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Denied Head nurse application

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Level 63
[OOC section]
In Game Name:

School Employee Role you are Applying For:
Head nurse

How often do you log onto the server?:
At least once everyday.

Do you have TeamSpeak3?:
I do not, but im ready to get it for this.

Do you have a microphone?:

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:
Ive never been banned.

Can you ensure that you will often come on:
Yes indeed, in summer or school days i can ensure that i will, after the exams going on right now i will at least be once or twice for 1 hour on the server.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: Being a head nurse is for me, is to help injured and sick childrens to send them back home or to the hospital. To help them feel and get better.

Do you have any past experience in this type of role-play?: Yes not a lot but yes i do.

What experience, in general, do you have in role-play?:
I have experience with creating, being the head thing, helping someone that is being bully and else, i would be able to handle a lot of situations.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it:
No i am not, but i am a little at the same time, i would love if i am picked to learn as fast and as good as i can.


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
I ask them politely what was my mistake and try to ask them to calm down if they do not, i try to get someone to help me with the situation, someone that as the power to help with it.

You are doing a hazadrous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:
If the job asked to do is do dangerous i will try talking about it to the person that requested it and explain why i think it is too dangerous to do.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?:
I try to warn them that it is dangerous or ask them why are they acting like that.

[IC section]
Applicant Name:
Chosen Job: Head nurse

Motivation for Joining YHS:
My motivation is to to help everybody feel good and help as much as i can. I like meeting people and helping them as much as they need, i like to give out my energie to the others for them to feel good.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
Why i think i would be a good choice because it can make me able to get experience and help the school with the sick students, it could let the teacher have a little less discipline to be done if they could just send the sick (and injured) students to the nurse.


Level 145

There are alot of spelling errors, such as

helping someone that is being bully and else, i would be able to handle a lot of situations.

Head nurse of any kind will not be age 16 as said here

The grammar used in this part of the application needs to be fixed.

Being a head nurse is for me, is to help injured and sick childrens to send them back home or to the hospital. To help them feel and get better.

Also, followed with this part as well...

I have experience with creating, being the head thing, helping someone that is being bully and else, i would be able to handle a lot of situations.

Re-apply in 9 days
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