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Denied ImIQ's Office Assistant Application

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In Game Name:

How often do you log on the server?: Almost everyday if I can, only time I don't is when I'm working or with family.

School Employee Role you are Applying for: Office Assistant

Do you have Discord?:

Do you have a microphone?: Not a good one, but I can get one.

Have you ever been banned. If yes when and why?: I was recently banned earlier this month for ERP as I was being stupid and I forgot about that rule, however I have read the rules properly and I will not make the same mistake again.

Can you ensure that you will often come on?: Yes, however on Sundays I do work IRL and I sometimes spend weekends at my Dads house not making me able to come online due to that.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?: Yes I do.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: As an Office Assistant are to make sure the office you're working in stays controlled. You also make sure everyone is working smoothly and efficiently and actually getting the job done, so the Office Manager doesn't get upset about the work not being done. You will also do Secretarial jobs such as phoning people, making events happen and so on.

Do you have any past experience in this type of Roleplay?: No I don't, but I am willing to learn the ropes of the Roleplay.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it: As an Office Assistant you would normally be doing tasks like typing, filling, taking inventory along with keeping records and files. Also you will take calls, updating paperwork, maintaining documents and word processing, helping the office area stay under control, performing general office jobs that the manager gives you, those are the main tasks of an Office Assistant.


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
I would stay calm, asking him to stop cursing politely, and if he/she continues I will ask them to leave the area, or ask another colleague to speak to them, if it continues I will contact the school Principal.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?: I will ask him why do I have to do it, along with suggesting an easier job or route to the job to use. If it is too much, I will ask him to ask another colleague to do it, also speaking to the Vice Principal about the job and see if I need to do it.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how will you react?: I'll speak to them about why they're being out of order, or who asked them to do the job, along with that I will report it to the Principal or a higher member of the team. I will help them with the dangerous job, and if someone is being out of order, I will speak to them and try to calm them down, along with asking why they were being so out of order in the first place to try and calm down the situation.

[IC Section]
Applicant Name:
Grayson Herrington
Chosen Job: Office Assistant

Motivation for joining YHS: I would love to meet the staff team and the people of YHS, Along with making sure the students have the best possible time at the school, I am willing to try new tasks and jobs also I will have a great time with the other YHS colleagues, I will hopefully help the Office team and School Employment team in running the school. I will put all my time and effort into my job as an Office Assistant and make sure the school is the best school in Japan.
Age: 22

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: I feel like I will be a great addition to the Employment team and YHS along with having the best motivation for the Office team, also I will be putting my 110% into my job, to ensure the school is the best in Japan and to make sure the students come first, I will be making sure the students are all happy within the school and I will be trying my hardest to learn the ropes of YHS as quick as possible so that I can help the school with everything I need to.


Level 118
Refusing to give you this rank, as you'll only use it for gangrp situations and no actual roleplay will be done as an Office Assistant.
You may re-apply within 15 days.
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