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Folklore: Sakiyuto's Beliefs.


Level 104
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  1. First and most importantly; as the title insists this is a folklore story, however this is NOT official folklore for SRP. It’s purely lore made for the Joia Family(more of this at the end of the thread), and not official SRP lore.
  2. This is another one of my silly little projects. This is part 3 of a total 7 regarding character lore for my character, Ikiya Joia. After all total 7 threads are made, a full document, like my Saito Yamagashira Lore thread ( linked here ) will be made
  3. By no means is this allowed to be taken ICLY. Everything regarding this post and said in it should still be learnt ICLY.
  4. Everything is written fully by me, SimpleZ
  5. I’m always open for feedback, if you think something is worded incorrectly or there are loose reasons or motives or anything like that, you are free to let me know as long as it is in a constructive manner.

    6. TLDR/SHORTCUT: the family discord

Last but not least: enjoy.

The tales of Sakiyuto’s beliefs

[ January 21st, 1894. ]

“You’re stating bullshit, this is a common thing, isn’t it Sakiyuto?”
A man, at a promising height, but unsure of the exact measurement, sat next to Sakiyuto. His black hair waved through the wind as the leaves of the trees they were under surrounded the bench they were sitting on, in a down-town city park.

“I believe in what I saw, in what I heard. It is not up to my decision whether you shall believe me or not, but I know this is the truth”
Sakiyuto replied. Moving his dark brown hair out of his face as he turned to the man sitting besides him. As Sakiyuto placed his hand on the man's shoulder, he spoke out again. The thrilling cold tone of his voice supported the way of his formal speech, and the story he had just shared.
“You know I am a spiritual man, so are you. Wouldn’t you assume it to be an honor to be told the truth directly from one higher being to another?”

The unknown man raised himself from the bench as he stood, overlooking the children playing in a playground to their left, turning around before looking back at Sakiyuto.
“You see yourself as a god, do you realize how fucking insane that sounds? Babbling on about what the real truth is but what does this.. this ‘theory’ even explain. Nothing! It’s a story made up by a mad man that is as mad as himself.”

Offended, clearly by the raising of Sakiyuto’s tone and the pace he stood up with to face the unknown man, angrily he replied.
“This explains everything, life, death, our ways of living and an explanation for all the bad and good going on within the world. Now if you do not believe me that is up to you, just as others do not believe certified religions. But this isn’t a story made up by a mad man, most definitely because I am no mad man myself. All religion is giving answers to questions left unanswered. But these are answers given to questions no one dared to ask. It. Is. The. Truth."

And with that Sakiyuto stormed off, looking for guidance, for someone to believe him.
Walking through the city of Iloilo, it seemed like a realization for Sakiyuto, insecurity and second doubts took over in his mind, doubting if it really was real, or was he really a mad man? He went to seek guidance, his wife. Tanigyiko Joia, who he had been married to for 14 years with no children yet. Sakiyuto stormed the house through the front door, the sound of the door slamming shut with a loud echo in their hallway, because a small home is not something they had. Tanigyiko rushed down the spiral stairs, logically worried due to the loud noise. To then only find Sakiyuto, lost in the space of his mind.

“Are you alright honey?”
She asked, her warm tone did not compliment Sakiyuto’s, they were quite the opposite.

“Am I a mad man, Tanigyiko?”
He asked, a shiver in his voice, the shiver you would expect someone to have rolling over their spine if they came in contact with Sakiyuto. Tanigyiko walked over to take her husband in her arms, folding her arms around him as she waved through her hair with his hand.

“No you’re not dear.. what makes you think all of this?”
A concerned look struck over her face, no one likes to see their husband like this.

“The gods came to me. ‘Only a soul as worthy as yours is able to hear this, directly from us. A higher being you are, and higher you will become. A legacy is needed, a legacy you will make. A prophet you are, to fulfill our belief, a belief against the void. The truth about life, and it’s inevitable beauty of death.’ That’s what I got told. And more. The prophecy, the story. But no one believes me. No one believed it. “

As Tanigyiko withdrew from the hug with her husband, a small smile faded in across her face, a sense of joy perhaps.
“That’s great news. Don’t you know what this means? They finally saw you. They admired what you did. You’re the worthy soul, dear! This is great news”

She showed gratitude, the gratitude Sakiyuto needed to fuel his ambitions. A mind made up, a corpse filled with life. The gods called out for him. So now it was Sakiyuto’s turn to make the legacy, and continue his prophecy.

The story against the void.

scripture 3.png

“It’s beautiful, Sakiyuto.”
She said, a sense of direction and hope within her voice. She seemed settled, ready for what was about to come. For everything that was to change both her and Sakiyuto’s life forever.

“Send out the letters to our cousins. We cannot let such family blessings go unnoticed by our fellow name holders. And I shall continue to write, the longer time will pass with them being at our side.”
Sakiyuto replied. As he closed the smaller written book he had just shown his wife, covered in a black leather binding, all complete with their family symbol on top of the cover. And carved with white colored ink was the name of the book.

‘The Elden Scripture‘

For what was about to further happen to our lovely Joia’s, seemed to remain a mystery as time passed on.
Until one ambitious man got ahold of his family relics, and decided a change should be made.

And who else would that be, if it was not Ikiya Joia.

[OOC] The Joia’s are in town.

I’m simplex, if it isn't general lore, then it’s probably a project. Ding ding ding!!! you guessed it right it’s on the board oh my lord what a game of family feud.

Okay no but in all seriousness, the Joia’s are in town! If you aren’t familiar yet with I. Joia and his cousins and brothers making their way into town then why not get a little more familiar yourself? You can maybe keep a little up to date with the lore, family members and perhaps look to get a part for yourself in this story by joining the discord server (here). What about becoming a Joia yourself? I will not be doing public applications for most of the time, but I am inviting players privately. However, due to this being generally new and I do not want to lurk around in my friends dm’s asking everyone if they wish to be a Joia or not. I will have some sort of private application if you dm me, within the first month or so. So if you are interested, shoot me a dm on my discord, which you can find in my signature, but just in case, my discord is: simplezz.

Within the Joia’s we also have a system that allows people who are not directly a part of the family to be in close relationship with the Joia’s, which goes through IC connections. More information about this is of course within the discord.

For now though, I hope you enjoyed reading. And I hope to see you ICLY.
“ Kind regards, and the best of wishes on your path of life. May you overcome your obstacles, and become the worthy soul you were meant to be “

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Level 175
I read this entire thing without my glasses n now they hurt from how much information there is

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