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Level 11
IGN: Drnqk
DATE: 7/29/2023

I don't know if everyone has noticed, but yes, apart from the big cruise by the beach, there are some boats and big yachts. Now, I've never seen anyone rent these boats or buy one. or even roleplay in one, as they are boring. How so? First of all, the insides are already decorated and built very poorly, with some spaces having literally nothing. So if they are dry, boring, or badly decorated, there is nothing you can do with them, as you won't be able to change them, or so I was told. After purchasing, you'll have to keep the yacht or boat the exact same way it was before you bought it. You can't even get a member of the build team, an admin, or a moderator, as I was told as well. All of this, together with the high prices that you get for 90 days, Basically, I think that no one in the SRP community really cares about these boats, as they've never been rented, and we could say that the own staff team forgot about them as they have not been changed. But they are an interesting side of the game that could be reintegrated.

Solutions ;
1. Prices: Lower the prices or just shorten the number of days you can rent one, as there are not many players that can pay up to $4 million for a yacht. It is as easy as making them rentable for 30 days with the option to extend it as long as you want, as long as you have the money, for a third of the amount of money they sell for now.

2. Design: Some of them are great from the outside. Others look a bit dry, but it would be much more interesting if you allowed players to edit the boats to fit their own vibe and look as they please, including whatever they feel is necessary to improve their experience. A boat that has nice interiors is really tempting, even if the prices are high.

3. Quantity: This is not a big point, but it would still be cool as there is a big ocean and just a few big boats. It would be interesting to see the Bobcat Yacht and the Spartan Yacht prank each other in rivalry, including these boats trying to get the better-looking one or the bigger boat.

1. Roleplay Scenarios: Many more roleplay scenarios would be created in a much more interesting way, getting more involved with the beach as it is quite a dead side of the map and we are in the middle of the summer. Teams could buy boats, places where parties can be held. or competitions, maybe celebrations after the tournaments, and many more, as this leads to my next point.

2. Housing issues: As I've heard, there are housing issues regarding many people joining the server lately. Apartments are hard to get, and it's complicated to get a big one without having to compete for it. Now boats and yachts could be a replacement for houses, and just by lowering the prices and renting time to 1/3 of them, you could get an interesting place where people can live.

3. Give them a use: The boats are just there. They have been useless, it's like they are just decoration. Why just leave them there when you can get people to use them and waste their money on them, so that people can enjoy them, and not just go inside, check that there is nothing interesting to do, and leave right after as there is nothing much to roleplay with?

4. Rivalry = better; Imagine seeing the Bobcats and Spartan boats one next to the other. With them sort of replacing the sorority/frat house that we used to have a long time ago, a place for all the Spartans or Bobcats to hang out together, where the team they are in would not matter. For example, if the Spartan team came to prank the Bobcat Yacht, throwing toilet paper or stealing their food, other teams that are not really related to rivalry would be able to engage in rivalry to try and get the Spartans back. making rivalry a big thing like it used to be.

These is how some of the boats look, and i think we could agree that they could be better.

(If i forget anything I'll add.. also comment if you have any other solutions or ideas and i might add them.! )​
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Level 47
Imagine seeing the Bobcats and Spartan boats one next to the other. With them sort of replacing the sorority/frat house that we used to have a long time ago, a place for all the Spartans or Bobcats to hang out together, where the team they are in would not matter. For example, if the Spartan team came to prank the Bobcat Yacht, throwing toilet paper or stealing their food, other teams that are not really related to rivalry would be able to engage in rivalry to try and get the Spartans back. making rivalry a big thing like it used to be.​


Level 18
IGN: Drnqk
DATE: 7/29/2023

I don't know if everyone has noticed, but yes, apart from the big cruise by the beach, there are some boats and big yachts. Now, I've never seen anyone rent these boats or buy one. or even roleplay in one, as they are boring. How so? First of all, the insides are already decorated and built very poorly, with some spaces having literally nothing. So if they are dry, boring, or badly decorated, there is nothing you can do with them, as you won't be able to change them, or so I was told. After purchasing, you'll have to keep the yacht or boat the exact same way it was before you bought it. You can't even get a member of the build team, an admin, or a moderator, as I was told as well. All of this, together with the high prices that you get for 90 days, Basically, I think that no one in the SRP community really cares about these boats, as they've never been rented, and we could say that the own staff team forgot about them as they have not been changed. But they are an interesting side of the game that could be reintegrated.

Solutions ;
1. Prices: Lower the prices or just shorten the number of days you can rent one, as there are not many players that can pay up to $4 million for a yacht. It is as easy as making them rentable for 30 days with the option to extend it as long as you want, as long as you have the money, for a third of the amount of money they sell for now.

2. Design: Some of them are great from the outside. Others look a bit dry, but it would be much more interesting if you allowed players to edit the boats to fit their own vibe and look as they please, including whatever they feel is necessary to improve their experience. A boat that has nice interiors is really tempting, even if the prices are high.

3. Quantity: This is not a big point, but it would still be cool as there is a big ocean and just a few big boats. It would be interesting to see the Bobcat Yacht and the Spartan Yacht prank each other in rivalry, including these boats trying to get the better-looking one or the bigger boat.

1. Roleplay Scenarios: Many more roleplay scenarios would be created in a much more interesting way, getting more involved with the beach as it is quite a dead side of the map and we are in the middle of the summer. Teams could buy boats, places where parties can be held. or competitions, maybe celebrations after the tournaments, and many more, as this leads to my next point.

2. Housing issues: As I've heard, there are housing issues regarding many people joining the server lately. Apartments are hard to get, and it's complicated to get a big one without having to compete for it. Now boats and yachts could be a replacement for houses, and just by lowering the prices and renting time to 1/3 of them, you could get an interesting place where people can live.

3. Give them a use: The boats are just there. They have been useless, it's like they are just decoration. Why just leave them there when you can get people to use them and waste their money on them, so that people can enjoy them, and not just go inside, check that there is nothing interesting to do, and leave right after as there is nothing much to roleplay with?

4. Rivalry = better; Imagine seeing the Bobcats and Spartan boats one next to the other. With them sort of replacing the sorority/frat house that we used to have a long time ago, a place for all the Spartans or Bobcats to hang out together, where the team they are in would not matter. For example, if the Spartan team came to prank the Bobcat Yacht, throwing toilet paper or stealing their food, other teams that are not really related to rivalry would be able to engage in rivalry to try and get the Spartans back. making rivalry a big thing like it used to be.

(If i forget anything I'll add.. also comment if you have any other solutions or ideas and i might add them.! )​


Level 112
+1 the only time i used a yatch was to either escape from cops or gangrp

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