibuki up to her feet. Now Eli stated that he could fill out the marriage documents since he was a Governor. Rowan realized this was a setup. However, this didn’t stop her from agreeing to sign the documents to legalize their marriage.

Now at the town hall, Rowan and Ibuki got new IDs and begin filling out the documents for their marriage. What Rowan didn’t know is that her younger sister whom she hasn’t seen in approximately a year was behind her. Signing the final line, Eli then smiled congratulating them on the marriage. Kwame yelled in complete confusion about this. Which made Rowan freeze in place hearing her sister's voice. Ibuki turned to face Kwame, they haven’t met each other yet. Rowan slowly turned to face Kwame, and she saw her face filled with confusion yet anger. Before too long Rowan explained to Kwame what happened and such. This only made matters worse, the young girl got angry at Rowan. Rowan’s family hated Ibuki, however, Rowan didn’t understand why. Rowan took Kwame to her house and talked in private. Kwame thought this was Rowan’s way of grieving Olesia’s death.

It’s been a year since Olesia passed, and Rowan is still grieving. Though this wasn’t her way to greive, she and Ibuki loved each other and they could’ve gotten married sooner but Olesia’s protection, this prevented her to do so. Kwame didn’t approve of this marriage and kept stating how Olesia would be angry. Rowan felt guilty about what her sister thought of her. It made Rowan go into complete silence as Kwame rambled on about how this shouldn’t have happened and why. Kwame went into tears and walked off… as soon as Rowan spoke. To just apologize for what happened. It was too late… Kwame left Rowan and wished her good luck in her love life as she didn’t want to be involved with it. Leaving Rowan alone in a hole once more.

Walking Dead
A month or so has gone by since Rowan and Ibuki got married. Rowan never visited the Shrine very often, but one day a weird feeling inside of her told her to go there. The female went to the Shrine just to explore it. However, that didn’t go to plan, instead of exploring the Shrine Rowan now stood at the entrance of the Shrine of a Maiden staring at her with a warm greeting smile. Oh the features that this Maiden showed, it made Rowan stand in place dropping her sketchbook. The Maidens’ features had the same exact features as Olesia, her deceased sister. Though… maybe she came back to life somehow? This didn’t matter, Rowan ran up to the Maiden in tears wrapping her up in a hug. Rowan said multiple things about how she is alive and such. The Maiden was confused and kept denying how she wasn’t Olesia. Instead, she was Enaki Aki. Rowan denied it and just thought Olesia couldn’t remember anything which was okay. All she was thinking is that her sister was alive. Before too long, Rowan’s niece, Orliyah decided to come to the shrine. Now Orliyah just stared at Enaki, shocked to see her somehow alive. Orliyah went to tears seeing her mother alive. Enaki denied that she was Orliyah’s mother and that she wasn’t Olesia still.

Rowan kept telling Enaki that it would be okay and she could remember soon. Orliyah got mad at how Enaki couldn’t remember. Rowan told Orliyah to stay calm and that she would remember soon. However, Orliyah realized Enaki was taller than Olesia. Making Orliyah accept the fact that Olesia was dead. Rowan however shook her head still denying it, the Maiden grabbed Rowan’s head and put it against hers. Telling Rowan to leave her loved one at peace, and offering a tarot reading to make her feel better.

Rowan accepted the offer and did a reading on her future, some of them were good some of them felt true. Orliyah did a reading and soon left. Rowan wanted to stay at the Shrine a bit more so she could show Ibuki that Olesia was alive. Though… instead of doing another reading when Ibuki arrived. Rowan and Ibuki were told to go to a house and stay there because a ‘Spirit’ was there. Rowan didn’t believe in that stuff and wanted to leave, but the Maidens didn’t let her go.

As they sat in the house while the Shrine Members dealt with the ‘Spirit’ Rowan zoned out going into her own world. Up until the Shrine Members sealed the ‘Spirit’ away.

The Pull Out
Life was going just fine for Rowan and Ibuki they were having the best time of their lives. After being married to going on their honeymoon to taking care of their child. However, a few months went by and the lovely relationship between the two began to decline. Communication between them both began to fade away where it would start with only a few hours to not saying anything then to weeks. Those weeks then turned into months. However, neither of them knew how this started. Perhaps on both sides. After almost a year without communication between the two, Ibuki filed divorce papers and gave them to Rowan. With Rowan signing it. The two were now divorced going their separate ways. After a month pasted since them being divorced, Rowan took one last glance at Karakura before leaving the city. Rowan doesn't know where she'll end up but she knows that Karakura isn't her home anymore.

Serwa (Rowan) Owusu was a middle child and daughter of Minato and Kwame Owusu. Serwa had 2 sisters, her eldest being Olesia Owusu, and her younger sister, Kwame Owusu. She was living her perfect life until everything went upside down. With Rowan still being at a young age, their mother, Kwame ended up in the hospital sick. The 3 siblings and Minato stood by their mother’s side. Unexpectedly, Kwame passed away one day. Making everything soar downhill, Minato decided to start drinking again as a way to grieve. This made matters worse, with Minato drinking he began to have anger issues and took it out on the siblings. Meanwhile, Serwa stood back as she saw her father screaming and yelling. A few months went by, and Minato found a new girl named Katerina. The siblings thought everything would begin to get better. Turns out they were wrong. Minato turned his back on the sisters leaving them behind. Katerina and Minato got married and had children of their own. Olesia took over the siblings and acted like a mother herself. Soon going without a home due to their father’s actions, they were living on the street. Many months went by as they went through hard times. Though things began to slowly go uphill, Olesia and the rest of the siblings made their way to Karakura, Japan.

Teen Years
Now living in Karakura, Rowan and Kwame were enrolled as students at the High School. Olesia was now graduated and had a job as a Professor for the Community College. Serwa was in Year 12 meanwhile Kwame was in Year 7. Rowan made new friends at the high school as things were getting better. She even had a relationship for 2 years, now in college. Though the relationship ended after being engaged for a few months due to personal reasons. Serwa met some of her brother in laws side of the family. However, at this time her social phobia was affecting her. Leaving her to stay distant from family except for Olesia and Kwame and a few close friends. Rowan was then diagnosed with social anxiety. Serwa also found out she was emotionally sensitive in an interaction she had. Ever since Minato’s yelling and other actions were done, those moments stuck to Serwa leading her to become emotionally sensitive and have PTSD.

Adult Years
After graduating college, Serwa decided to apply for the Librarian position at the school due to her enjoying books. Surely enough Rowan got accepted into this position and began her adulthood journey. Serwa began to meet new faces and have some sort of bond with them. She slowly began to come out of her shell, enjoying herself. It was now the middle of August, Rowan decided to take her lovely sister Olesia to the Netherlands as a vacation to get away from some drama. They both needed it, so they agreed to go. As they enjoyed the moments they had for a week, it was now time to head back to Karakura. However, Olesia received a phone call from their father wanting to explain the truth. Rowan didn’t like the idea to go, though Olesia felt something deep inside of her that they should go. Now in Hanibara, Japan Olesia and Rowan were sitting in a hospital room with their father. As he explained some things, Katerina and her children decided to show. Everything was going just fine until Katerina started saying things about the Owusu children. That’s when everything changed. Arguments began to stir up between Olesia and Katerina. Soon yelling began, Rowan tried to calm the two down… it failed. On August 27th, 2022 Olesia Owusu passed away leaving Rowan in a hole of sadness. Now back in Karakura, Rowan told Kwame that everything she saw was true. Their world turned into sadness and frustration.

Congratulations you made it to the end of the biography. Got any questions? Feel free to dm me or post it in the comments.

Last edited:


Level 135
Thread starter
Added a Playlist section with the link embedded into the "Playlist" word click on it and it'll open up Rowan's Playlist. This playlist is not finished as more songs will be added.


Level 135
Thread starter
Update 2
- Added "Events" Section
- Revealed Love Interest under Relations


Level 135
Thread starter
- Changed Soundtrack songs
- Changed age
- Changed Equipment
- Changed Occupation
- Changed position
- Added Relationships
- Added an 'Event' in the Event category
- Changed hobbies
- Changed Marital Status
- Changed Title



Level 135
Thread starter
Update 4
- Added the surname Koharu to Owusu
- Changed title to Mrs/Ms.
- Changed Marital Status
- Updated Relations
- Added 2 new events under the 'Event' Category


Level 135
Thread starter
Update 5
- Changed Soundtrack
- Updated quote for Kwame Owusu
Short update for this week.


Level 135
Thread starter
Surprise you get an update 2 days early.
Update 6
- Changed soundtrack (permanently)
- Changed quote for the beginning
- Added a table for Likes/Dislikes
- Added "Rowan's Song to Olesia" under Odessa's relationship
- Added another relation
- Changed the quote underneath the Wardrobe screenshots


Level 135
Thread starter
- Updated Title
- Updated martial status
- Updated Ibuki's relationship status
- Added The Pull Out under Events

I thank you all for coming along this journey with Rowan. o7

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