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GANGRP: Some Observations


Level 106
GANGRP: Some Observations

by: wethecreature (with the help of Kana!)

Disclaimer: Please do not take offense to anything I say!

You may be wondering why somebody like me, (somebody who has pretty much never been in a practical gang, ever) is making an essay/monologue about GangRP, well, you see, I've been observing GangRP for a while, checking out newer gangs, older gangs, cool gangs, making my small gangs (Making my own added to my ways of backing this up). For a while now I've been compiling all my mind research and general thoughts. Again, please do not take offense to the things I say after this.

So, I think there are some problems with the way gangs and criminal organizations are being made.

Originality: The first problem with the making of gangs (that bugs me), is that many of them are not original. So, let's say... I have Bonten: Bonten's goal is to take down the government. Now, to conclude this quick example. How many gangs can you think of that have said "We want to dominate the city"? A lot, so many, I will scream if somebody lists them all down in the comments. Yes, I will scream. So many gangs share the same goals as other gangs, I couldn't possibly root out who is copying who. While this is a common idea, it's over-used, and hundreds of gangs have used the same thing. (Sometimes having the same goals does work out, however, as it can lead to awesome wars and stuff). But let me ask a question if two verified/unverified gangs want to take over the city... and they don't even interact with each other once... does that make sense? Gangs that have very original ideas (I'm sorry if I don't mention a gang, but that does not mean I think it is unoriginal) like Seijutoma-Ikkai. A large street filled with low-level thugs, thieves, and more, that's only goal is to gain the attention of the black market. (And they're a biker gang). Now that's pretty unique if you ask me. Anarchy is a gang that wants to replace the justice system as a whole. Oracle which wants to end the entire world apparently-
Otake-Tatsu is a gang that wants all people to have karma for their actions, (and as I've observed will not allow animal abusers to exist). Dokashi is a gang that is themed around a circus, which in my opinion is a fun concept.

Execution: Originality isn't the only thing that makes a gang good, rather than bad. There are many examples of this that are from now and not long ago. Yazuka Yamagashira was a Yazuka, not the first Yazuka in real life or in the game, but it was executed well and was a good gang while it lasted, later becoming Otake Tatsu. Akihito Clan is also a Yazuka, not the first, but it is executed well, and that has earned it a place in the Verified Gang section! Bonten is a verified gang with the goal to dominate the city, and again, while it is not the first to have this goal, it carries it out flawlessly! I also think Original completely unique gangs would not work without proper execution.

Morals/Goals: Though this isn't a problem I see a lot of the time... I've seen many gangs that simply just perform majors and KPS all the time... for no reason? Like just today I saw somebody who said. "Performing Majors". What reason is that? Especially when your gang is listed as "we protect people who cannot protect themselves..." and then you just rip somebody's leg off with no listed reasoning? That is confusing and is one of the ways a gang can have bad Organization.

Organization: You need it. Nobody wants to be in a gang where the channels aren't properly categorized, one where it is released to the public and nothing has been finished, One where people can type in announcement channels, and where no formats or attires are posted for the gang. You NEED organization very badly, and I actually have made a little guide to having good discord organization in your group!

Make sure that Clan chat (oops- instinct, or member chat) is private only to members, and that Higher-Up is private only to Higher-Up members. Make sure that the only people who can type in activity are members of the group, and that nobody else, not even members can type in Information.

Lore: You saw #Lore, I assume. While some Gangs aren't focused on lore, for those who are, from my personal experience, rushing to get Lore done should never happen, as it will show, and people will think you were in a hurry. A gang without lore at the end of its lifespan, (good lore, at that) is, in my very personal opinion a poorly written-out gang. Speaking of lore, what about making lore in the present?

When you have a gang, each piece of activity is a build-up. As your gang grows stronger with each performance, it is a build-up. When making a gang, always have events planned to make your gang milestones truly marked, and get people interested in the progress of your gang!

This is not really fact; this is simply my opinion. Also, I hope nobody took any of what I said to offense! If I didn't use your gang in my list of examples, please don't think I dislike your gang! I hope that if you are planning on making a gang in the future, I hope this helps you in your GangRP journey!

(And again, thank you to Kana for your input on this all!)



Level 136
Unpopular opinion here since this is up for debate:

Several people (who mainly hail from Akihito Clan) consistently bash the crime community for not being like them. Their definition of “original” resides from creating their own name, own lore, own characters, without basing ANYTHING off of any outside anime/tv show related source. They believe that GangRP should be extremely strict and lore based, and although it is, you need remind that GangRP is considered the “PvP” of SRP. Yes there are many aspects of it, and it should stay that way.

GangRP should not have one way of roleplay. That limits creativity. Let people roleplay the way they want to and choose the lore that they want to choose just as Akihito clan and every other gang did. It does not matter what they do or why they do it so long as it doesn’t harm anyone and they’re having fun. In the end it’s a block roleplay game. You can have a negative opinion, however what I don’t like seeing happen are suggestions made on the feedback forums asking to limit GangRP more than it has already been limited by forcing players to choose their lore based off of what is deemed as “original”.

I value the opinion of this post as I value pretty much everyone’s opinion, mine is just the opposite. Let people’s creativity shine through their roleplay rather than attempt to restrict it because you don’t think it’s original enough. I appreciate the debate :D


Level 131
Their definition of “original” resides from creating their own name, own lore, own characters, without basing ANYTHING off of any outside anime/tv show related source.
The post was about stopping direct copying of those things, plagiarism, the Akihito Clan is literally based on a video game series.


Level 3
Yazuka Yamagashira was a Yazuka, not the first Yazuka in real life or in the game, but it was executed well and was a good gang while it lasted, later becoming Otake Tatsu.
As someone who was a member of Kama and Yama, I can definitely say that I loved my time there, and the time during and after the reformation into Yamagashira was some of the most fun I have had on the server.


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team
Otake-Tatsu is a gang that wants all people to have karma for their actions, (and as I've observed will not allow animal abusers to exist)
LMFAo listen...

I included the animal abuse reason just because that's what the people wanted to include (aka the people who executed the permissions)


Level 106
Thread starter
Again, since I've had people who have been saying this is all wrong, such as the gangs I included in Execution and Originality- It isn't labeled as fact, this is practically just a monologue about my opinions that I have taken from watching GangRP throughout my playtime on the server. I am not writing this to hate on anything or writing to show that I think a gang is better than the other or to target people. This is only my opinion.
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Level 278
I desire more intense standoffs in the street, cool ass major events with real threats !:?:? Wowowow?! Like I believe zero tolerance used to do a bit, barely remember nowadays but after Kazikage all the mini ones propping up.. taking over the city is cool! Until it’s a bunch of 18 year olds just targeting cops.. fight with eachother instead or something !! Stand off in the streets?:?: hold hands or something ?? I love love love some of the gang rp I’ve been involved in recently, especially with the kps nerf.. actual emotions in everyone beating isei up!

Back in 2020 2019, cops were basically just little blank murals that you carved your gang name on to flex so silly
Like that’s why shimadas so painted up with all his ZT GHOST and other carvings ..

But the real deal? 11/7 explosion? shimada getting turned to literal dust? THATS HOW YOU CONTROL THE CITY. Big. Events big boom big STYLE. Maybe they kiss oh my god ?? But give people a REASON to fear you other than that, shimada going face to face with one of the leaders of the group that blew him up?? TENSE. (Then he called him hot so it kinda cancelled out) BUT. Yeah literally craving more big events, I’d absolutely love to help out with them in anyway because it excites me

Anyone remember the old gas leak event ? Consequences? Gas masks being given out , I got like 5, even though it was peak lag having duckings throw up on my character while Preston Herrington yells some shit at a bunch of panicking citizens I LOVEEE THE PANIC!! Literally had my character use that gasmask for a month after in fear because her child almost died?? Like you don’t need to have people die, but you need that SUSSPENSE OF YOUR CHARACTER COULD DIE..

Like today when the lovely crash_lps performed a major on isei, for his connections to the government and kpd, and his snitching nature.. the fear that he kept saying isei could die, the suspense and the build up in anger as isei continued to fight back,, the momologuing the exchange of desperate dialogue as isei fights to see his boyfriend one last time while taking a beating to keep his family safe ? THATS THE GOOD STUFF
He doesn’t have any more perms but he saying that his family is no longer safe it has actual consequences, isei will be more paranoid and aware from now on, having long lasting affects!? That’s how you take down people man!!

Also can we bring black flashy attire from 2019 instead of the boring stuff man.. Rykaris dripped out with gold and ghost havign that sick attire that I put a maid dress on!/?:?
I could go on all day about these old events, there’s nothing more special to me than the massive drama filled events, trying to play out my character while making jokes in p comms; having all the characters create a bond and memory over a situation, I remember the sheer excitement I felt during these events and giggling with my friends over vc, and even with gang stuff which I was briefly involved with when I led the Hashimotos briefly in 2019, it was so good! I feel like there should be more canon involvement, more of these drastic things.. I really need a space to rant about this but it makes me so happy to remember all of this and know people still care, the prison breaks..! Like literal panic while all these major criminals !? Letting minor characters meet major staff characters, since I usually feel like there’s a big divide unless you’ve been around for ages or have connections.. so good! I could use shimada as examples for any of this because the old dudes been around so long and been through all these events, and I still try keep all his scars on him, even like mini corruption things!? Shimada literally got pushed into the firing range and had the other officers unload mags into him it was crazy
you are very opinionated


Level 112
GangRP should not have one way of roleplay. That limits creativity. Let people roleplay the way they want to and choose the lore that they want to choose just as Akihito clan and every other gang did. It does not matter what they do or why they do it so long as it doesn’t harm anyone and they’re having fun. In the end it’s a block roleplay game. You can have a negative opinion, however what I don’t like seeing happen are suggestions made on the feedback forums asking to limit GangRP more than it has already been limited by forcing players to choose their lore based off of what is deemed as “original”.
This is true and I will argue for 90 pages for it. You guys take it too serious with the "ways" of gangrp.

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