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Gangrp thread kinda


Level 22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The thing I want to suggest in this thread is that in gangrp when a gang has kps on your character you obviously hide if you adore your character but some people kind of do this loophole in many situations for example many people hide in apartments which is fine since thats normal and if you find that they live their icly you can break down the door but I've experienced this myself in some ways where the victim would hide in their friends apartment where you have perms too but then when gangrpers finds out where you are which is your friends apartment they can't break down the door cause they don't have kps on the owner so they can't break down the door and hunt them so you get what Im saying and if the owner is online they you need to run around the map just to find the owner not only that but then make them fearrp to give you the keys (perms to apartment) and by the time that happens cops are already alerted due to you running around finding the owner one of the cctv is most likely gonna catch you if not the owner will snitch. And lets say the owner doesn't come online then you can't really do anything but let your victim chill in their friends apartment cause you can't break in or open doors due to you not having kps on the owner of the apartment. So what I'm trying to suggest here is that people shouldnt be allowed to hide in apartments OR can't hide in their friends apartment since they can easily do this loophole. Like make it so they have to hide anywhere besides apartments for 1 hour each day if they are being hunted. Evidence:11. You may only forcefully enter ("BREAKING IN") somebody's property if you have kill requirements. This just shows how messed up the loophole is lets put it this way person a is being hunted by person b but person a is hiding in person c's apartment. Even if Person B finds out where person a is they can't break in cause they don't have kps on person c aka the apartment owner meaning person a is just safe there which I find unfair. So my point for for the last time is that people shouldnt be able to hide in apartments if someone has kps on them OR that they shouldnt be hiding in their friends apartment cause we cant break in due to not having kps on their friend.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?:This will benefit the community because many people have kps on each other but the people who do the loophole that I mentioned above seems to just play dirty like that then they brag how they are alive in a way its more fair for the people hunting the victim down.


Level 110
OK! This was hard to read. . buuuut! Honestly, I feel like why on earth would ANYONE make itt easy for their character to be found AND killed? I don'tt know, itt doesn'tt seem like such a big deal tto me. If one way doesn'tt work, find a different way to lure them out of their apartment. Killing someone else in game isn't supposed to be easy in tthe firstt place


Level 86
Community Team
Lore Team

I don't think this is a good idea at all, from what I can get you're suggesting that players shouldn't be allowed to hide in their friends apartments- Which I heavily disagree with. It makes perfect sense from a realistic point of view to be hiding at your friends house because a gang is trying to KILL you. No character wants to die, they're already properly fearrping you by hiding. Killing characters should not be easy, and in my opinion, shouldn't be a goal in the first place. Murder is meant to be difficult, as characters are vital to a roleplay and if everyone's character dies before they get the chance to develop, you're stuck with a world full of boring characters.

I agree with what Missunderstood said, if your current methods of hunting and killing players don't work, adapt and survive. (Get creative!!!!) Here's an idea off the top of my head, since players MUST attend school, players regardless of kps or not, *will* be running around the map at some point. There is a commute between ALL apartments, spawn, and train stations that leads to the school. Yes, you can't hurt them in the school itself, but that little commute is prime time to attack. I've seen gangrpers try and murder people at spawn, it's 100% possible. You could even stalk them during the school day, follow them out, then wait for them to pass the c****s (assuming they live in F2 and don't use the train) and then stage an ambush. You need to get creative with murder plots, and imo that's what brings half the fun. Making things too easy by using OOC rules to force people into situations is lame.

edit: also don't be annoyed by people flexing they survived, if gangrpers get to flex they killed someone, it makes sense that people will be happy when they keep their character they spent MONTHS on.


Level 217

- To clear up confusion, with Kill Requirements on a player, if you know for certain they have stowed away into that specific apartment and you have Kill permissions on them, you can break-in. It doesn't matter whose apartment they ran into, it would be the apartment owner at fault for allowing the player who was being hunted in, effectively allowing the other party with kill requirements who found out ICly they are designated there to break in.

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