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Introduce an Animal Whitelist Application

Should this suggestion be implemented?

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Level 6
I really love this idea but you never know how it will work out...
It could work out great, getting people to know how to AnimalRP and preventing greenies/trollers from getting an animal whitelist orrrrrr
It could work out not so great for example the application being to hard, lots of people losing there whitelist, a lot less people buying animal whitelists (wich gives less income for the owners wich i think they wont like cuz :money_in_eyes_emoji: :-) )
I would like it though if it were to work out well
Also a section for animal rules under the rules section would be great, i mean if you dont search through the entire rules section you dont know ya gotta roll 100/75, also in my time RPing as animals there have been rumors spread abt rules for certain animals with no way of checking if they were real


Level 36
No stop smoking and wake up to reality this suggestion shouldn’t be a thing massive -1, also it wouldn’t exactly be fair. You want me to make a application to buy something? At that point your making SRP not get donations/people buying stuff. Also relating to someone’s comment if someone buys animal whitelist and trolls they’ll just have it removed from them and that’s their own fault.


Level 99
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No stop smoking and wake up to reality this suggestion shouldn’t be a thing massive -1, also it wouldn’t exactly be fair. You want me to make a application to buy something? At that point your making SRP not get donations/people buying stuff. Also relating to someone’s comment if someone buys animal whitelist and trolls they’ll just have it removed from them and that’s their own fault.
Better reply:

Realize that people have different opinions than you do. Just because they don't agree with your opinion doesn't mean that they're 'smoking'

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