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Idea Thread of BIG BRAIN

I dunno why I made a thread on this one but
In wanting to be a teacher and writing the application I figured "yeah there aren't a lot of general subjects" so I was thinkin to myself like how about something that didn't exist before
For myself, I was thinking Medical Sciences just because medicine is something I'm pretty well-read in, ooc and ic. That and my family has an extensive history in medicine so I'm more or less obligated to know about it. Not necessarily Biology, as it mainly focuses on human beings as opposed to other forms of life, and goes into things like pathology, pharmacology, etc.
Not that I am going to shoot my teacher app right into the forums if anyone replies to this, I just wanted to get this idea A) open to others B) feedback C) in writing
And this thread can just be for all random ideas involving SRP that aren't direct suggestions to staff or whatever. Just like a brainstorming thread if anything.


Level 10
Sounds like you want to be a science teacher, or teach a medical class as college professor on the server.
If you do become one, you become very respected on the server and get payed something like 200k yen monthly. (real time)
Unfortunately, with the destruction of the Hospital in early July, I don't really know if many people will be interested in taking the class.
But don't let my estimate stop you. Teachers are greatly needed, so best of luck for whatever your decision may be.
EDIT: nvm there's a clinic apparently..


Level 142
Goodluck in whatever you decide to do, I support you fully.

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