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Accepted HS Student Council App


Level 3


What is your Minecraft Username?:


Past warns/kicks/bans?:
There is one warning I have from about 2 years ago, when I first joined SRP and used emotes in ICLY chat. My use of emotes in ICLY chat has since ceased after learning the rules. Apart from that, I've never received any warnings, bans, or kicks.

What is your timezone?:
My timezone is EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server:
There is no doubt that I am quite active in both SRP as well as Discord. As for Discord, I believe I am more active on that than SRP, so you can reach me OOCly through Discord rather than having to wait for me to get online to contact me. As a result of school and personal reasons, I have just returned from a long break from SRP a couple of months ago, but I can assure you that I am back and I am trying as much as possible to get involved in the community.

Due to my break from roleplaying, I have been playing both my main account and my alt accounts, gaining experience and roleplaying. At the moment, I'm completely free, so I'm available to get on SRP every day for a few hours. Since I will be attending college in the near future, I plan on playing SRP less frequently than I do now, possibly every other day until I get used to my new schedule. Despite this, I am going to make sure that I don't miss meetings or events that I am obligated to attend.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
[Grade 12] Tatot_Tot

[Grade 11] EwColdSoup

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
It is in my understanding that if I remain inactive for more than 15 days without providing a log of my inactivity, then I will be removed from the council.



What is the student council and what do they do?:

A student council is made up of individuals who are elected to represent the interests of students and faculty within the school and to make it a better environment for them. The council not only plans and hosts events, but also performs a variety of other tasks behind the scenes that benefit the schools as a whole. In order to encourage students to attend class, the student council aims to create a healthy school environment that makes it fun for them to attend. A number of responsibilities are entrusted to student council members, including the responsibility of keeping the campus safe for all students. In other words, keeping an eye out for any troublemakers who might wander into the school and cause trouble.

Whenever a student breaks a rule, they can call the teachers for assistance in dealing with the situation. In addition to this, they are also capable of enforcing the rules on their peers as well. The goal of the school council is to provide students with a school environment that enables them to learn efficiently and effectively. By ensuring there are no troubled students on campus, they guarantee your educational experience will be as good as possible and that you will form lasting relationships with other students on campus.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
I have been contemplating applying for council again since I have been playing SRP for some time now, mostly because I have become bored playing SRP without any roles. I'd like to spice up my roleplay experience once again during school hours, rather than just sitting around doing nothing. During my time as student council president, I had the opportunity to plan events and get feedback from the attendees. It was also a great pleasure for me to host meetings with my fellow councilors to talk about what events to hold and how we could make the server more interesting as well as how we can organize the events they suggested. In the past few months, several of my friends have been pressuring me to reapply, probably as a result of the fact that I have expressed my desire to do so. It was they who urged me to submit my application for this role, and so I am grateful to them for exerting effort to encourage me to apply for this position.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
I am fully aware that if I am going to be successfully performing my duties as a member of the student council (ICLY & OOCLY), I will be required to exercise creativity and teamwork in order to come up with events and make decisions that will benefit the students.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
As the head of a council, the president plays a very important role in the council, as they lead the council and set a good example for the students and other councilors to follow. Generally, they are the ones who are authorized to call meetings and to make the final decisions on certain topics, such as school events. The responsibility that they bear is, in my opinion, the greatest among the council members. Moreover, it is the president's responsibility to communicate events and activities that they wish to take place to the faculty and higher-ups, including the dean and principal, to keep them informed and to get their approval.

Vice President
It is perhaps fair to say that the vice president's job would be the second most important, since they are the president's second assistant. During times when the president is unable to attend certain events/meetings, the Vice President is still expected to carry out the duties of the President. There is no doubt that the vice president has a significant role to play in certain topics, so they should also set a good example according to that role.

In a school's council, councilors play a crucial role, not only do they propose events to peers, but they also enforce the rules and regulations around the school to maintain a safe school environment for all pupils. Besides wearing appropriate clothing, it is equally important that they adhere to the rules they enforce, in order to set a good example to students outside of the council. There is no indication whether the Student Representative Council has appointed a secretary or treasurer, but if not the councilors must keep the student council's finances and records as accurate as possible.

Non-council members also play a key role in the student council. For example, faculty members are there to help the council if anything goes wrong on campus. In addition to providing suggestions, the council can rely on faculty members to enforce the school rules. A second example would be club leaders, who come to the council with suggestions for events their clubs would like to have. They play a very important role in ensuring that the school remains a fun and interesting place for everyone to attend. As the last example, let's take a look at the faculty at the higher levels; deans and principals. These higher-level officials approve the events that the council would like to organize. There is a great deal of trust between the faculty and the council when it comes to ensuring the school is a safe place for students to learn.



You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

In the beginning, I would listen to what the two girls were saying, double-checking if I understood their conversation, just to make sure I didn't misunderstand anything. After I had confirmed that these girls were verbally harassing one another, I would intervene by notifying them that I was there and letting them know that I was there to help deescalate the situation. The next thing that I would do is to ask them to share with me their side of the situation before expressing my opinion about how verbally harassing each other won't solve the problem. Should they continue to harass each other, I would give them a warning, threaten to give them detention, or even notify a faculty member about the situation. If they continue to verbally harass each other despite my warning, I will call a member of the faculty, if they are not available then I will give the two girls detention myself.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
As soon as I see the student fleeing, the first thing I would do is chase them down, in the hopes of catching up with them so that I can possibly convince them to remove the mask. If the student is too fast for me, then in order to identify a student, I will try to memorize their clothing, build, and any other identifying features, such as their hair color or jewelry. The fact that I would not be able to see their face would make this situation difficult. To keep an eye out for this kind of description, I would immediately contact a member of the school faculty or another member of the student council in order to keep an eye out for them. If I found a student who matched the description, I would approach them, ask them a series of questions, and then, once I was satisfied that this was the student I was looking for, I would give them detention.

There seems to be a councilor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
In the first instance, I would assess the situation, watching the councilor and making notes in my head of all the rules they were breaking. My next step would be to step in between the student and the councilor, before confronting them about their behavior. Prior to informing them of the rules they were breaking, I would explain how I see their behavior. As a result, I would scold them, informing them that they should be role models for students and that their actions were not acceptable. Following that, I would inform them that I would be reporting their behavior before departing with the distressed student. My first step would be to bring them to a private room, where I would apologize profusely for the other members' behavior and assure them that they would not get away with it. Once I had ascertained that the student was okay, I would ask him some questions to determine what kind of situation he was in and record his answers. Following my satisfaction, I would inform both the faculty and the president as soon as possible.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
In the case that the meeting was still underway, I would ask the president or vice president to repeat themselves, as I missed some of the details. Once they have answered my question, I will thank them for their time. In the event the meeting has already ended, I would then pull one of my fellow councilors aside and ask them to brief me on what has just been discussed. My next step would be to directly go to the Vice President or the President and ask them myself if I still have any questions regarding this matter.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
It is first and foremost my responsibility to inform the teacher/receptionist that what they were asking for is not acceptable. It would then be my task to explain what I have been trained to do and how what they are asking me goes against what I have been taught to do. Regardless of whether they insisted or not, my refusal would remain firm. It would be my responsibility to leave the room if the problem becomes too big to handle, so that I can deescalate it. As a final step, I will inform another faculty member or a higher-up about their request so that they can follow up with them.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):
School Swap!
There is an opportunity for faculty and students to participate in an event that focuses on both! In this event, students will swap with faculty members. The student will be responsible for upholding the responsibilities that the faculty upholds on a regular basis. As a result of the faculty member a student swaps with, they may be subject to a variety of tasks, including teaching classes, serving lunch, or even assisting injured students during the swap. However, there is a twist! As well as students, faculty are encouraged to swap with students as well, however they are advised to keep an eye on their swap partner to ensure they are not doing anything inappropriate when they are in that position.

It will be encouraged for students to take on roles such as professors, teachers, nurses, tutors, lunch ladies, office staff members, deans, principals, etc. A student can pick any of the roles listed, and based on which role they choose, they will be matched with the appropriate member of the faculty who is available to switch with them. There will be an explanation from the faculty of how things work so that the students know what to expect. As soon as this has been accomplished, both students and faculty members will change into the appropriate clothing for their roles. Upon completion of this process, the faculty member will attend the mimic's class or follow the mimic around the school in order to ensure that they are not violating any school policies or regulations. During that time, they will act in the same manner as their students, mimicking their behavior and acting as they do.

To make this event as successful as possible, a lot of planning will need to be done, including involving faculty members in the planning process. Because of the high demand for students, we would need to select students who have the best records, or to be more inclusive, the students who win a drawing to be included in our selection process. In order to prevent fights and problems at school, councilors can tour the school and ensure that everyone is acting in an appropriate manner so that such issues can be prevented. There is no doubt that if this event is planned correctly, everyone will have a great time!



Character Name:

Tat Ishimaru

Character Gender:

Character Age:

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
Tat Ishimaru can be described as the definition of the word "energy". Because of her upbeat and spontaneous personality, she has a tendency to make being around her an enjoyable and exciting experience. In spite of the fact that she struggles to read the room on some occasions, she always has a positive attitude regarding any situation she is in regardless of how difficult it may seem. Her attempt to brighten people's lives in a depressing situation reveals her ability to come up with some unusual and positive solutions. She is a very approachable person, who is very physically affectionate, although at times she can appear to be a bit too assertive. In spite of her desire to get closer to others, there may be a few people who find her lack of personal space and boundaries irritating. Although she is a very spontaneous, fun-loving, sprightly person, she also has a very studious, knowledgeable, and studious personality. The fact that she maintains a healthy balance between her academic and social lives is remarkable, despite the fact that she is fairly unorganized.

It goes without saying that despite all her flaws, she enjoys meeting new people and taking advantage of her creative side to come up with ideas and plan events with her closest friends.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
In appearance, Tat Ishimaru would look like a young and cute Japanese woman, standing at 5 feet tall and having a petite body shape. Although her cotton candy-like hair would fall down to her waist, it would remain to be healthy, maintaining its soft and fluffy texture. One of the most striking parts of her features would be the pink eye contacts, which complimented her peach blossom eye shape dramatically, highlighting her eyes from the bangs that drooped over her forehead. A small mole would rest under her lips, and two smaller ones would lie vertically under her right eye. Tat's face was often plastered with a smile, giving her a soft and welcoming appearance, as if she was quite comfortable around people.

Due to the fact that Tats' wardrobe is extremely diverse, you can find a wide range of styles and colors in it, from bright colors to emo-punk and everything in between. She is well known for her spontaneous personality, and her immense wardrobe complements it by allowing her to wear anything she wants, whenever she wants, regardless of her style. Tat usually changes from regular clothing to school-appropriate clothing as soon as it is time to leave for school, preferably in a school uniform. While out with friends, she prefers to wear more skin-revealing clothing, despite the fact that she wears casual clothes the majority of the time.
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What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
"My experience in this field differentiates me from my peers who are seeking this council position. Having served as president of Karakura High School's student council, I have quite a bit of experience. As part of my duties in my former position, I had the opportunity to plan dances, fundraisers, and rallies; therefore, I have experience in these areas. Since I consider myself to be a very creative person, I am able to suggest a variety of different events that can be organized by the council for the school.

Additionally, I believe that my social skills would be a significant aspect that would set me apart from other candidates that are applying for this position. As a social butterfly, I am a huge fan of people! I enjoy going around the school and listening to other people's experiences and problems. Due to this aspect of my personality, I have the ability to bring in suggestions for the school, from both students and teachers on how the school can improve. Another thing to note is because of the fact that I am socially competent, this has made me extremely empathetic to my peers and fellow students, as I understand their struggles and actually take their advice seriously towards the school."

Why do you want this position?
"There are many reasons why I am interested in applying for this position, and one of them is the possibility of having a more productive schedule during school hours, which is something I am very excited about. It is my hope that patrolling as a councilor will make my school life more interesting by reducing the repetition and boredom that I often encounter in school. As an added benefit of this position, I would welcome the chance to sit down with other members and recommend fun activities and events that the school could host, as well as listen to other members' suggestions about what the school could do.

I would love to hear what other councilors have to say about how the school can be made a more safe and enjoyable environment for students. I believe that this drives me to my next reason as to why I am a great candidate for this position, making sure that students and faculty work in harmony in order to create a harmonious learning environment. Having fun and learning are two of the main purposes of school, and I would like to ensure that in the future, that school is a place where all students are able to feel safe and have fun while they learn."

What interests you the most about the student council?:
"The most important thing for me in the student council would be the events, which I have talked about a great deal in my application for the position. It gives me the opportunity to express my creative personality by creating happy and fun environments for my fellow students. When it comes to school, it can sometimes get quite boring and repetitive since there are not enough activities or events to keep people entertained during a long school day. The fact that I love meeting new people does not mean that I will pass up a chance to meet someone who shares my passion for learning and is as studious as I am!

It is not only the various aspects of the student council that intrigue me, but also the fact that I am able to make my school life more interesting through my involvement in it. Attending classes every day can become monotonous, so I am looking forward to doing my duty as an upholding councilor in order to maintain a good academic standing! For myself as well as for others, I am committed to making every day at school a happy one, no matter what!"

What could you contribute to making the school a safe and fun environment?:
"There are a lot of different types of events that can be organized by the student council, in addition to dances and other activities that will keep school interesting and fun. It would be better to have a fun and enjoyable learning environment at school, rather than one that is boring and toxic. In terms of toxicity, I would take steps to make the school a safer environment for everyone in the school and in the community. Moreover, I will strive to prevent students from engaging in bullying scenarios and exhibiting bad behavior when they are in school. This can be achieved by making sure that all students follow the rules and regulations set by the school.

The responsibility would be mine to make sure Karakura High School students were following the rules as well as maintaining a fun environment by not being too strict or too lax, at the same time maintaining a balance between the two. I will keep my eye out for any problems, as well as take suggestions from students and teachers into consideration in order to prevent them from occurring. As a school council member, it is my responsibility to listen attentively to the negative experiences that students and teachers are experiencing, and to talk about these experiences with the other members of the school council to create a healthier learning environment for the students and teachers."​
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Welcome to the Student Council!

Please ping Customable#1590 to request your roles in the Academics discord here!​

If you have any questions, please DM Customable#1590

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