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followingeden | Reporter Application


Level 29
✦ OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

followingeden | Adult - Account that I’m applying on
kufn | College Bachelors - Male Football
tim6thyy | Grade 12

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

My discord is @tim6thy and I do have a microphone. I actively VC every single day with my friends.

List your time zone and country:

I live in the U.S. state of Georgia, and I am within the EST. I should also list that I am 15 years old.

Describe your activity:

I have never been banned or received any punishment on the server. As of July, I have been an active player on SchoolRP for a year now. I play SRP whenever possible, but I will admit that school limits my activity. This means I am available from around 6 pm EST to 12 am EST. Currently, I am on the College Males Football team. In the past, I have been a part of EMS, Shrine, Judge, College Council, High school Male Football, and High School Cheer. I can say that I have enjoyed every single second that I was a part of these factions. I have met so many new people and made friends, connections, and other things of the sort. My involvement in different activities outside of the server is also significant. I have been a part of three different tailoring servers in the past. These servers included Euphoria, Takagi Corp, and Misfits Tailoring. In these servers, I have had to deal with many different clients, and I’ve learned to manage my time for different tasks and duties so that they can be executed efficiently.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Judge Application |
Priest Application |
Surgeon Application |
Student Council Application |
Event Team Application #3 (Reviewed/Pending) |
Lore Team Application |
Event Team Application #1 |
Event Team Application #2 |
KPD Application #1 |
KPD Application #2 |
KPD Application #3 |
KPD Application #4 |

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

This will be my first-ever reporter application. Being a reporter requires you to know every part of Karakura; from the school faction all the way to the depths of the sewers. Who wouldn’t want to be a cool reporter getting all of the inside stories that no one else can get? Being a reporter will be a whole new world that I’ve never experienced on SRP. The independence of it all seems very appealing to me. I like the fact that I will be in charge of releasing my own stories. That leads me to my second motivation factor: I am a very creative person and I want to be able to show that in reports. I have so many good ideas that I can put into my writing, especially with the interesting things that happen all around the city. It’s like a perfect match. I have had a couple of friends that have entered and left the faction. They have all had very good things to say about it. They all really liked the way that they were able to RP as their own character with complete free will and how they were able to roam around the city however they liked. As for my strictly IC reasons to join the reporter; I have a character that I think is perfect for the faction. My character, as you will read below, is a high-class man who thinks very highly of himself. If he hadn't continued his education in psychology, he would've become a detective for the KPD.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

I will admit that I have very little experience writing for quota or anything like that. Outside of what I do in school, SRP (applications, and other things like that, I don't write THAT much. I do enjoy writing a lot though, so that's why I'm willing to apply for a faction like reporter! As for what type of writer I am, I've prompt based. I like to answer questions within my writing; meaning that I am very great at informational writing and things of that nature. I have always maintained high A+ in all of my English courses and I plan on applying the skills that I've learned throughout my years of living to reporter.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

I am aware and I will follow all of the rules that will be provided to me.

Why should we accept you over others?:

I've already listed a lot of my talents before, but I will start off with a small OOC introduction of myself. Maybe it will help you understand who I am OOCly. I've been referred to as many things between the start of my time playing SRP to now. People usually opt to call me Tim or one of my usernames (kufn or followingeden). As I mentioned in a previous question, I am 15 years old and I live in the United States. I am a very active player on the server, and I have a very clean record in terms of punishment on the server. I have never been banned, and I've only been warned for minor things (accidental spamming). I'd like to consider myself a pretty funny person with a specific sense of humor. I laugh at silly things. Continuing with the topic of my personality, people describe me as either two things. People will say that I am a pretty cool person to be around, or they'll say that I'm hard to read and pick up on when I'm joking. As I said before, I have a pretty specific sense of humor. When I make jokes, I usually make them subtly. I've learned that people have to REALLY pay attention to tell when I'm joking with them. Personally, I don't really like this quality about myself. Because if I say a joke, it's always up in the air on how people will take it, and I know that it's something that I need to work on. Another personality trait of mine is being very straight to the point. I honestly don't know where this trait came from. All that I know is that I don't like to beat around the bush, especially when I'm messaging or texting. I actually like this trait of mine, but admittedly it can take away the sincereness of my messages. I have met many people while playing this server, and I plan on meeting even more people if and when I obtain the role of reporter. I am truthfully very grateful to even have been in the position to play this server, and I hope that I can enjoy it even more by becoming a reporter.

Let's move onto why I should be accepted over others. I am a very hard-working person. Give me any task and I promise that I will complete it thoroughly. I am a very unique person, that likes to stray away from the norm. I truthfully think that trait puts me in a position that most other applicants can't reach.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.):

I do understand that I have to stay completely neutral with all reports.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

I do trust that I will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota.

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:

The work of a reporter is very simple to understand. A reporter is a worker that is meant to inform the citizens of their city; specifically Karakura. Reporters must go to any length to deliver the most informational, fair, and neat stories to the citizens, or else they will be at risk of losing their job. Reporters are in charge of doing things like interviewing, live reporting, and other types of informational text. The job of a reporter is a very rigorous and generally not easy thing to, so it MUST be taken seriously.

✦ IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

The man promptly entered the room he stared the News Lead directly into their eyes. His head quickly went into a deep bow, before he rose up again. He appeared to be rather tall... around the height of 6'2. His dark brown hair was cut short, but still long enough that he could style it however he wanted too. He offered his hand for a hand shake. He then proceeded to sit down into the chair. He answered the question. He had an oddly deep voice that was soothing to the ear.

"Ittou Tojo, the pleasure is mine."

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr):

"Mr. is fine with me."

Current Age (25+):

Ittou placed his hands onto his lap, maintaining an upright position with his torso area. He appeared to very calm, but still intimidating?

"I am 44 years of age."

Past job/work experience:

He lifted the brief case that sat beside him. He placed into the desk, flipping open the two locks that sat on it. Click, Click! He seemed to grab a paper out of it. It was his resume.

"I have only worked for one company, and I still have employment there. It's a family business. I worked as the Chief-****yst. I can assure you that I will not be tripped up by having two jobs."


"I have a bachelors degree in psychology. I planned on going into the business of criminal justice, but my life had other plans."

Nationality and born location:

"Japanese... born in Okinawa."

Phone Number:


How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

"Confident. I am most likely one of the most confident people that you'll ever meet, and I apply it to my work." - "I am not afraid to enter a dark alley to interview a suspicious individual or even go up straight up to the face of the mayor to get the latest details on a report." - "Safe. Of course having this much confidence requires safety. I know how to play my cards correctly to get in and out of certain situations; which will make me an excellent reporter." - " Well mannered. It comes with my last name. Coming from such a prestigious family where manners are instilled into our brain from such a young age, its hard to not have manners."

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:

His answer was oddly vague and short. His facial expression, was completely blank. He was awfully good at saying things like this.

"I have my reasons... Some of them I would not like to share today. I do tend to enjoy the crime side of the city. While I would never commit one myself, I am interested in the how they (criminals) are brought to justice and how they operate. I've always been a fan of things like that... Though, I would like to stay away from petty criminals."

What are your expectations for the job?:

"Like I said; I don't know exactly what to expect. What I do know is that nothing will be easy."

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:

"No, I don't."

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):

"Japanese and JSL."

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.


This is the one and only Ittou Tojo here to give you the latest news on Goats in Karakura. Goats do exist here in Japan! Around 20,000 goats can be found in Japan they were introduced around the Meiji Period (1868-1912). They can be found in a couple of prefectures, but they are most commonly found in the mountainous terrain of Hokkaido. These creatures are useful to the Japanese in many ways. They are usually used for dairy products, meat consumption, and other cultural specific reasons.
A recent appearance of Goats has come about in Karakura, and you might be asking where did they come from? Rumor has it that a couple escaped from the recent petting zoo that entered Karakura, but unfortunately those rumors are wrong. A local animal reserve has found a way for Goats to begin to live in Karakura safely. They 1700463093262.pngfirst found two of the most resilient goats that could adapt to Karakura's climate. These goats have gain the name 'Mesuyagi' and 'Oyagi'; both literally meaning female and male goat. They can be seen in the picture above... Moving on, they moved the goats into a small flat piece of land on the might Mt. Karakura, and allowed them to their thing. After a couple of months of the goats existing independently from any human contact, we revisited the goats and found offspring!

The animal reserve began to introduce more and more goats and the natural flow of life went on. This rapid reproduction introduced a thriving goat population to Karakura, and they are cuter than ever. You can now find goats in two regions in Karakura, in the mountains and the forest. These animals are not always guaranteed to be friendly, so keep a close watch on your children.

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.


[!] The tape began to play... It slowly faded into showing a room with two individuals sitting inside. One man appeared to Ittou Tojo, the reporter, and the other would be a very dim silhouette of a person. It was very hard to make out any details of the silhouette. When the anonymous citizen spoke their voice was distorted to prevent anyone knowing their true identity.

"Good morning Karakura! Your diligent reporter Ittou Tojo is here giving you the latest news concerning an important topic that shouldn't be overlooked. Our towns 'protectors' can't get stay out of the sidewalk while driving to save their own life, let alone someone else's! You heard me correctly... Citizens have made reports of crashing cars belonging to both EMS and KPD. I actually have a citizen here today that is choosing to remain anonymous. They have experienced first hand this reckless driving."
Ittou Tojo (IT): "I would like to start off with thanking you for meeting with me." [!] Ittou put on a light smile towards the individual. It was very rare that you saw a man like himself smiling... especially in a scenario like this.
Anonymous Citizen (AC): "I'd also like to thank you for meeting with me." [!] AC sounded pretty beat up... The way that they spoke was slow.
IT: "Let's begin, first I would like for you to tell me what happened on that day. Please try to keep your answers short, but clear." [!] Ittou pulled out a pen and a paper, crossing one of his legs over the other to have something to write on. It was clear that he was in listening mode.
AC: "Right... I was walking back to home. On the right side of Karakura Ave. to be exact.. and that's when it happened." [!] A brief pause happened in their speaking. "I heard the wailing noise of the ambulance, and it was approaching me fast. I thought nothing of it at first, after all I was near the police station, so these noises were bound to happen, right? I didn't know how I could be more wrong."
IT: [!] Ittou nodded along with AC, writing a couple of things down. "Could you go further into detail for me? How exactly were you wrong?"
AC: "Mmm, I hate to even think about it, but it feels like I'm trapped, y'know? I turned around for a split second, and before I knew it the ambulance was literally 2 meters away from me... It was on the sidewalk!" [!] It was clear that AC was starting to relive his past like it was a couple of moments ago. Their voice started to get louder. "SLAM! The damn thing went flying into the gate of the park. And I just froze!"
IT: "Right, and do you have any proof of this happening?" [!] Wrote a couple of more things down, before looking up at AC.

AC: [!] Grabbed something from his pocket. It was a picture of the accident. "Yeah... I managed to snap a picture before leaving the scene. I didn't know what to do, but I know that I couldn't just leave without evidence of this happening."

[!] The picture flashed onto the screen of the viewers. It depicted a photo of the ambulance that collided with the railing.


IT: [!] Took the picture from AC. He inspected it for a short second, before handing it back to AC. "Mhm, I'm glad that you were able to take a picture of this." [!] Paused a second. He flipped to the second page of his note book. "Right, and what did you do after you fled the scene of the accident?"

AC: "To be truthful, there felt nothing that I could do. I took a longer route home and I slept for hours... I just felt lucky to be alive." [!] He began to fiddle with his hands.

IT: "You are very lucky to be here today. That could've ended badly for you.. and whoever else was involved in the accident. " [!] He wrote some more things down. It appeared as if Ittou was entering psychiatrist mode; it is true that he majored in Psychology in college. "And who did you talk to after this accident...?"

AC: [!] He gave a very short and concise answer. "You are the first person that I am talking to about these events... I haven't built the strength to talk to anyone publicly about it."
IT: "Now is this because you have no one to talk to?" [!] He briefly paused, flipping to his third page of notes. "I imagine that it's pretty hard having to deal with something like this. How are you expected to trust the psychiatrist if they apart of the group that caused this accident?"

AC: "That's exactly right!" [!] AC briefly paused. They thought about their next answer. "I know that not all of the are bad drivers, nor are they all paramedic certified, but that's the thing! What if I talked to the driver that was involved in the wreckage?" [!] AC shook their head, almost as if they were dismissing the thought.
IT: [!] Nodded, again. He placed down his leg, along with the pen and paper. He was now making direct eye contact with AC. "As we approach the end of this interview, I have a couple of closing questions. Would you like to turn towards the audience and tell them what they can do to help stop this sort of reckless driving."

AC: [!] AC nodded at the question. They propped their body forward; they were now facing directly towards the camera. This interview was much more personal now. The camera focused on the dim silhouette. slightly zooming in. "I don't ask for much from you all, though I do ask for one thing. Please stay stay safe in the streets of Karakura. I find it hard to trust anyone in the city, and it's hard to know that I can't even trust the so called, 'defenders'.

IT: [!] The camera whipped back to Ittou. His face grew dim. It felt as if he were standing right in front of you. "This was Ittou Tojo delivering you information on the The Wreckage of Karakura Emergency. Have a blessed day citizens, and please stay safe."

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Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D


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