players online



Level 11
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord:


How old are you?:


What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I am very active on the SchoolRP server, ranging on average between 4-8 hours on weekdays, and 5-10 hours on weekends. Most of this time is spent Roleplaying or grinding attributes. I typically log on around 6-8am in the morning [6-8PM EST] , going on and off SRP to either do my HEXATICA Art Commissions, or playing other games, though I am primarily free to get on SchoolRP if needed.

Have you ever been banned:

I have never been banned.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I wholeheartedly understand that the cause of demotion can be the result of inactivity, yes. By joining this faction, I will be dedicating a portion of my day, each day, to being apart of the Nurse role and Roleplay.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

School Nurse.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

The role of a School Nurse is the role of a healthcare worker, providing specialized services to student-aged peoples within an educational environment. This may also include keeping medical records of students, providing health information to the students, applying first aid knowledge and providing a safe environment for ill or injured students. School nurses are the sole providers of medical support to students, other faculty and families.

School Nurses take on the risk of a student's/faculty's health by providing their services. This makes them liable for any further injury or harsher sicknesses. Nurses are required to do a health assessment on any student that wishes to be checked up on and go forward with whatever necessary treatment is declared, whilst educating the student on health matters.

Apart of the role of a school nurse, it is their legal and work requirements to do the following;

WORK SAFETY CHECKS | School nurses, being apart of the School faculty are required by law and by school rule to take note of any noticeable health-code violations within the school grounds and identify possible health risks that could effect the students or other faculty.

CONTACTING FAMILY | If a student has fallen ill and a nurse has done a health assessment and deemed them too unwell to attend classes, the school nurse may contact a higher ranking faculty or the student's family, informing them on the matter and requesting either the student finds somewhere within the nurses office to rest until they're feeling better, or to have a family member bring their required medicines/ supplements.

MENTAL / PHYSICAL SUPPORT | If need be, School nurses can provide services to students to help with physical or mental disabilities. Possibly being cases such as a student needing extra assistance walking to and from classes, students in need of mental support such as those who struggle with mental disabilities, emotional grief or providing further referrals to Psychologists, Doctors, Paramedics, etc. to a student in need.

HEALTH ASSESSMENTS | If a student is found or comes to the nurses office claiming to be ill or injured, the nurse will be required to conduct a health assessment on the student to identify any complications with the student (or possible other faculty). This may include checking temperature, reviewing medical records, administering necessary medication/treatments, Doing visual and audio screenings. This is to fully identify the issue and/or find a solution to the issue in a proficient matter.

HEALTH EDUCATION | If a student is to ask a school nurse about medical health, or wishes to learn more about their own personal health, a School nurse's job is to provide the information to the student and educate them on the matter. Other topics of matter that could possibly be talked about is general biological sciences such as providing information about; STI/STD'S, DRUG ABUSE, ALCOHOL ABUSE, MISUSE OF MEDICATION, MENTAL LIMITERS ON THE BODY and DIETARY REQUIREMENTS/ISSUES.

HEALTH MONITORING | If a School nurse is informed of a student's medical requirements, the nurse is now required by law and ruling to provide those medical requirements on the recommended schedule. This includes student medication, adhering diabetic patches, providing students with the necessary women's health items (Pads, Tampons, light medication), and/or regular rebandaging injuries and applying medical patches/wraps/Band-Aids to injuries.

EXTERNAL HEALTHCARE | If deemed necessary, a School nurse may contact further medical personnel, that being the Karakura EMS in this case. If a student is deemed too drastically injured or ill, EMS will be called to the premise under the administrative responsibility of the School nurse attending to the student. This may also include faculty if they find themselves injured.

REFERALS \ ASSISTANCE TO OTHER STAFF | If requested, school nurses can assist Teachers/Professors within given context such as providing external knowledge on health-based classes, providing assistance during P.E classes that could possibly injure a student, providing medical supplies or general supplies such as water to students, or simply being there as a support if needed by a Teacher/Professor.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I have extensive knowledge on roleplay and writing in general. I focus primarily on character-based writing and world building within my roleplays. I officially started roleplaying back in 2018, that being eight years ago. My specific style of roleplaying is typically known as "literate to Novella" style, which I have brought over to my roleplay within SRP. On SRP, I have taken apart of many different types of roleplay styles, including StudentRP, GangRP (quit that), RacingRP, CrimeRP and many other less recognizable RP cliques.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

After reviewing many of the other factions and seeing the school employee faction, I felt as if I wanted to join the School Employee Faction the most as it provided the type of RP I was mostly interested in, ( DetailRP, CharacterRP, MedicalRP ). That, and the lack of employees lately has been causing issues within the player base of students. I originally planned on applying for Caregiver or Counselor, though found myself much liking the role of a school nurse more than the previously mentioned roles.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

APPLYING ACCOUNT - D0MINEER | GRADE 8 (Newer account for RP purposes.)


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

In that situation, she would remain calm and understanding, politely reminding the student of the school rules against harassment of faculty members and will continue her work. If further insulted, she will once again remind the student of the school rules, giving them an official warning if they were to continue, then will continue her work as usual. In a situation where the student would continue, she'd contact a higher ranking faculty member to come assist her because of the student's harassment. Once a higher ranking faculty has arrived (Teacher, Professor or higher up), the responsibility of handling the student will be passed onto them to be given detention. Though in the case that another staff member is unable to come support, she will instead give the student after-school detention if deemed necessary. This interaction including student names will also be logged.
- Action | "My dear, I will not be tolerating any mistreatment from a student. Please head off, as I am working if you do not wish for my assistance." Soo-Yunn politely bows her head to the student, showing the wavering respect she has for them. Returning her focus to her work, she once again spoke. "If this becomes a regular
occurrence, I will have to inform not only your teachers/professors, but I may have to contact your family about your behaviors'."

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

If Soo-Yunn witnesses students physically fighting, she will at first remind them of the school rules and attempt to break them up. If not, she will hand out detentions to the two of them and contact a Teacher/Professor to handle the situation. During the entire situation, she will keep a safe distance and keep the other staff on radio until they arrive to assist. This interaction including student names will also be logged.

- Action | "Hands down, back away from each other." The woman's voice boomed in a stern yet polite tone, making clear of her authority. "Fighting, nor PDA are allowed on school grounds." She reached into her coat pocket, grabbing her radio and contacting the other staff.
"Two students fighting at (location). (last name) and (Last name). Assistance required immediately."
After making the radio call, Soo-Yunn stepped back from the situation, once again raising her voice. "(last name), (last name). Hands down, back away from each other, do not make me repeat myself once again. Any further, and you will be each receiving detention after school."

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

She would first of all observe their actions, declaring the motive of the employee's actions. Once taken into account of their actions, Soo-Yunn will write them down in a note she keeps with her at all times including the date, time, name and the role of the employee. She will then contact a higher-ranking staff or whatever other staff are available to help handle the situation whilst she attempts to handle it herself, letting the staff know that what they are doing is inappropriate and a bad example to the students and other faculty.

- Action | "(last name), refrain from acting such a way. This is your workplace, not your home-space. If you wish to act like this, wait until you're released from schooling hours." Soo-Yunn spoke firm, taking note of (last name)'s actions. Once she determined their motive, Soo-Yunn reached down to her coat pocket, taking out her phone and jotting down the exact time, date and the name of the staff including their actions.
"Refrain from acting like any other student in this building. You are far more mature than them. Act like it."

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

Soo-Yunn politely converses with other faculty members, discussing topics such as classes, their children, her husband and other details whilst drinking her coffee until she is once again needed and will then return to her station at the Nurse's office.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

&#97274CSeated at her station, Soo-Yunn carefully inspected the medical documents of various different students, closely examining each one whilst writing their individual needs into her small black notepad. Pursing her lips in strict focus of her work. The woman then flinched at the sound of the knocking just outside of the nurses office. Standing from her seat, the beautiful woman would pat herself down, neatening up her work uniform before heading over towards the door, opening it and greeting the student with a smile &f"Come in, dear. What brings you to the nurses office today?" &#97274CShe spoke in a sweet, tenderly voice.

/me &#97274CReaching into the medicine cabinet, Soo-Yunn inspected the many different pill bottles, though quickly picked out the one that the student had specified was prescribed to them. After quickly checking the name on the bottle and to who it was prescribed too, the woman nodded in affirmation and closed the cabinet once, more, locking it and turning to the student. &f"Do you happen to know the instructions your doctor specified for you, my dear? If not, I'll check your medical records again and review the instructions." &#97274C Placing the bottle of pills down on the table, Soo-Yunn reached down, grabbing onto a bottle of water that had been prepared prior and placed it beside the pills, awaiting the student's answer.

/me &#97274CPulling off her black glove, Soo shuffled it into her coat pocket and pressed the back of her hand to the student's forehead, going quiet for a moment with a concerned expression. &f&o"Oh dear.. This isn't too well. Dear, could you take a seat on one of those beds for me, I'll need to check your internal temperature." &#97274CUshering the student over to the office beds, Soo-Yunn sighed in worry.
&#97274CAfter the student had taken their seat, she walked over to her station, grabbing some medical supplies, mainly being that of a thermometer and a bottle of water, heading over to the student and placing the closed water bottle beside the bed for the student to pick up whenever they felt as if they needed it. &f"(Last name), do you mind if I assess you for a moment? My dear, it seems you may have caught a cold and I need to know if I'm right." &#97274CShe gave the student a reassuring smile, holding out the thermometer for them to see. &f"Have you ever had your temperature checked before?"


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

"I am to be called Soo-Yunn Han."

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

"I am married to my dear love, Ichigo. Therefore I am referred to as Mrs."

Preferred Name:

"Lady Han, if you may."

Age (Minimum is 25):

"I am fourty two years old as of now. My birthday is the 10th of October."


"Ah, I am female, thank you for asking."

Academic Degree:

"I have my bachelors both in Business relations, and a Bachelor in Nursing Science."


"I majored in Nursing Science and Criminal Psychology."


"Juveniles psychology."


"My family and I hail from Seoul, South Korea. Though my Korean blood is mixed in with French and Japanese."

Known Languages:

"I understand Fluent Japanese, my native tongue- Korean, and I am fluent in the French language" (I will be applying for those languages respectively)


Once having attended Karakura Highschool during her Highschool years, Soo-Yunn was a constantly high-graded student, striving in the majority of her classes, though took a particular liking to the classes of Science and Home economics. This particular interest lead the young woman to study further throughout her time in Karakura. Developing a fondness to the heart-warming hobby of cooking homecooked meals and allowing those around her to enjoy her meals, whilst also having the estranged fondness of developing poisoned based on the many different ingredients she found all throughout the town during her time there. This soon led to her interest in the medical field, both psychological and physical.

Throughout her time within the confides of the Karakura town mountains, Soo-Yunn's ever-growing knowledge on the body's functionality, it's reactions to poisons, alcohols, drugs and even food pushed the woman forward, constantly studying outside of her school hours, studying the ins and outs of the miracles of the human body. It was only when she met her then lover and future fiancé, Ichigo Tokugawa and that once passionate love she had for poisons, human biology and the human psyche came to a temporary halt. The woman found herself experiencing a love that not only she hadn't experienced through other relationships, but a love she could never experience through her studies and experiments. It was only when the relationship fell apart due to Tokugawa's harsh actions and slowly degrading mental health through the guise of a twisted ego that Soo-Yunn left the relationship. Soon after, she returned back to her home city in Seoul, Korea where she was soon arranged into a legal marriage to Jun-Eun Fua, birthing both a son and daughter, Saeran T. Han, and Eun-Mi S.
Han. Soo-Yunn continued her life for nearly two decades, quickly becoming the Head and Matriarch of the Han family and running their family business in Seoul, though her mental health ever-decreased in sanity. So then, she sent her only son, Saeran T. Han to the place she once called home, Karakura to continue his studies as a scholar. Soo-Yunn Soon followed after initiating an official divorce with her now ex-husband, Jun-Eun.

Soon after Saeran T. Han arrived at Karakura, he made a name for himself, reporting back to his mother with every update of his experience, including meeting the Ichigo Tokugawa she once loved, sparking that same feeling of love she was so devoid of. So over the months, Soo-Yunn and Ichigo reconnected over long-distance with Soo-Yunn finally deciding to make her grand return to Karakura as a Nurse and to marry the man she loved.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

"I wish to be able to provide for the students of Karakura in the way I believe I can do best. I wish not to be a teacher, nor professor, though the nurse these students need. I wish to give these students the hope that they deserve that they can rely on someone within this town with their health. My extensive knowledge on nursing, let alone medicinal knowledge.. I believe that my best fit role within the school staff, is the School Nurse. The motivation I receive from seeing these students finding trust and respect in me is something I don't believe I could possibly find anywhere else."

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

"As much as I wish this not to be a competition between applicants, I truly do believe I am best suited for this role. I genuinely do. The true care I have for these students is something I hold dear to my heard, and by gaining this role, I can truly care for these students and possibly even the Faculty in the way I know they've been neglected of."



Additional notes about your application:

Thanks to Clexxss for helping me make this <3 (best proof reader ever)
Do you have any questions?:


Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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