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ImPuggyBTW || Reporter Application #2


Level 1

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

ImPuggyBTW - Main (The one I am applying with)
ImBlaireBTW - Alternative

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes! puggy6307 is my Discord and I do have a mic. I am often in VCs even if I’m not on SRP.

List your timezone and country:
My time zone is Central Standard Time (CST) in the US.

Describe your activity:
Despite work and school, most of my free time goes towards SRP and projects surrounding it. It’s a great creative outlet for me personally and on a scale from 1-10, I’d rate my activity at about a 7.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Man’en UVG Application - ACCEPTED
1st Reporter Application - DENIED

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

Writing is one of my passions. I enjoy telling a good story and bringing it to life in any way that I can. Since I first joined SRP, my experience has mostly consisted of GangRP. By applying for the Reporter faction, I’m hoping to branch out into a new form of roleplay and progress my main character more.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I would say my amount of professional experience with writing is significant. I took quite a few classes in university for creative writing and even wrote for our school news blog. Not only that, but I worked on the school news broadcast as well, so I’m fairly familiar with the writing that goes along with that. Aside from professional experience, I write a lot in my free time simply for fun. A lot of the lore surrounding my characters goes extremely in-depth and my love for storytelling fuels me to write even when it’s not necessary.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I’m aware of and will follow the set of rules provided to me

Why should we accept you over others?:
I believe I should be prioritized over others because I have quite a few positive traits that I think would benefit the faction. I am friendly, easy-going, and quick to adapt to change. I am also able to converse with people easily and I put 100% effort into everything I do. Aside from that, I think that I could bring interesting and exciting role-play opportunities to people within the faction as well outside of it.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes, of course.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes I do.

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:
Honestly, I’d imagine the work is quite similar to that of a detective. Reporting the truth and keeping people informed by investigating situations and being able to summarize them in a way that the general public can easily understand. It may consist of having conversations with people, asking questions, and being able to take your findings and answers and organize them into an effective message/report for citizens. Reporters serve as a bridge between the uninformed and the informed, playing a much bigger role in Karakura than some may think.

Full Name:
“Man I don’t even know anymore. Let’s go with Blaire Lehmann. Just to be safe.”

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
“I guess if you insist on being professional, Ms is fine. Though, I prefer just Blaire.”

Current Age (25+):
“What’s funnier than 24?... 25”

Past job/work experience:

“If I told you, I’d have to kill you… Kidding! Not much professional experience, but I am an avid writer. I’ve also shadowed a few reporters here and there.”

“Well I was a bit of a troublemaker in high school, so I didn’t make it past that. But don’t let that fool you. I’m a lot more intelligent than it looks on paper.”

Nationality and born location:
“I am a German Ginger, double whammy right? And I was born in Kaiserslautern, Germany.”

Phone Number:
“My phone number is 030-321-3733.”

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

“I suck at describing myself, but here goes. Angry German Ginger woman, bet you can’t say that 5 times fast. Jokes aside, I’m pretty average height. About 5 '8 last time I checked. My voice is often described as gentle, but can be firm when it needs to be, with a slight accent. Some even describe me as scary. Don’t know where they get that idea. My ginger hair consists of waves that can be irritating to maintain sometimes, so it can be quite messy. I’ve been told I have quite the attitude but that’s only with people whose general presence bothers me. I value being informed, I’d argue that it’s even saved my life a few times, and I keep a cool head even when things get a bit chaotic, which happens much more often than you’d think.”

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“I’d say I’m most interested in unearthing any secrets this city has to hide, revealing the truth to the public. But that’s simply the rebellious side of me speaking, I’m also interested in experiencing a more wholesome part of Karakura. For a long time, I’ve focussed on the bad and the ugly, I’d like to look elsewhere in this new career field. Maybe a Shrine Maiden’s daily routine, or a day in the life at Town Hall. I’m excited for the possibilities and in turn, that excitement fuels my ability push myself out of my comfort zone”

What are your expectations for the job?:
“Honestly? I expect to thrive in this career field. Most of my life has been dedicated to having conversations, uncovering secrets, and spreading messages throughout the city. I think that I can effectively continue to do that for a greater purpose as a reporter. The workload is manageable, or at least it seemed to be when I spoke to current reporters about it.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
“Nope. Been detained a few times for questioning. As you can probably tell, that didn’t go anywhere.”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
“I’ve learned quite a few languages in my time in Karakura. Had to learn Japanese, of course. Was taught Italian by my fiancé, French by a close friend of mine, but German is my native language.”

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

Crustacean Kickback
An interview by Blaire Lehmann with Fight Crab.

[!] A link to a recording would be at the bottom of the page. Once clicked on, a video would play [!]

Blaire Lehmann

Fight Crab

[!]There is an awkward pause at the beginning of the recording before a feminine cough is heard and the camera turns to face two individuals. One, a young red-haired woman with her legs crossed, sat atop a stool that looked less than comfortable. Blaire Lehmann. The other, a tall person dressed in a comedic-looking salmon-colored Crab costume. Fight Crab. Blaire sends a questioning thumbs up to whoever may be behind the camera, widening her eyes as if bracing herself for the weirdest interview she’s ever completed. She then turns to the… crab.[!]

[B.L] “Alright! Let’s go ahead and get started. I won’t lie, I still can’t believe I’m getting the opportunity to speak with you. Let alone that you speak at all. You know since.. Your employers are a bit-”

[!] The voice that cut Blaire off was comedic, like that of a cartoon.[!]
[F.C] “Terrifying? Hah! Yeah..”

[!] Another pause as Blaire was cut off, she blinks while the Crab hums a little tune, tapping their.. Uh.. claw? Against the arm of the sofa they were comfortably sitting on[!]

[B.L] “Yeah.. that. Can you start by telling us your name and occupation?”

[F.C] “FIGHT CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB” [!] Fight Crab stood abruptly, flexing to the camera as they announced their name. Blaire turned to the camera like she was on an episode of the Office. It was a pleading look, one that said ‘This is going to be a long interview’[!] “And uh.. Mascot!”

[B.L] “Pleasure to meet you, Fight Crab…” [!] She motioned for Fight Crab to sit back down as the two of them laughed it off. Blaire’s laugh was a bit more awkward. [!] “Let’s start easy. How did you become the mascot of- Um..” [!] The camera zoomed in on the Crab’s unmoving cloth face. The look they gave didn’t change, but as Blaire got close to saying ‘Fight Club’ their look felt sinister. So, she rephrased.[!] “...How did you become a mascot?”

[F.C] “Oh! It all started when I was just a wee crab, dreaming big dreams.. I found myself getting into a pinch or two. So, when the opportunity arose to become the mascot of this fine establishment.. I clawed at the chance!”

[B.L] “Fascinating..” [!] Blaire looked unamused by the pun at first before putting on a smile and writing something down, continuing [!] “...And what unique skills or traits do you think helped you get to where you are?”

[!] The camera cut to Fight Crab [!]

[F.C] “Easy. My work ethic and tough skin- well. Tough shell. That and I’ve got some pretty sick dance moves that really get the crowd going!”

[!] Fight Crab began to stand up before Blaire quickly stopped them.[!]

[B.L] “Hah! I can imagine. So, what would you say your favorite part of your job is?”

[F.C] “Oh, what isn’t there to love? But I’d have to say my favorite part of the job is interacting with the fans.. And watching the show, of course.”

[!] To no avail, Fight Crab attempted to wink at the camera [!]

[B.L] “..I see. Do you have any memorable experiences or interactions that stand out to you?”

[!] Fight Crab hopped a bit in their seat, obviously excited to answer [!]

[F.C] “This one time, I accidentally punched one of the fi-” [!] Fight Crab coughed, dramatically [!] “performers. With my claw. And knocked em’ out! That was so funny!”

[!] Fight Crab laughed. Blaire hesitated a moment before letting a short, awkward laugh of her own slip. [!]

[B.L] “Hah! Sounds like it.. So putting on a show like you do must take a lot of energy. How do you maintain that throughout the job?”

[F.C] “It’s all about livin’ in the moment man. A pinch a’ passion goes a long way too!”

[!] Blaire laughed in response; a bit more genuine this time around [!]

[B.L] “I like that.. Are there any challenges you’ve had to face in your.. Uh.. career field?”

[F.C] “Shell yeah there have been! There’s been plenty a’ messes to clean up, but nothing I can’t handle. Just gotta roll with the punches!”

[!] Fight Crab put up their arms before throwing a couple punches at the air, simulating punching [!]

[B.L] “Alright, alright…” [!] Blaire nods as she speaks, in a more supportive manner. Or maybe that’s because they were getting closer to the end of the interview? Who knows? [!] “Now, do you have any pre-show rituals you do? Anything to get you hyped up and ready to go?”

[F.C] [!] Fight Crab brought their claw up to their chin, tapping as if they were debating their answer [!] “I like to take a moment to stretch my claws and maybe bust a move or two to get the blood pumpin’. Other than that, there’s enough goin’ on in the show to keep my hyped up.”

[!] Blaire nods in response, knowing full well what they meant by that. [!]
[B.L] “And if you had the chance to fight any of the other mascots in Karakura, which one would you fight?”

[F.C] “Tough question.” [!] Fight Crab leans back in the comfortable chair [!] “I would mop the floor with any other mascot, that’s a fact. But if I had to choose one, I’d love to woop one of those Daisuki Yohin fish!”

[!] Blaire laughs lightly at their answer, looking from Fight Club down to her knows. She lets out a sigh of relief [!]

[B.L] “And lastly, what sort of message or impression do you hope to leave with fans of your work? If any, that is”

[F.C] “There’s no message, my job is to hype people up while others beat the shit out of each other. I couldn’t ask for more.”

[!] Blaire’s face falls into one of content, satisfied with Fight Crab’s answer. [!]

[B.L] “Heard. Anything else you’d like to say to the audience before we cut off?-”

[!] It was too late, Fight Crab was already up and boxing the air. [!]


[!] Blaire gripped her stool for dear life as she watched the Fight Crab flail around like a menace. This went on for a moment before Fight Crab yelled directly in front of the camera and ran out of frame. Blaire was left looking absolutely baffled before she looked directly at the camera, in shock [!]

[B.L] “Yeah uh.. This one definitely isn’t making it on the air..”

[!] Blaire could be seen standing up and brushing herself off before walking out of frame. The tape then shuts off. [!]



Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:

Please get in touch with me via Discord @ aania to start the process and get you set up!

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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