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Haneshii's Introduction after 1 year of playing SRP


Level 14
Hi everyone,
For reference, I have no clue how to start this.

My name is Haneshii, some call me Hanai or some call me by my IRL name, Noah. Either way I do not mind! I'm currently 20 years old going on 21 in February next year! I've seen some recent introduction posts and I realized after I just hit my first year on SRP, I should probably make an introduction :D. I believe I started SRP around the end of November or the start of December. It's crazy that I was only doing StudentRP for about a month before I got accepted into the Faculty Faction and became a Librarian. I had stayed with that role for 11 months where I got to know a ton of amazing people that I love to this day. I recently quit which while to some it seems like a small deal but to me was a bigger deal. It was like the end of an era for me, I've moved onto different factions with different people and while it sucks not being in the same faction as the friends I made along the way, I still get to interact with a lot of them still oocly and icly! For those who may not know me, here's a handful of characters I play along with their roles:

[Grade-12][Swim] Takato Saijo
[College][B] Kichiro Ikemori
[Shopkeeper] Hanai A. Munakata
[Psychiatrist] Satoshi Tomohiro

Somethings about myself, firstly I'm a mix of 4 different asians, I'm Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and Laotian, while also having a bit of Mexican in me! (Don't ask me where, I have NO CLUE...). If you've VC'd with me at all, you know all I do is sing songs all the time, it's just habit (IM SORRY IF IT'S ANNOYING LMFAO) but I do genuinely enjoy singing, it's not something I'm pursuing but it's something that helps me keep my mental sanity.

But! This is all I can think of to this introduction, I'm kinda bad at this type of thing, I'm sure there is better! However, this is my introduction, so, hello to all of you! To the people who know me, you're amazing people, I hope we all have more memorable moments on SRP. <3

Yours Truly,
Haneshii, Hanai or Noah


Level 133
Big fan of your character Hanai, but you already know that! Will miss her as Eriks' school librarian of choice!


Level 71
Shrine Lead
After you just pelted me with snowballs I don’t know if I can ever see you in a positive light again….

im messing around I think? Welcome to SRP make sure you attend your classes.

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