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Grimsky21| Reporter Application


Level 4
Reporter Application

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:


Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

grimkittyyt and grimstudios114, yes I have a microphone.

List your timezone and country:

Est, US

Describe your activity:

I am often online, almost every day. Easy 9/10, I like to play SRP and roleplaying ends up helping my skills in writing. I constantly write lore for my characters and by doing so I can accurately give them a role in the city. During the summer I was on almost every day, although school is back… I am on about 4-7 hours daily, I do manage my real life as much as I can manage an in-game life. I enjoy playing srp and the friends I make are worth it.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Denied: Counselor -

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

There are several reasons why I am motivated to become a reporter. Firstly, I have a deep passion for writing and have been told that I possess a great vocabulary and writing skills. Hence, being a reporter would allow me to pursue what I truly enjoy and excel at. I am capable of writing about any topic, whether I am familiar with it or not.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

Yes, I have lots of experience as I am someone who writes stories. I am always writing lore, backgrounds, and story ideas. Writing has been a way for me to record my creativity for a while now and I’m happy to be applying for a faction that will allow me to build upon that!

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

Yes I am, I read through them all multiple times and happened to bookmark them.

Why should we accept you over others?:

I believe that you should accept me over other applicants because I can use my skills in ways others may not. I have a strong background in research and writing, and I am eager to learn My creativity has no end, it is endless. Writing gives me joy and can others, if it means I get to use my skills for pessary or unnecessary times, I will do so. I believe anyone can improve and I wish the other applicants luck as much as I hope they do the same. I am passionate about journalism and committed to conducting thorough and accurate reporting. I believe that reporting the truth, in an unbiased and ethical manner, is one of the most important roles a journalist can play in society. I also believe that having a strong sense of urgency and attention to detail are essential qualities for a successful reporter. As a new reporter, I understand that other applicants may be more experienced. However, I am confident in my ability to thrive in this role and make a positive impact on the role of a reporter I am committed to working hard and eager to learn from my peers and superiors to become the best possible reporter I can. Thank you for considering my application

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)

Yes, I know that it’s extremely important to be neutral and non-biased with reports. It can cause a lot of issues otherwise. I intend to keep all of my words, actions, and reports that way.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

Yes completely, If anything I find it good to have a fresh mind and write often.

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:

I imagine working as a reporter can be both exciting and challenging. On the one hand, you get the chance to cover fascinating events and topics, from the latest news developments to sports events and cultural trends. On the other hand, you must work under tight deadlines, often in uncomfortable environments, and navigate challenging situations to get the story.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

Screen Shot 2023-11-30 at 10.14.12 PM.png
"My name is Kenjiro K. Kimura"

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
“Mr. Kimura would be fine. Going by the first name seems inappropriate.”

Current Age (25+):
“ I am twenty-six.”

Past job/work experience:
“ I have no past work as this will be my first job. Although I intend on making sure to work hard and push myself past my limit! ”

/me would have eyes of determination, Kenjiro looked tired and nervous... But boy did he have the drive.

“ I studied hard for a minor degree in Liberal arts and a major in Psychology and communications. ”

Nationality and born location:
“ I am Korean, and was born in South Korea. ”

/me would point to himself, giving a warm smile
Phone Number:
“ My phone number is 030-919-5631.”

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
“ I myself am a very observant blunt person… I spent most of my high school life studying and working out. I like to read and write. Writing helped me understand the things I noticed. I take an interest in the things around me and observe things most don’t. I speak my part, never biased as that is inappropriate to do in general and for a job such as this. I am sure to tell others of things so they are aware. "

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“I enjoy writing about things I’ve seen and heard. If I notice something about the city that should be brought to my attention, I think and write it down. I study my surroundings and observe all. I like to write stories since I can tell them to others...I achieve this by simply doing it, I sit down and write. I start recording information with my words, the more I record, the more I can make a final report with."

What are your expectations for the job?:
“As a reporter, I am looking for a challenging work environment that allows me to use my skills to provide critical information to the public. I expect to work with a team that is committed to covering news stories and seeking the truth, even when it's difficult and controversial. Additionally, I expect to have the freedom to pursue stories that matter to the community, increasing my creativity, and writing abilities to create engaging content that informs and resonates with our audience.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
“No. Never have, never will. I believe crime to be a disturbing thing surrounding our city, and should be stopped... Karakura isn't the safest place, but nowhere is truly safe yes? ”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
“Japanese, Korean, and JSL”


You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.


"October in Karakura"

“Greetings Karakura, it's great to be here and sharing again. My name is Kenjiro Kimura, but you can call me Mr. KK... You know? 'k-k'? No? okay, I'll stop. [!] Sigh [!] Today, I'm here to provide you with an important report about an upcoming event.”

October 31st 7PM-10PM

“This Halloween I had the opportunity to attend a trick-or-treating event here in the city of Karakura. It was a unique experience that I'll never forget. The town was decorated with spooky decorations, and many of the locals were dressed in costumes. Children walked around in groups, knocking on doors and receiving candy due to the festive Halloween season. Many of the residents were surprised to see foreigners participating in the festivities as well. The town had a friendly and welcoming atmosphere
and there were many different types of treats to be had. Some people were giving out traditional Japanese sweets, while others were handing out American candy like Snickers and Kit Kats. I particularly enjoyed seeing the creativity of the costumes. Some kids were dressed up as popular anime characters, while others were dressed as ghosts and yokai. I even saw a few adults dressed up as different characters from various games.”

[!] Photos depict children dressed up and walking to houses with bags, presumably asking for candy [!]

“The community is quite wonderful here, I got a bit of candy when asking about the event. Overall, it was a great experience, and I'm grateful to have been able to take part in such a unique cultural event. Trick or treating in Japan is something I would recommend to anyone who has the chance to attend.”

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

"October in Karakura"

[!] Small tapping could be heard from the speaker before a man’s calm voice could be heard, the cameras flipping over to face an older man. [!]

“Hello Karakura, my name is Kenjiro Kimura but you can call me Mr. Kimura. I am here to present today's report for the terrifying month of October. I appreciate you all for tuning in! Make sure to grab a blanket because I’m sure this report will rattle your bones.”

[!] His voice would sound old and raspy despite the man's true age.[!]

“Hello, a wonderful citizen of Karakura! Could you tell me what your opinion is on the colder weather here in Karakura?”

[!] The mic picked up the sound of paper and pen scratching [!]

[Citizen 1]
“It’s enjoyable due to it being SUPER hot during the summer, the fall makes a nice temperature change!”

“I see, that’s good… Since it is October, do you find the cold weather affects how you may feel about this time of year?

[Citizen 1]
“ I’d say the weather does make October a bit of a bummer since it like… Cold!”

[!] A light chuckle could be heard [!]

“So you feel negative towards October because of its colder temperatures..?”

[Citizen 1]
“Yeah! It’s like…super….super cold!”

[!] Citizen 1 made a shivering action with her hands on her arms. [!]

“All right then, tell me… How do you feel about the Spooky month? That being October…”

[Citizen 1]
“Man, I love October, it brings people together… you get to decorate, dress up… ALL KINDS of fun scary things~”

“ You couldn’t have said it better. So.. tell me, have you seen anything scary?”

[Citizen 1]

“Ghosts..? So you believe in such things, would you say you are superstitious?”

[Citizen 1]
[!]BEEP[!] YEAH! those things scare me. I saw some earlier!”

“Oh..? If I may ask, could you tell me about the ghosts you have seen?”

[Citizen 1]:
“OH MY GOD, THE TWINS. They are like super cute.. they are Yosei and Tokei.”

“ Ah... So do these ghosts come to you..? Or do you find them? Like a ghost hunter?”

[Citizen 1]:
” Depends.. the first time it appeared before me, and other times I go looking for them.”

“Really now? So is this a safe thing to do? I have heard stories of people finding things that aren’t what they wanted to find.”

[Citizen 1]:
“You can go looking for them, but you may end up finding the wrong ones…”

[!] Sounds as if the citizen moved closer to the microphone to whisper [!]

[Citizen 1]:
“Between you and me, it’s not a good idea to go ghost hunting..”

“Why do you say that?”

[Citizen 1]:
“Because the spirits aren’t one to mess around with. Some are not friendly…”

"Well, thank you for that. I have one more important question: do you enjoy October here in Karakura?"

[Citizen 1]
“ Of course! The city has a few decorative props, which is wonderful to respect everyone’s traditions.

" Thank you all for listening to this podcast. I am glad you all showed up, and thank you random citizen of Karakura. Have a wonderful time in Karakura, and don't forget to watch out for ghosts! "

[!] Kenjiro’s old laugh could be heard along with another male voice lecturing him about his horrid jokes before the report came to an end. White noise was heard before the audio was all cut off, bringing everything to a close.[!]


Additional Information: Thank you for taking the time to read.
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Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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