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Denied Highschool Student Council Application


What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
14 day ban for trolling
What is your timezone?:
Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001):
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server:
I am on everyday for a minimum of 2 hours. I like to play with friends, socialize with new people to make more friends. I also like to attend classes every now and then when they are hosted.
List your accounts and roles on this server:
AnonymousDemonX- [Grade 12] - Joshua C. Yakazuki [Main]
AnonymousDemonX - [Fox] - 'Loaf' [Secondary]

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes! I am fully aware of this if i ever have a reason to go inactive i will give a heads up so someone is notified.


What is the student council and what do they do?:

Student Council: A group of selected students of all grades that work together to make the school environment better. They often help out faculty with detentions, give out detention slips to students who are not abiding by the school rules and regulations. The members also help and plan organized events for the school to have and participate in such as: graduations, club meetings, faculty parties, and when to host sport games. Little fun events as well to spark up the fun and liveliness in the school. As the Council are trusted members of the student body to represent them they communicate between students and the school administration. Sometimes the Council will propose changes to the school policies, as also raise fundraisers for the student activity or specific awareness for the school.
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
What motivated me to apply to the Student Council is to me it is the one that I am most interested in and that I feel I could be a part of and help a ton of people. The student Council position is not a lightly task to take. You have to always be ready to help and it has a ton of different diversity tasks and a big one is bearing the responsibility to take action if you see fellow students fighting and disciplining them, which could make people dislike you. I know most of the server population is just students and i want to help make the school better and more fun to interact with as a fellow student, i know a ton of people don't attend classes or do anything as they find it boring so i want to help bring new fun ideas for school to make it more engaging. As most of the servers population is students and most players want to be liked by everyone and be all friendly, I don't mind if some people come to dislike me for carrying out my tasks and responsibilities as a council member because it is one of the responsibilities to make sure the school environment is safe.
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
I am fully aware that I will have to be creative and my teamwork ethic within the student council. I view everything at different angles so i will apply that to see how we can improve the stuff we plan, as i use to be in a program outside of srp that was dedicated to using those skills i am fully on board and ready to help.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
President and Vice President
These two are the heads of the whole Student Council. They manage the members, the rules, and decide decisions for the council for very big tasks or responsibilities. They also represent the Student Council as a whole while the other members represent part of the committee. When the Council has meetings they will create the agenda of what they want to go over.

Student Leadership Team
The Leadership Team is the higher school staff like the Principal, Vice-principal, Dean and Vice-Dean. These are mostly occupied by actual srp staff, They are the ones who regulate everything school related as they are the top of it basically is the school itself. They are similar to faculty they monitor the council and give them stuff to do as they are the highest of the highest.

Council Training Committee
The Training Committee is filled with experienced members who have been there longer and know mostly everything that you need to know as a member. Their responsibility is to train the new members that have joined the Student Council, they show them the ropes and what to do and expect as a Student Council Member. They are there to help until they deem that you are good and trained to your best you can be as a Student Council Member.
Council Committee
These are the generic members of the Student Council, they work with the presidents and the faculty. You will see them wandering campus making sure everything is as it should be and that everyone is safe and nothing abnormal is occurring.

School Faculty
This is your teachers, professors etc. They work alongside the Council and help them in any way they can and when needed. They help host events, monitor the members as the Council are students. They also work with the Council in detention.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

Josh would notice the two students who were arguing and he would cautiously approach them. If there was a crowd of students watching firstly before he would talk to the two girls he would dismiss the crowd telling them to please leave and don't crowd. After the crowd left he would approach the two girls saying “ahem” to get their attention. After the girls would give their attention to Josh he would proceed to ask the two girls what is the issue and why they are berating each other? After listening to their answers Josh would sigh and say that their behavior is unacceptable especially on school grounds. If they continue to berate and harass each other he will have no other choice but to give them each detention to reflect on their actions. He would do all of this in a calm confident manner.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Josh would first stop the student asking for their name and tell them politely to take their mask off and that wearing one on school grounds will result in them getting detention and getting suspended as it violates the school rules. He would have her radio on just in case as he told the student. If they take off he would get on his radio and tell all faculty to look out for “students name” and give them a description of the person just in case the name was a fake, to please catch them immediately as they have a mask on and are avoiding suspension and detention. He would be doing this while running after the student so he doesn't lose them.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
Josh would be patrolling and he would notice the councilor and the student and see what is happening. After he assets what happening that the councilor is abusing power to the student he would walk up to them and dismiss the student kindly telling them that they are free to go with a smile. After the student left he would turn to her colleague and say what they were doing and why they were doing it. After hearing out their explanation he would tell them what they did was wrong and abusing their power and that he will inform the president and vice president of their behavior or the faction lead as it is never okay to abuse the power you're entrusted with for your own benefit.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
After the meeting was done Josh would go over everything they covered and he noticed he was missing a few pieces of information. He would ask another councilor if he could check their notes and stuff from the meeting to see if anything he missed during the meeting they have. If they do he would ask to copy that piece or rewrite it in his own words as he missed that information. If they do not he would ask another member if they don't have it he would ask the Vice president or the president if they could view over his notes from the meeting to see what he's missing from the meeting that occurred.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
Josh would act calm and politely ask them what it is exactly he has done wrong that goes against his training. After they told him, he would refresh his memory and look at the rules for the council. If he has not violated any of those he would tell them that he has not violated his training or the rules of the council in a very polite manner, he would then proceed to say if you think i have you can take it up with the council president and vice president. He would apologize if they think that Josh has violated them. If Josh has he would apologize and say if you like you can take it up with the president and vice president of the council and he will be working on that so this incident never occurs again.

Please provide atleast one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week is a crucial and meaningful addition to school events for several compelling reasons. This dedicated week serves to honor and recognize the invaluable contributions that teachers make to the lives of their students, their schools, and the entire community. Here's a detailed explanation of why Teacher Appreciation Week should be an integral part of school events:

  1. Recognition and Gratitude: Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future by imparting knowledge, values, and skills to their students. Teacher Appreciation Week provides a platform to express gratitude for their tireless efforts, dedication, and commitment to their profession.
  2. Boost Morale and Motivation: Recognition and appreciation have a significant positive impact on an individual's morale and motivation. When teachers feel valued and appreciated, it boosts their enthusiasm and energy levels, leading to improved job satisfaction and performance.
  3. Retention and Recruitment: Teacher turnover is a concern in many educational settings. By celebrating teachers through Teacher Appreciation Week, schools can help retain experienced educators who might otherwise consider leaving due to burnout or lack of recognition. Furthermore, it can also make the profession more appealing to potential recruits, contributing to the recruitment of high-quality teachers.
  4. Positive School Culture: A positive school culture is essential for creating a conducive learning environment. When teachers are appreciated, it fosters a culture of respect, collaboration, and support among staff members. This positive atmosphere trickles down to students, enhancing their overall educational experience.
  5. Parent and Community Engagement: Teacher Appreciation Week provides an opportunity for parents and the local community to actively participate in showing gratitude to teachers. This engagement helps build stronger ties between schools, families, and the community, creating a more holistic and supportive educational ecosystem.
  6. Professional Development: When teachers feel appreciated, they are more likely to engage in professional development opportunities, striving to become even better educators. This continuous improvement benefits students by ensuring they receive a high-quality education.
  7. Role Modeling: Recognizing teachers publicly demonstrates the importance of appreciation and respect for educators. This can inspire students to value and respect their teachers as role models, fostering a positive attitude toward education and authority figures.
  8. Reduced Burnout and Stress: Teaching is a demanding profession that often comes with high levels of stress and burnout. Teacher Appreciation Week offers a chance for teachers to take a break from their regular routines, enjoy some pampering or special events, and recharge emotionally and mentally.
  9. Enhanced Teacher-Student Relationships: When teachers feel appreciated, their interactions with students can become even more positive and supportive. This can lead to stronger teacher-student relationships, better communication, and a more effective learning experience for students.
  10. Long-Term Impact: Students' success is closely linked to the quality of their teachers. By recognizing and appreciating teachers, schools contribute to the overall improvement of the education system, leading to better outcomes for students and the society as a whole.
In conclusion, Teacher Appreciation Week is not just a simple gesture; it's a fundamental aspect of promoting a thriving educational environment. By honoring teachers' hard work, dedication, and impact, schools can enhance teacher morale, student learning experiences, and community involvement, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of both individuals and the educational system.

Personal Information
(in character)


Joshua C. Yakazuki
Phone number:
How would you describe your personality?:
Josh is a very lively and fun person to others and himself. He is a very caring person who tries to help others in need and when he can. He listens to people if they need someone just to talk to, he never discriminates against anyone as everyone is different so why should he. People may think he's hard to approach as sometimes he has to act “professional” especially if he's around her family because he watches over her siblings when needed. When he's not with his family he's a very warm person he greets everyone with a smile and is very casual. Out of school he is a bit different than when she is in school, he's less professional as he wears a casual outfit instead of her normal outfit. This is when he can speak his mind as he's not with his family but he can be like this in school if he's alone with people. He loves to use resources and make sure everything is done right and on time. If you give him something to do he will do his best to get it done perfectly or the best it can be.
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

What separates me from the rest of the applicants is because I know and I understand that being part of student council is not a lightly thing that is a breeze, Student Council is a responsibility not a walk in the park. I am very good at doing my job in anything I'm given, you can rely on me to get anything done even if I have to ask someone for help in the process it will get done. I don't mind if some people come to dislike to from doing my job as part of the council, while most of the students in Karakura want to be liked by everyone and not be rude. I'm very good at working with others and making sure the environment is safe.
Why do you want this position?:
I want this position to help people be safe and secure while in school and i know Student Council does that as they patrol the school making sure that happens. As a normal student you cant really do that fully, i want to be on the team that helps to the fullest and makes that happen for everyone as students of Karakura deserve that. I also want to bring new things to the team and the school with my presence, i see so many things that could be improved and changed and i know those will have a great impact on the school. I want to do so much for this school to make it the best it can be and more an example is implementing fun games for the school to do together as there isn't really much of that.
What interests you the most about student council?:
What interests me the most about Student Council is that even students can be part of faculty in some way, i find that fascinating and i want to be apart of it. Another thing that interests me the most of Student council is that they can make and come up with events for the school. Normally you would think no students will really have a say in that but, the Student Council can do that as they act and represent the student body of Karakura. they also help the students as well in a lot of different ways incase anyone has questions for them that they want to be answered. Everything the Student Council does interests me in some way but them helping people and keeping the school safe is one of the most things that interest me.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
How i could contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment is i don't really like sitting in one place so i will always mostly be patrolling around if i am not in class learning. As i have siblings that get into trouble every now and them i keenly watch students and if i noticed something off i will act immediately. As a fellow student i know that most of us will get bored doing nothing if were not attending classes so i would try to make fun innovated ways to let have everyone have fun and want to come back to school. I also have no problem being a bit scary to students who are being rude and trying to belittle a fellow student as it is not okay for them to do that in any case. I will ensure the students will be safe on campus no matter what.
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Level 202
Council Lead
Thanks for applying but certain sections of your application seem to be written by AI.

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