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Give Estate Owners access to creative mode.


Level 231
IGN: SchoolRP

DATE: 23rd July 2021

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Allow Estates Owners (MikeShotZ, SchoolRP and Lovely_Ocean) the use of the command /gamemode creative

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Currently speaking, Estates are the TOP level of Properties a player can access - in which means the people who own them are few and far between. They are large plots in which the owners of said Estate can create housing in which to live in and own ICly.

The current /gamemode creative command is only able to be effectively used by Senior Admins, in which are all located in Ireland, United Kingdom and America and play primarily at very similar times as the timezones match up very well - in tandem to the playerbase of the server.

However the issue is - particularly with me is that there is SIMPLY no Senior Admins WHATSOEVER online or even awake during the hours in which I play SRP (AEST, in which is the timezone primarily for Australia.) This means that any work I wish to do in the Estate is slowed down, in which progress on building is slowed down to a crawl.

To give you, THE PLAYERS some insight - I received the Herrington Estates on June 10th 2021, in which I have been able to build a total of 2 structures and 3 redesigns of pre-existing builds (In which in itself I am proud of, me and my builders in which were a staff member and current builder put a lot of time in.)

Despite these builds being only 1-5 hour build times, it has taken me 43 days to get this done, my progress has been slowed down to a halt as I cannot possibly get on during the hours in which the Senior Admins are online anymore - since I am always either:

  1. Asleep (As the earliest a S.A usually gets on for me is about 1-2 am in the morning.)
  2. In the early hours of REAL-LIFE schooling.
It does not help that on the Weekends in which I do play, Senior admins are always very, very busy despite showing a relatively high interest in helping me out when they can.

I am sure that me and @Lovely_Ocean would be very happy in being able to build quickly as it would save us & the server a lot of time as well as boost estate activity by a landslide. (I have not consulted her personally on the matter, but I am certain she has similar concerns.)

I wish to be able to build quicker so that I can finish my current football-team project quickly rather then spread over many months as I am THIS close to finishing.

I do not think I should suffer simply because I was born in a country with a bad timezone as I cannot control where I live.

  • "Players cannot be trusted with such crazy things such as gamemode creative!!"
At the beginning of SRP, up until mid-second map Teachers were given Creative to help them teach classes better, this meant that nearly 50 people over a year-span who were not Senior Admins had creative for a much less important purpose.

I am asking for TWO very trusted, invested and known players access - in which would be in a limited build capacity of their Estate (in watch of a moderator whenever building.) It is also important to remember that both of these players, ME and Lovely are former SRP staff and have been playing the server for a very long time, for me in particular having joined all the way back in 2015 - were former staff-members themselves and have received a myriad of roles in which have required LOTS of trust in the past.

This request is not outrageous in the slightest.


Level 60
If builders people who are community team members can't be trusted with creative what makes you think a normal player can be trusted with creative, as an estate owner you gotta just schedule times you wanna build with mods and S.A's just like every other property member on the server it really doesn't matter if you are ex-staff you are just a normal player who owns a property now.


Level 231
Thread starter
If builders people who are community team members can't be trusted with creative what makes you think a normal player can be trusted with creative, as an estate owner you gotta just schedule times you wanna build with mods and S.A's just like every other property member on the server it really doesn't matter if you are ex-staff you are just a normal player who owns a property now.


If you used to be staff, that doesn't mean you can get special privileges. You're the same as every other player on here, and you will get the same privileges as everyone else on the server. Equality, holmes

just because the current system is bad - doesn't mean it has to be like that - there is a myriad of builders who live in great timezones, I am neither.

I did not suggest a superiority over another player, just that it would greatly improve map activity in these 3 locations on the map if an exception to the rule was implemented. it would simply make our jobs a lot easier
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If you used to be staff, that doesn't mean you can get special privileges. You're the same as every other player on here, and you will get the same privileges as everyone else on the server. Equality, holmes


Level 60
just because the current system is bad - doesn't mean it has to be like that - there is a myriad of builders who live in great timezones, I am neither.

you are the one wanting to build you should be taking the responsibility to schedule a time for a staff member to watch you if you really want ot build that bad but again you are a normal player now


Level 231
Thread starter
you are the one wanting to build you should be taking the responsibility to schedule a time for a staff member to watch you if you really want ot build that bad but again you are a normal player now
I have been scheduling, thus the current progress albeit razer thin slow - but having locations in the map being more active isn't really a bad thing, I don't think anyone should disagree with build completion activity being raised via improving a system that bends to players with better timezone, in which I am in the very bottom tier of, I mean it helps more then just me and Lovely if it gets accepted; it helps all of the Bobcats (a majority of the server), The Saiky Family and all possible player-events held in these locations. - I know it doesn't particularly help you or @skinnylettuce who would suffer due to the bobcat specific area but it isn't really about that.


Level 101
I understand the struggle and where you are coming from. But this isnt the answer to the problem, sadly due to past events the rules are what they are and its something we now have to deal with. one apple ruins the bunch and that is upsetting but a reality. Were always open for feedbacks on issues like this but I believe this isnt the answer to solve the issue


Level 60
I have been scheduling, thus the current progress albeit razer thin slow - but having locations in the map being more active isn't really a bad thing, I don't think anyone should disagree with build completion activity being raised via improving a system that bends to players with better timezone, in which I am in the very bottom tier of, I mean it helps more then just me and Lovely if it gets accepted; it helps all of the Bobcats (a majority of the server), The Saiky Family and all possible player-events held in these locations. - I know it doesn't particularly help you or @skinnylettuce who would suffer due to the bobcat specific area but it isn't really about that.

I get what your getting at but your private estate will not make an area of the map more active (lovely for example she has amazing builds and even sports things for her kids and it doesn't make her estate active) also if you don't have time to build on your estate because of timezones you can literally ask the build team to do it and they will happily do it


Level 15
As a builder myself, I along with other builders are not able to have access to GMC or build without being supervised due to valid reasons. It is my along with my team members job to build on the server, if ANYONE ever needs anything built on the server you just have to send a simple DM to schedule it. @oeols mentioned it before in her response but the rules are what they are for valid reasons and I can not stress that enough.


Level 231
Thread starter
I get what your getting at but your private estate will not make an area of the map more active (lovely
The Estate hosts the entire football team in which will host player-ran /event's. It will certainly improve activity.
I understand the struggle and where you are coming from. But this isnt the answer to the problem, sadly due to past events the rules are what they are and its something we now have to deal with. one apple ruins the bunch and that is upsetting but a reality. Were always open for feedbacks on issues like this but I believe this isnt the answer to solve the issue
I am open to a better alternative from yourself if you do not like my one - all I could think of is a Admin closer to the AEST timezone (most-likely Tippie.) being promoted or lowering the /creative to admins themselves.


Level 60
I am open to a better alternative from yourself if you do not like my one - all I could think of is a Admin closer to the AEST timezone (most-likely Tippie.) being promoted or lowering the /creative to admins themselves.
easier option would be just give estate and tower owners access to apartment edit mode or ask actual builders to build for you

The Estate hosts the entire football team in which will host player-ran /event's. It will certainly improve activity.
Sports team has team houses for both bobcats and spartans, they have access to GMC to edit those houses and again you can request build team
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Level 231
Thread starter
easier option would be just give estate and tower owners access to apartment edit mode or ask actual builders to build for you

Sports team has team houses for both bobcats and spartans, they have access to GMC to edit those houses and again you can request build team
i do like apartment editmode but it is just a weaker version of creative.

The /creative im suggesting is one that also utilises the current worldguard plugin used together so that even if an estate owner wanted to, they legitimately couldn't build outside of their estate. its impossible to be abused


Level 60
i do like apartment editmode but it is just a weaker version of creative.

The /creative im suggesting is one that also utilises the current worldguard plugin used together so that even if an estate owner wanted to, they legitimately couldn't build outside of their estate. its impossible to be abused

Request build team to do your buildings if you are unable to


Level 101
-1 this just seems like a very bad idea, they can just go around the city /gmc and break stuff and place stuff i had a lot of experience with players i give /gmc on some of my servers and not a good idea


Level 343
HS Sports Lead

Our current system works completely fine. I understand you occasionally cannot find an SA to give you GMC due to your time zone, but I've definitely been on during the occasions you are & so has oph. We have this system for security reasons to prevent griefing and such and even if we were to implement an estate edit mode, it'd be very pointless due to the amount of estates on offer today.

As suggested above, your easiest solution for the best outcome is to request from a build team member to build for you; you're definitely wealthy enough & there's nothing else for you to splash your cash on. A command for this is not only useless, but currently a waste of our time, I'm sure you've seen our Update & Expansion timeline and as it stands we're trying to fix & update as many things as we can - adding this to it seems rather pointless due to it only affecting 3 people (one of which is the server owner).

We allow owners of property(towers, estates, shops, etc.), leads, staff and community team access to Creative mode and you can ask any Senior Administrator(Including Mike) in DMs or via /help to give you GMC once you've found a Moderator willing to watch you build.


Level 63
Make a build server on the srp network where estates are copy pasted onto plot n then schematiced over to srp lol easy

Its a creative server so we get creative within our own plot then u can just copy it over, easy peasy fixes all problems

It can work for litterally both towers n estates n shops, it could be a great thing to be made mendantory within certain rules; EXAMPLE; shops csn only edit every two months, make that a reality for all, builds can only get schematiced over every 2 months, that way there's not a high demand and we dont need to have creative on the real map


Level 231
Thread starter
Make a build server on the srp network where estates are copy pasted onto plot n then schematiced over to srp lol easy

Its a creative server so we get creative within our own plot then u can just copy it over, easy peasy fixes all problems

It can work for litterally both towers n estates n shops, it could be a great thing to be made mendantory within certain rules; EXAMPLE; shops csn only edit every two months, make that a reality for all, builds can only get schematiced over every 2 months, that way there's not a high demand and we dont need to have creative on the real map
i also like this


Level 130
I've seen a lot of negative feedback to this, but I don't think people are really understanding what he's trying to say. I understand the concern for giving them creative mode, but this would first of all be exclusively to estate owners. There are very little of those, and usually the ones who own them are very trusted individuals. I've never seen an estate handed to someone who hasn't been playing the server for a long time, mainly because of the price. Another thing is that people are completely ignoring the fact he said it'd be exclusive to the estate. Worldguard would be placed, meaning that no damage to the city could take place and he could only build in his claimed area. Honestly, I believe this should be done for towers too in a slightly different way. I believe there should be something for tower floors, similar to how the editmode plugin works. All of the blocks would be available, besides ones that could potentially be used for duping and they'd only be able to build on areas owned in said tower floor.

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