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Formal Apology for Staff + Players


Level 53
I would like to make an apology for what occurred.. it seems I didn't fix myself at all after 60 days of being banned and now another 60 days I have to wait for, unsure why I didn't stop at the time.. and I am sorry for everything that occurred.

At first when I saw the "DENIED" I was upset and mad.. but I was mostly mad at myself for not changing in 60 days.. I won't apply unless I fully believe I've changed when the 60 days are up (October 2nd, 2021) I am sorry for all my close friends, random people and staff alike.

As well when the 60 days are up I will ask my close friends their take on it and see if they believe I've changed along with me, thank you for a good memories but this is not officially goodbye just.. a 60+ day goodbye. Also, when the time comes and the 60 days are up I will not post it right away, I will ask my friends what they think, as well as prove I am ready to attempt to appeal it.

I hope I can see you all again in 60+ days from today, I hope you all have a good rest of your two months while I am away, thank you and again, I am sorry.

Theres two people I want to thank actually for helping me calm down and help me focus on fixing myself while I wait...

@L.F.Fox for calming me down and helping me relax and knocking some sense into me.

As well as @HighlightedTwin who just returned and I had to edit the post once again, but she has been there and hasn't given up on me, some people gave up on me but she is not one of them, she is a true friend from the server, as well as Mxxkie! (L.F.Fox)

Thank you for the two people I really do appreciate you both!

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Level 110
i bought u a setup bro, thanks for gifting me saints row 3 back in 7th grade
check yo mailbox fool, there are keys to a new honda civic in there

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