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Forensics (This time from the eyes of a cop)


Level 3
IGN: HunterUwU / KoreanLofi

Date: 08/19/2020

What you need to suggest or mention: Forensics. Yes yes, I know. There's already a suggestion thread about Forensics. Zxxo did an amazing job at explaining why we should add the forensics unit back to SchoolRP and I agree with a lot of those terms. There's just a few things that she forgot to mention because she just doesn't really know about what happened inside the KPD while that happened.

Believe it or not we've actually had a Forensics Unit within the KPD. It was a while ago and I'll be 100% honest... It was terrible, they never even had the chance to finish their building. 3/4 of the times that they were online they were just kind of sitting at front desk. Me being a Police-Detective, sometimes there's not much for us to do. The forensic unit can really change that if made right, and I believe I know how to do so.

After doing some thinking with a few fellow KPD members as well as some verified gang leaders, we came to the conclusion that if we just instantly added Forensic unit without any rule changes or additions they'd be way too overpowered and not fair for the GangRPers at all. With that, we've decided to come up with a few new rules ( These are not all of them, we'll figure out more if this suggestion is actually accepted.)

- Players are now allowed to change their clothing after committing a crime.
- Players cannot change their RP names, skin colour or hair colour for the first week of committing a crime ( This might change down to five days, it's still under work)

- Players must RP as their characters for ONE OOC WEEK after committing a crime to allow forensics to do their job.
- Doing a forensic DNA test will take 1-2 OOC hours for results to show.

Though, some of this may seem slightly unfair to the GangRPers, if they're smart about it they'll only be losing a character and not any weapons. The forensic rule allows manhunts to take time and to not just end it instantly.

If accepted, this new forensic unit will be something small inside the Detective division. If everything goes all smooth and well I would like to try and make this something bigger, potentially it's own faction. The forensic unit will be able to work alongside and EMS and KPD. Something like this will take a lot of communication between the faction leader, Head-Physician and the Commissioner. I'll explain this further if forensics actually becomes a big thing.

Something small that I'd just like to mention would be the ranks within the forensics unit. Since it's starting off as something small the ranks would most likely look something like this:

Forensic Commander - The commander is basically the 'commissioner' of the unit. They're the one that'll lead everything, help in training, watch over the lower ranks of the unit and just all-around act like a leader for the rest of the unit

Forensic Investigator - The Forensic Investigator is just a normal detective. They don't carry out any special duties like the Commander might, they'll be the first people you will want to go to a crime scene as they'll have the basic knowledge that one should have if you'd like to become apart of the Forensic team

Since the Detective division is extremely small itself there will only be the two ranks. Though, if this actually becomes something big and it's own faction then there'll be a lot more ranks to suffice the amount of players that would join. All those ranks would be these (I'll talk more about all the ranks if it becomes something big.) :

Forensic Commander

Forensic Manager

Forensic Lead

Forensic Investigator

Forensic Trainee

I believe that's all for this suggestion. If any players or GangRPers would like to DM me to make this more balanced feel free to!! My discord is Hunter!!#6669 and I'm almost always active on it.

I'd also like to give a special thank you to Loooper, ulkuva and especially 8kLemons. They helped me a lot with this,



Level 79
Absoutely +1!
As someone who was in the Forensics division and an officer simultaneously at the time, I can agree and vouch for the fact that the division definitely had many flaws, with there not much being to do whatsoever. It lacked a sufficient job description and a plan, resulting in seemingly a waste of time, especially towards it's downfall and removal. After reading your thought out plan and willingness to bring it back I've somewhat regained hope in the role making it's return.
I think we all know the forensics division was questioned and disliked by many, and to this day is. However, everything deserves a second chance and I think under appropriate leadership, especially something as trusting as the Karakura Police Department, it could go much further than before! The reason it was dislike was because of it's quality at the time; I think we can all agree that the server and playerbase since has evolved and improved for the better. Handling an entirely new Forensics division should be much smoother with some of the capable individuals active on the server as of now.
To others, Forensics may seem like dragging out a situation with no purpose, but I completely disagree. The whole concept of this server is to create roleplay situations that provide the player with a different experience each time. I dare say the addition of the forensics division would add much much much more adrenaline to a roleplay situation. Instead of the short and sweet sequence that is daily routine to us, it'd be changed up and there would be suspense. Imagine the tension of awaiting DNA results, or the slow build-up of evidence resulting in an exciting and eye-catching case. It adds more actual roleplay to both Gang and Cop RP, rather than just doing what's always done. With this division, every situation would be different. The gangrper's way of going about things changes all of the factors. Will they leave behind a fingerprint, a piece of hair, perhaps? It all depends on how careful they are.
I must admit this might be difficult to manage at first, but the suggested rules also seem to clear all of my worries up. In conclusion, good luck with this and I am 100% for it!


Level 8
Too lazy to type a whole paragraph plus everyone else said what I needed to say but I completely agree on this.


Level 4
i like this idea, on the case that CCTV isn't so rinsed and placed in almost every corner of the map, so the KPD can actually go through some RP process rather than manhunting and busting criminals on the dot. I'll be suggesting an idea to implement hood's where there are no cctv's and belong to gang's making rp more territorial. Be sure to check it out!

once again love the idea.


Level 79
i really like these two rules because it will actually force gangrpers to play on their characters; the more they start to play on their characters the more they will start to like them. this solves the issue of throwaways as well and it also gives gangrpers the opportunity to make an escape after committing a crime instead of just being instantly manhunted and pinpointed due to cctv.

"- Doing a forensic DNA test will take 1-2 OOC hours for results to show."
the bad part about this is that the player committing the crime will have to stay on for 3 hours unless they're allowed to log off before the manhunt, if so then that's fine.
In my opinion, I think staff should be able to find out who it is instantly and just wait for the designated 1-2 hours after the individual has completed the DNA test. You don't have to be online for the results and it'd be realistic for it to just not be instant . .


Level 3
Thread starter
"- Doing a forensic DNA test will take 1-2 OOC hours for results to show."
the bad part about this is that the player committing the crime will have to stay on for 3 hours unless they're allowed to log off before the manhunt, if so then that's fine.

I completely agree with this. If accepted then there'll still be a lot to work around in terms of rules and communication between both sides of GangRP and CopRP and I'm excited to start working with everyone on how we can make this completely balanced so we can all have fun on the server!


Level 79
stop doing /me describes rpname if ya’ll want some fun mystery solving rp
Simply doing /me dsescribes rpname cannot solve a case. To fully solve something is a lengthier process involving interrogation and extensive searching for evidence. Describing someone is just a part of everything. . This addition would add on to the 'fun mystery solving rp' aspect you're talking about here. Don't assume all we do is just get an RPname and leave it at that.


Level 183

- Thanks for your feedback however we've chosen to deny this.

- Forensics as already known was a previous addition of the server, despite GangRP's ridiculous activity back then it still didn't serve as great of a purpose, we don't plan to in the future ever re-introduce this as a faction.​

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