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Accepted HS council application | KenB0y_


Level 27

What is your Minecraft Username?:


Past warns/kicks/bans?:
I've been banned once on my main account for ERP, this occurred probably close to two years ago. The situation was s misunderstanding, but I learned from my mistakes and never repeated the same thing,

What is your timezone?:
CET or CEST depends on the daylight savings

Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001):

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Main account applications:

Spanish application [Accepted]
Welsh application [Accepted]
Receptionist application [Accepted]
Third language application [Accepted]
Sign Language application [Accepted]
Ban appeal

Alt account applications
Welsh application [Accepted]
I forgot the password to the forum account that it was posted on, apologies.

Describe your activity on the server:
I joined the SRP back in 2020 when the quarantine first began which would be soon over 3 years ago and I would like to say that I stayed fairly active on it over the span of the years. I am more often seen on my main account as I have the receptionist role on it and I must stay active, although getting a more meaningful role on my alt will motivate me to play on it just as much. During school, I may have days where I would log on just for a shorter while or not at all, but during weekends I can guarantee to log on for a few hours at least.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
BarbieG1rl_ [Receptionist]
KenB0y [Grade 12]

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I am aware of that.


What is the student council and what do they do?:

A student council is a group of students whose primary task is to assist faculty to ensure the safety of the school. That includes patrolling the school hallways, splitting up fights, and heated arguments that could lead up to a fight. Councilors work together as a team, so it is recommended to have good communication skills and manage to work in big groups. They are in charge of coming up with school events that would make the school experience less boring and would bring more fun to learning. As a member of the council, you are ought to behave your best on school grounds as well as outside of them as you represent Karakura High, and following the rules is a must.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
My main motivation to apply as a student council is my interest in school-related roleplay, I wish to engage and contribute more to it. I've never had a lot of interest in GangRP, I am rather leaning into roleplays in which I am any sort of authority or law enforcement, and I believe joining this faction would allow me to gain more experience for any positions of that sort in the future. Having more freedom and being able to express my creativity in creating events with other people is another appealing aspect of the council to me, and although I haven't had many chances to do that before I believe I would contribute well.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am aware of having to work in groups and help come up with events. That is partially the reason why I am applying for this position as well.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
Council President

The council president is the head and supervisor of the council team, making them the most important person on the team. Due to their high position, the primary responsibility lies with them. The president of the school council is in charge of ensuring that all its members follow the school guidelines and setting a prime example to other students without exceptions. No major decision may be approved without their final statement and consultation with an SLT member. They're present during training for newly enrolled councilors. The Council president must hold an impeccable reputation as well as hold a great academic record. After all, they're a role model for the whole council team.
Council vice-president
The council vice president serves a similar purpose as the president, often taking their place if unavailable. They're to assist a president with decision-making during meetings or when dealing with other issues. They may approve of minor decisions, but do not hold as much power as the president themselves. They're to become the next leader if a current one decides to step down from their position.
The council team is at the bottom of the chain, but that does not automatically mean they're not serving an important purpose. It's their responsibility to make Karakura High a safe space for all attending students by patrolling the hallways and splitting up ongoing antics. Councilors are expected to help come up with new events and show their overall engagement while participating in council meetings. As a council, you must also behave your best on as well as off school grounds by not taking part in any illegal activities and strictly following enforced rules. You must remember that you're seen as a role model by other students.
Training Committee
It's a group of carefully chosen councilors who met set requirements to become training committee. Their responsibility is to properly complete the training for every newly enrolled counselor and make sure they're familiar will all school rules.

[Additional important roles to the council team]

The Senior Leadership Team consists of a principal, dean, vice-principals, and vice-deans. They're the authority that holds the most power over Karakura High, supervising every faction and financially contributing to the school's growth. They're the last resort in situations that neither faculty nor student council is capable of handling.
School faculty
School faculty like teachers, professors, or employees are essentially needed for council members. There are certain situations which a student may be incapable of handling themselves and may require assistance from an adult. Council members are also very helpful when a faculty may need help with a bigger situation, to keep proper track of it and not allow it to escalate further.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?
The best way to go about two students who seem to be too occupied with their argument to pay attention to anything else that is around them is to simply split them up. This is exactly what Kaori would do if he got ignored when giving them a verbal warning beforehand. He would then ask each of the girls to explain what was the cause of the obnoxious insults thrown at one another and offer a solution to the problem. He would most likely leave the situation off with just a verbal warning if the girls would be willing to cooperate, but making a note to himself to keep a closer eye on them if he sees them arguing again the same or another day.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Kaori would attempt to catch up to the student and stop them, before somehow pursuing them into cooperating with him. If he was however unsuccessful he would make sure to inform the other counselors to keep an eye out for a student with a mask over the radio as they had just managed to escape from him. He would then continue his patrol around the school, but still mainly focusing on catching the troublemaker somewhere around it this time to properly deal with them and not letting them run off so easily for the second time.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
He would take the council on the side and try to navigate them and help them understand the wrong approach to the situation, before turning to the student and apologizing for the unnecessary stress provided. Afterward, he would make sure to alert a president or SLT member of the said council behaviour, in hopes that it gets fixed and the situation would not repeat.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
If there would be any information that Kaori would be simply unsure about or perhaps missed he would first attempt to reach out to the person that was holding the meeting. If he would be unsuccessful, he would then proceed to call or text any of his council friends that were present during the meeting in hopes that they would share any useful information with him. He believes that it is better to ask a million times about the same thing, but finally, understand it than never ask and keep your head busy, anxiously trying to figure it out on your own.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
Kaori would turn to the faculty and try to understand what has he done wrong. He would then proceed to apologize to them while informing them that he has been taught differently by his higher-ups and that he will choose to follow their instructions nonetheless.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):
[Turn into a detective for a day!]
Have you thought about working as a government official in the future? Are you perhaps not sure what path should you choose? Maybe you're interested in unresolved crime cases and you listen to podcasts about it whenever you get ready for school. If so, you can consider yourself lucky. Senior Leadership Member alongside with student council had invited a few members of the Karakura Police Department to our school for a fun activity for everybody. This Friday starting at 9 AM, all students who wish to attend shall make their way to the school's gymnasium. There we will divide you all into separate groups of a few people, each of the groups will be handed an envelope of premade documents and tools as well as one supervising government official. In your envelope you may find:
  • Overall description of what case you'll be attempting to resolve [e.g. a murder or break-in case]
  • Location of where the offense had taken place
  • Additional clues about the delinquent [e.g. his last whereabouts]
  • Required information about the victim [If any]
After the student council had introduced you to all rules and your group made yourself familiar with all the files provided in your envelope you all may make your way to the "crime scene" previously prepared by us. We made sure to make it feel as realistic as possible for more fun. In each room, you may find missing items, fake broken glass or other sharp materials for safety purposes, fake blood, etc. Before beginning with the fun, an officer assigned to your group will make you familiar with all tools that you had been provided. Ensuring that you all understood the rules of the game you may begin. Now it is up to your team if you will be able to resolve the case or not, some good teamwork skills may come in handy. However, to increase the difficulty a little bit more all groups have a time limit of two hours to solve the case. But do not worry. A present police officer will be there to assist you if you get stuck. After the time runs out your team will be required to present all the evidence you've gathered, your thought process, and how you managed to find who the felon is to the student council. All teams that manage to correctly resolve the riddle will be rewarded with some cool gadgets and sweets earlier prepared by us. And for the groups that lost. . . you may feel free to take a selfie with your favourite officer! We can not wait to see you on Friday.


Character Name:
Kaori Sato

Character Gender:
Cis male [He/Him]

Character Age:
18 years old.

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
Kaori is seen by his closest friends as a mostly hard-hearted and straightforward person but still caring. He rarely sugarcoats his opinions, however, do not let this be mistaken for being simply disrespectful and impolite. Kaori knows how to word his views on certain topics while keeping his professionalism and not crossing the line by potentially insulting the person he would speak to, he knows how to hold a civil conversation. He tends to be strict when it comes to enforcing rules which would be a positive attribute when serving a council role on school grounds. Kaori is a great listener overall and knows how to put himself in other people's perspectives if needed. His sense of humor may be dry and full of sarcasm, but he can be viewed as a funny person in his own, specific way.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
And afro-American male standing at a height of 6'2 with a somewhat toned build and long, neatly tied black, braided hair.
Zrzut ekranu 2023-01-13 2207242.png

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
What separates me from other applicants who may seek the same position as me is my ability to remain calm and not let my emotions, even if provoked by another student, take over my judgment in enforcing a proper punishment. My natural strict character, not to be mistaken with stubbornness either, I believe is a good trait that most councilors or people working at school should have. It is important to keep the school a safe experience for every attending person, and strictness to some degree is a good way to go about it. I see myself as a person who is also a good listener, which may come in handy when a student deals with personal issues and has nobody else to turn to. Our school does not offer any psychiatric help as of now, which is why I believe councilors should be also able to step up and help out the ones in need. For some kids, it may be more comforting and reassuring to speak to somebody closer to their age than to an adult.

Why do you want this position?:
I wish to get this position as I believe I could contribute well to making the school feel safer for a lot of kids, especially the ones struggling with mental health issues. I on multiple occasions have noticed bullying basically on the daily basis, mostly happening in areas where school faculty don't often wander off to. I want to be able to prevent those situations from happening as much as I can and being accepted into the council team will provide me the ability to do so. It is a position I thought long about before finally deciding on applying.

What interests you the most about student council?:
As stated previously, I am mostly interested in keeping the school a safe environment. I greatly admire how many people willingly volunteer to become council, I feel like I would get along with them well. Which is just another exciting aspect of possibly becoming a council member. I wish to meet them all a bit closer and begin working in a team with them if given the opportunity.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
I shall deliver ideas that I would hope a big part of Karakura High students would enjoy participating in. I am always free and eager to help out with preparation for events if needed, When it comes to making our school a safe environment, I want to always make sure that I do not lack the proper judgment of situations, always taking either no sides or a side of a clear victim. I wish to advocate for mental health issues as much as I possibly could be, making sure to implement them in some of my future event ideas.
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we have decided to accept your application:

- please ping Customable#1590 in the Karakura academics help channel to receive your discord roles and create a ticket in-game to receive your in-game roles


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